Grantee Project Directory

Explore the one-year project grants that the Catherine Donnelly Foundation has awarded since 2005.

OrganizationFocus AreaCityProvinceGrant Period DateAmountProject DescriptionWebsite
Afro Women & Youth Foundation Civic Engagement for Social ChangeSudburyOntarioFall 2024$40,000 BIPOC Stories4Change aims to promote active citizenship, self-advocacy, and social change and amplify the voices of women who are Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC). The project details forms of oppression and actions racialized women can take to change their communities. BIPOC Stories4Change will build understanding of the value of lived experience and teach participants how to create storytelling, digital stories and podcast essentials in one cohort, while a second cohort will focus on developing skills in hairdressing, basic sewing, vision boarding, beading and expressive painting. With this third Stories4Change grant from CDF, the Afro Women and Youth Foundation aims to further strengthen their anti-racist work and foster an equitable society in Sudbury and
BC Métis Federation Civic Engagement for Social ChangeOttawaOntarioFall 2024$35,000 Funding will be applied to educational programs supporting capacity building for Métis women and their families. Through seminars, workshops, online course materials and support systems, they aim to help combat racism and marginalization, assist with the eradication of poverty, create improved health and wellness, prevent domestic and workplace violence, embrace cultural traditions and connectivity, and instill confidence building and leadership
City for All Women Initiative Civic Engagement for Social ChangeOttawaOntarioFall 2024$30,000 City for All Women Initiative offers the Facilitating Participation in Municipal Decision-Making project to expand their existing civic engagement training program with a critical feminist-care lens. This endeavor is inspired by the globally recognized Caring Cities model which integrates care economy considerations—encompassing both paid and unpaid care work—into urban planning and policy frameworks. The project aims to introduce this model in Ottawa, tailoring it to a diversity of women and gender non-conforming individuals from under-served communities, with a focus on creating a just, caring, and equitable urban
Collaborative Network to End Exploitation Civic Engagement for Social ChangeTorontoOntarioFall 2024$30,000 The Harvest Justice project involves the research and creation of a Forum Theatre script focused on the challenges facing migrant workers in Ontario. Current and former migrant workers will engage in five workshops led by Mixed Company Theatre artists to creatively collaborate and guide content, discussions and stories. The play will be staged in Toronto and Guelph, where the audience will have the opportunity to join the actors on stage to resolve the conflicts in the play, learn about challenges faced by migrant workers in their area and what actions they can take to be a part of positive change for migrant worker communities.
Exchange Inner City Civic Engagement for Social ChangeVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2024$18,850 Exchange Inner City's Resident Advisory Council is composed of a diverse group of residents from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside who share lived or living experiences of economic insecurity, housing instability, and marginalization. The Council includes ten members who reflect the community's rich diversity and engage in monthly meetings focused on skills development and community engagement to foster an equitable economy.
Halifax Workers’ Action Centre Society Civic Engagement for Social ChangeHalifaxNova ScotiaFall 2024$40,000 The Community Mobilization for Workplace Justice program will empower low-wage and marginalized workers in Nova Scotia by creating a comprehensive framework that combines education, resource development, and civic engagement. Through a ‘train-the-trainer’ model, the Halifax Workers’ Action Centre will equip workers with the knowledge and skills to provide legal information within their workplaces and facilitate grassroots mobilization for progressive workplace
Islamic Family & Social Services Association (IslamicFamily)Civic Engagement for Social ChangeEdmontonAlbertaFall 2024$35,000 IslamicFamily’s Civic Youth Engagement Training is designed to address systemic barriers to participation and representation within Edmonton’s social and civic sectors, particularly for equity-deserving youth from racialized communities. The Program helps develop a new generation of leaders equipped with the knowledge, skills, and networks necessary to advocate for their communities. By collaborating with key partners such as the Africa Centre, Bent Arrow, the City of Edmonton, and the Edmonton Public School Board, IslamicFamily provides participants with a series of educational workshops, mentorship opportunities, and cross-cultural dialogue sessions to empower youth, educate city and school board staff on cultural sensitivity, create shared resources that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion and promote institutional change.
Société Elizabeth Fry du Québec Civic Engagement for Social ChangeMontréalQuébecFall 2024$30,000 With the Accessing Rights in Prison Project (ARiPP), the Société Elizabeth Fry du Québec will turn a successful pilot project at Joliette Institution for Women into an on-going program. ARiPP staff will meet with women to assist them with matters such as family, financial and administrative affairs, supporting grievances and complaints against the prison administration as well as delivering workshops on navigating the prison administrative and judicial systems. To augment the self-advocacy capacity of the women, they will train peer-advocate leaders who can help women when Elizabeth Fry staff are not present. In addition to the direct work with women in the prison, the program will invest in contacting organizations, inmate family members, health or child welfare system staff, and experts to help individual advocacy efforts. In Canada, Indigenous and Black women make up nearly half of the population in prisons.
The Pivot Centre for Collective Action Civic Engagement for Social ChangeMontréalQuébecFall 2024$20,000 Frontlines and Fencelines is a multi-year, multi-city community-driven project focused on connecting industrial-adjacent and equity-deserving neighbourhoods impacted by place-based environmental and climate injustice. The project focuses on two types of environmental injustice: local pollution caused by underregulated industrial neighbours in residential areas and eco-gentrification, where low- income people are displaced or excluded due to climate adaptation and/or greening initiatives. The project will support communities in Hamilton and Montréal to develop a collective understanding of local issues, to connect and share stories with other communities facing similar issues, and to implement shared strategies that build collective power. The Pivot Centre will further identify and connect with others to grow the network of industrial-adjacent communities and host an intercity forum.
Truly Alive Youth and Family Foundation Inc. Civic Engagement for Social ChangeSaskatoonSaskatchewanFall 2024$35,000 Empowering BIPOC Women for Social Justice initiative seeks to combat gender-based racism and discrimination affecting Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour women in Greater Saskatoon through advocacy training, leadership development workshops and digital storytelling sessions. The program is designed to equip BIPOC women with the skills to advocate for their rights and foster community leadership, create platforms to share their lived experiences and address systemic issues and promote social justice by dismantling structural barriers related to inequality and discrimination.
Association of Neighbourhood Houses of British ColumbiaCivic Engagement for Social ChangeVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2024$20,000 two yearsThe Living and Lived Experience Advisory Committee will be composed of community members with direct experiences of food insecurity and poverty and will contribute to the strategic direction of Vancouver’s Gordon Neighbourhood House’s food justice and poverty reduction initiatives, ensuring under-represented voices are centred in decision-making. Committee members will receive comprehensive training on food policy and community engagement, consult with organizations and advocate for inclusive, culturally relevant food security programming across Vancouver and work closely with municipal staff, councillors, and other stakeholders to influence local policy changes that improve food security outcomes. This project offers a unique opportunity for lived-experience leadership to drive systemic change, improving not only food security but also broader community services.
Dene Nahjo (MakeWay Charitable Society) Civic Engagement for Social ChangeYellowknifeNorthwest TerritorriesFall 2024$45,000 two yearsAn on-the-land program for Indigenous peoples will teach traditional Dene hide tanning techniques as well as instruction on how to manage a bush camp. Facilitated discussions will focus on decolonization, Indigenous resurgence, Indigenous leadership values, climate action and modern land claims. CDF has previously funded this initiative, and this grant will support the work of the Hide Camp Director and Program Coordinator for Community Mentorship and Staff Professional Development camps in 2025 and 2026. Outcomes of this two-year initiative will include: an expanded network of hide tanners across Turtle Island, more collaborations amongst hide camp participants and increased understanding of Indigenous knowledges, protocols, and
Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario Civic Engagement for Social ChangeGuelphOntarioFall 2024$44,965 two yearsThe BIPOC Farmer Network seeks to transform Ontario's sustainable agricultural sector by supporting educational and community building efforts for BlPOC farmers and overcoming land access barriers for new, young, and equity-deserving farmers. EFAO and the National Farmers Union-Ontario will build from previous work funded by CDF in 2023 and Spring 2024 to strengthen the Network through gatherings, information sessions and engaging members in land-access related policy development and education. These interconnected efforts will strengthen the capacities and skills of BIPOC farmers to build resilient ecological farms and communities that mitigate climate change while promoting climate and social justice.
FCJ Refugee Centre Civic Engagement for Social ChangeTorontoOntarioFall 2024$20,000 two yearsRefugee Help in Refugee Hands is an innovative new project for adult refugee claimants to prepare for their Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada hearings. Through this free service, refugee claimants will learn about the process in detail through an accessible toolkit. Materials will cover key aspects of hearings, such as the types of questions that may arise, who will be present, and tips on how to manage stress during the process. Refugee Help will also offer guidance on what to do after the hearing, particularly for those whose refugee claims are rejected.
David Suzuki Institute EnvironmentSaltspring IslandBritish ColumbiaFall 2024$49,000 The Climate Emergency Unit is a five-year initiative that seeks to shift leaders and governments in Canada into climate-emergency mode, encouraging them to adopt ambitious policies that address the climate crisis. Funding supports the Youth Climate Corps campaign, a large-scale climate and job strategy to train and employ young people in green jobs. The campaign is youth-led by chapters across the country. Training, strategy and organizing will be supported by Climate Emergency Unit team members.
Common Horizon Commun EnvironmentMontréalQuébecFall 2024$30,000 Common Horizon Commun (CHC) is launching the Make Them Pay campaign to address the shared roots of the affordability and climate crises by encouraging bold government action. The campaign advocates for a federal Excess Profits Tax on industries with unrestrained profits and disastrous climate impacts. CHC is focused on base-building to develop a skilled network of young workers with the power to effect long-term political change. They will host town halls, organize sit-ins and hold workshops to train grassroots organizers and equip community members with the skills and confidence to take meaningful action.
Community Forests International EnvironmentSackvilleNew BrunswickFall 2024$25,000 The project mobilizes citizen climate action in the Maritime region by amplifying common ground in relationships among settlers and First Nations and by providing access to the emerging conservation economy. This is the third grant supporting Land Back, Indigenous-led conservation and nature-based economies, through the ongoing Common Ground project. Project activities will extend collaboration with new and existing partners to advance training, convening, and knowledge-sharing among settlers, the three Wabanaki nations in New Brunswick as well as the Mi’kmaq Nation in Nova Scotia.
EcoSchools Canada EnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 2024$30,000 A 2023 study revealed that only four of 380 school boards in Canada have approved climate action plans. To address this gap, EcoSchools is launching a new project focused on Climate Action Planning at the school board level intended to provide guidance, support and resources to board staff on themes including baselining carbon emissions, energy, infrastructure and policy. This one-year pilot project will design and implement a leadership and advocacy program for high school students and develop a promotional video and budget to help those students act.
EnviroMuslims and Faith and the Common Good EnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 2024$48,000 This environmental collaboration will gather faith groups to share discussion, build relationships and train youth leaders. Funding supports two initiatives. Firstly, Faiths4Climate Conversations 2025 will provide a safe space for knowledge-sharing to develop lasting relationships between different faith groups and encourage networking and collaboration. Secondly, the Canadian Climate Collaborative will focus on preparing youth from equity-deserving communities for work in sustainable industries by providing opportunities to learn from sustainability professionals of colour.;
Indigenous Youth Roots EnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 2024$25,000 The In Motion program supports QTBIPOC youth (18-29) across Turtle Island (Canada) with a focus on environmental sustainability and youth empowerment. This Indigenous-led program emphasizes the bond with nature and addresses the root causes of climate change by integrating Indigenous knowledge and the guidance of Elders, aiming to foster cultural and environmental resilience. In Motion will offer a week-long, immersive experience where youth connect with the land, build relationships, and learn Indigenous ways of environmental stewardship, followed by an eight-part online workshop series that fosters Indigenous-centered solidarity and workforce preparation.
Mno Aki Land Trust EnvironmentGeorgina IslandOntarioFall 2024$30,000 Mno Aki, with support from the Global Indigenous Development Trust, is working to secure a $1 million land donation in King Township, ON. This initiative is an opportunity to pilot an Indigenous approach to land assessments and stewardship, bring together a breadth of stakeholders, strengthen cultural connections, and practice traditional stewardship. This proposed land assessment process will offer Indigenous communities the ability to re-establish traditional governance over lands and waters, helping address and mitigate the effects of the global climate crisis. Funding supports Mno Aki in building internal capacity by developing strategic planning, a stakeholder engagement strategy and a land assessment process.
Padma Centre for Climate Justice EnvironmentVictoriaBritish ColumbiaFall 2024$49,000 A joint initiative between the Padma Centre and the Climate Emergency Unit, The Fair Shares Project aims to provide a climate action advocacy hub for immigrant and diasporic communities from the Global South in Canada. The Project will address this gap in climate advocacy in Canada through community organizing across diasporic communities in BC and then by collaborating with climate justice leaders and organizations across Canada to engage the public and demonstrate to policymakers the need for Canada to do its fair share to solve the climate crisis.
Sectoral Climate Arts Leadership for the EmergencyEnvironmentOttawaOntarioFall 2024$35,000 SCALE-LeSAUT, in partnership with Arts Council Wood Buffalo, Iron & Earth, Indigenous Curatorial Collective, and the Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society, will launch a two-year pilot project in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, AB, to develop "imagination infrastructure." This artist-led initiative supports the community’s transition away from oil sands dependence by fostering creative problem-solving through arts-based approaches. The project will host four artist residencies focused on themes of just transition and community resilience. Artists will engage residents, particularly in rural and Indigenous communities, through workshops, public art interventions, performances, and community visioning sessions.
Shake Up the Establishment EnvironmentHamiltonOntarioFall 2024$49,000 Shake Up Your Community (SUYC) is an action-oriented incubator pairing youth with local organizations to improve existing campaigns’ intersectionality and design new ones with climate-impacted communities. SUYC offers community connections, specialized training and an inclusive environment to sustain diverse young leaders' activism, advance local climate justice and support under-represented groups in the environmental sector. The program provides youth with mentorship, resources, and the connections needed to lead grassroots advocacy in their communities, drive environmental protection, and enhance
The Calgary Climate Hub EnvironmentCalgaryAlbertaFall 2024$25,000 Advancing Climate Justice - Action for Equity is a new program of the Calgary Climate Hub, in partnership with the University of Calgary’s Social Work department, to advance climate justice across Calgary’s communities by supporting greater BIPOC action/leadership within the local climate movement through community outreach and engagement that explores the intersection of climate concerns and inequity, citizen priorities and climate solutions. The initiative will develop a Climate Justice Toolkit.
Youth Climate Lab EnvironmentMontréalQuébecFall 2024$39,099 Youth Climate Lab works to mobilize youth to create a just, climate-resilient future. Funding will support Operation COP, a national education initiative that aims to train a new generation of Canadian youth to be expert engagers in the policy process. The goal is to empower groups who have been historically denied access to these spaces to create a communications strategy and in-person events to encourage critical dialogue about how to build a more just climate sector. In addition to the core program plan, individuals will be encouraged to create a plan of engagement for their local communities.
Toronto Environmental Alliance (Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre)EnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 2024$40,000 two yearsThis project will provide pathways for members of equity-owed communities to engage in climate and climate justice decision-making in the city of Toronto. Previous project participants in the communities of St. James Town, Malvern, Downsview, and York South-Weston will rely on existing community climate visions and advocacy plans to strengthen local community organizing capacity and advance policy change. Together, community representatives will call for municipal politicians to invest in climate solutions that benefit impacted communities. These objectives will help realize a shared vision for a climate-safe, resilient and just
West Coast Environmental Law Research FoundationEnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2024$50,000 two yearsRELAW: Revitalizing Indigenous Law for Land, Air and Water was established in 2016 and is delivered by an Indigenous-led team. RELAW is a unique non-profit legal support and training program for Indigenous nations and individuals, delivered in a systematic, deliberative, and community-driven approach for contemporary law-making grounded in their ancestral oral legal traditions. Public legal education and communications is a significant component of this work. RELAW engages with partners and co-learners in a variety of ways including working side-by-side with Indigenous partners, whose Indigenous-led strategies to take care of their territories is about environmental sustainability, self-determination, inherent governance rights, and healthy, equitable economies for
Low Carbon Funders Group (Environment Funders Canada) EnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 2024$20,000 three yearsFunding supports the Low Carbon Funders Group – a funder collaborative through which Canadian environmental funders support ten major environmental organizations in a coordinated and strategic effort to push for a low-carbon future in Canada through federal policy initiatives.
Dalhousie University HousingHalifaxNova ScotiaFall 2024$20,000 Three organizations will partner for this project - Dalhousie Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University Social Work Clinic and the African Nova Scotian Justice Institute - to enhance tenants’ rights through Nova Scotia’s Residential Tenancies Act. The first phase features an extensive review of how and why tenants are accessing justice in the province, including through tenancy information services, and dispute resolution providers. Researchers aim to understand what makes it more or less likely for a tenant to seek out legal information, what sources of information do tenants find helpful, and what factors influence whether they access legal services. The data obtained would be the first such overview of the modern Residential Tenancies process in Nova Scotia. The second phase of the project will produce a report that makes policy recommendations to the provincial government and provide workshops to tenants based on identified gaps in knowledge of the Residential Tenancies
Kamloops and District Chamber of Commerce HousingKamloopsBritish ColumbiaFall 2024$40,000 Community Land Trusts (CLTs) are a proven way to combat the affordable housing crisis, but their effectiveness is hampered by federal tax laws that require donees to pay capital gains on any land given to a land trust. This initiative will promote the feasibility of a proposed amendment that would make donations to a land trust capital gains tax exempt and may offer incentives for individuals and corporations to donate their land to CLTs. A project coordinator will update tax and land trust materials to ensure accurate policy information, undertake community outreach through the Chamber of Commerce network, and work with other non-profits to advance this potential policy change with the federal government.
Kensington Market Community Land TrustHousingTorontoOntarioFall 2024$40,000 Kensington Market Community Land Trust seeks to own property for the mutual aid of tenants who live and work in the properties they acquire, as well as for the benefit of the community where those properties are situated. To ensure the Land Trust remains rooted, accountable, and reflective of Toronto’s Kensington Market, funds will support the creation of a new staff position to mobilize public engagement and community organizing, conduct public education, update internal policies and strategic plans, and collaborate on advocacy campaigns. The role will provide organizational stability and allow KMCLT to remain focused on building the organization's role in their community.
Madhu Verma Migrant Justice Centre HousingFrederictonNew BrunswickFall 2024$40,000 Refugees and migrant workers in New Brunswick face workplace abuse and housing precarity. To address this fundamental housing need, Madhu Verma is proposing Le Refuge. The project is a first step towards establishing transitional housing for refugee claimants and migrant workers fleeing abuse in New Brunswick. The organization has identified a Trappist Monastery in Rogersville, NB as a potential site and funding will help develop a feasibility study, a financial strategy and a partnership and donorship strategy to acquire and sustain transitional housing that is responsive to the needs of precarious migrants in NB communities.
National Indigenous Homelessness Council HousingCalgaryAlbertaFall 2024$40,000 The National Indigenous Homelessness Council (NIHC) is developing a five-year strategic plan to address the critical issue of Indigenous homelessness in Canada. This plan will serve as the foundation for a National Indigenous Homelessness Strategy and complement the National Housing Strategy’s Reaching Home program. Indigenous communities experience homelessness at disproportionately high rates due to systemic barriers, historical injustices, and socio-economic challenges. The strategic plan aims to fill existing gaps in the national housing framework by providing a culturally relevant and community-driven approach that focuses on culture, data, governance, knowledge, funding, capacity, reconciliation, and relationships. The plan will be developed in close collaboration with the NIHC’s 36 Indigenous Homelessness Stream community member organizations.
Thompson Okanagan Housing Co-operative (Sorrento Centre) HousingSorrentoBritish ColumbiaFall 2024$20,000 The Thompson Okanagan Housing Co-operative has initiated construction on a 31-unit non-profit housing co-operative in the Village of Chase in rural British Columbia and funds will support the development and implementation of a resident-led management model as well as ongoing networking and collaboration. The completed project will house more than 50 seniors, working families, singles, Indigenous people, women, 2SLGBTQ+, wildfire evacuees and others who have been pushed to the margins in the rural housing market. The Co-op addresses housing insecurity and homelessness in a rural region with few housing options by developing affordable housing and engaging the wider community.
Relèven HousingMontréalQuébecFall 2024$25,000 Relèven (formerly Trinity Centres Foundation) seeks to expand their existing Faith Property Strategy Course, a pilot project that supports faith communities in evaluating their properties for potential community redevelopment in Ontario and Quebec. Funding supports the creation of a national initiative to assist faith communities to reimagine their properties with a view to community impact and a particular focus on affordable housing. Relèven has a specific goal of identifying five viable housing projects and offering pre-development support to bring projects to a state of readiness for development.
Two Steps Home Inc.HousingTorontoOntarioFall 2024$25,000 Two Steps Home is advocating for “Cabin Communities” as part of the solution to Toronto’s unsheltered homeless crisis, offering an interim-to-long-term alternative to current emergency housing models. This adaptable approach, developed with Toronto Shelter and Support Services, will evolve in sync with rising needs and can be erected, serviced and operational in six to seven months. Communities will be comprised of up to 50 cabins and shared facilities and can be located across 70 vacant City-owned or Housing Now sites. Once long-term affordable housing is completed, residents can transition into it, freeing spaces for other unsheltered households. Funding will support advocacy, community outreach and engagement with the City of Toronto to approve a pilot Cabin Community project. This model can be replicated across Ontario and Canada.
10 Carden Shared Space HousingGuelphOntarioFall 2024$36,000 two yearsThe Community Real Estate Investment Trust (C-REIT) project aims to mobilize collective action among non-profits in Guelph and beyond. The initiative will map current non-profit-owned assets, identify those at risk of external acquisition, and engage local communities in preserving these vital properties by developing governance, legal, and financial frameworks tailored to community needs. Beyond addressing the challenges posed by the financialization of real estate, C-REIT hopes to create a scalable model for community-owned real estate, providing non-profits with access to capital to preserve and expand their assets, including affordable housing and community spaces.
ACORN Canada HousingTorontoOntarioFall 2024$40,000 two yearsThe federal government unveiled a Blueprint to advance a Canadian Renters’ Bill of Rights (RBR). As it stands, the Blueprint lacks clarity and does not include mechanisms to hold provinces and territories accountable. ACORN is encouraging the federal government to actively engage tenants in the process and force provinces and territories to guarantee policies that provide protections for renters, such as rules against excessive rent increases or evictions. To accomplish this, ACORN will engage tenants to understand the housing policy changes tenants would like to see, produce recommendations based on that outreach and meet with government officials to encourage adoption of the policies.
Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness HousingCalgaryAlbertaFall 2024$10,000 two yearsVote Housing 2.0 is an advocacy campaign aimed at shifting federal housing policy and accelerating an end to homelessness ahead of the next federal election. Building on the success of the 2021 Vote Housing campaign and the National Housing Accord, CAEH is forming a broad coalition that includes developers, co-op housing providers, the real estate industry as well as lived-experience experts and interest-holders from communities disproportionately impacted by homelessness and the housing affordability crisis. The project will identify an evidence-based policy platform focused on restoring affordability, ending homelessness, and improving housing equity to influence political parties’ agendas and policies.
Happy Valley Goose Bay Housing and Homelessness Coalition HousingHappy Valley Goose BayNewfoundland and LabradorFall 2024$30,000 two yearsHappy Valley Goose Bay Housing and Homelessness Coalition is a non-profit Indigenous-led organization whose mission is to prevent and end homelessness by providing supportive housing. Funding supports work with Indigenous seniors to create a Healing Forest green space. The idea is inspired by the National Healing Forest Initiative that promotes Healing Forests to honour residential school victims and survivors, their families and communities, and promote learning and reconciliation. Labrador had six Residential Schools, and the development of the garden is a healing journey for seniors and the community at large and will be used in the spirit of reconciliation, shared understanding and
North End Halifax Community Land Trust HousingHalifaxNova ScotiaFall 2024$36,000 two yearsThe North End Halifax “New Roots” Community Land Trust is a transformative initiative aimed at addressing the critical issues of housing affordability and security for African Nova Scotian residents. This ambitious project envisions the development of a 30-story building which will provide affordable housing units and create essential community spaces. New Roots’ strategy includes not only acquiring and developing housing within the North End but also expanding their efforts to secure affordable housing options in other locations. Funding will support community consultations, workshops, and feedback sessions to ensure residents have a meaningful voice in the development process, and to establish partnerships with local organizations, schools, and community groups to foster a broader dialogue and ensure inclusivity. The Land Trust also strives to address the legacy of land dispossession in the African Nova Scotian community and promote economic resiliency.
OMRA Shelter Corporation HousingOttawaOntarioFall 2024$48,000 two yearsRent Assist Allies (RAA) will pair rent subsidies with volunteer supports to families with at least one adult and one child who are at risk of homelessness. It expands on OMRA’s model of providing rent subsidies to newcomers in Ottawa by broadening the population served and formalizing more comprehensive volunteer supports. (An evaluation funded by the Catherine Donnelly Foundation in 2023 demonstrated the success of the OMRA’s model. Project objectives include filling gaps in the existing rental subsidy supports, improving housing stability for families and helping recipients increase self-reliance. OMRA will begin serving families within months of initiating Rent Assist Allies and then document and demonstrate the worth of the project to attract sustainable funding and serve more families.
The Shift HousingOttawaOntarioFall 2024$50,000 two yearsThe Shift’s two-year project will help cities better understand and implement a meaningful engagement process as they proceed with human rights-based community action plans to address homeless encampments. These action plans are required by the federal government as part of accessing funding streams that support municipalities to address homelessness and encampments. The Shift will develop a Meaningful Engagement Toolkit, co-designed with people with lived experience in homeless encampments, frontline workers, and city officials, to familiarize town and city governments with concepts, barriers and solutions for effective engagement. The Shift will follow the Toolkit with training sessions and collaborations with a city or cities to pilot a meaningful engagement process in specific homeless encampment communities.
Community Justice Collective HousingTorontoOntarioFall 2024$100,000 three yearsCommunity Justice Collective (CJC) provides legal support to sustain the development of the organized tenant movement in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Tenant unions provide hope for immigrant and working-class communities wishing to increase affordable housing and prevent homelessness and displacement. When isolated, many renters blame themselves for conditions they face, but when connected with their neighbours, they can share common experiences of abuse, harassment, and eviction and identify tactics to fight against them. In Toronto, “financialized” landlords accounted for 65% of all multi-family dwelling units transacted between 1995-2022. This impacts the power imbalance between tenants and landlords and makes it necessary to organize at a greater scale. It also provides opportunities to identify common tactics employed by landlords with significant holdings and develop strategies to counter them. CJC’s goal over the next three years is to work more deeply with groups focused on that broader work and to continue to support existing tenant unions as well as the development of new tenant organizations. This is the third grant CJC has received from CDF since 2021.
Afrique au Féminin Civic Engagement for Social ChangeMontréalQuebecSpring 2024$25,000 The Parents Agents Multipliers (PAM) project engages and empowers newly arrived women in Montreal’s Parc-Extension neighbourhood by reducing isolation, connecting them with a peer network and developing leadership skills to address local needs, such as childcare or access to services. The nine-month adult education and mutual-aid program supports a group of 10 to 20 immigrant women from diverse backgrounds. This is the third grant to the PAM program, whose community-based approach builds bridges between coexisting cultures.
Black Women’s Institute for Health Civic Engagement for Social ChangeTorontoOntarioSpring 2024$30,000 The Black Women's Institute for Health advocates for the health and survival of Black women and focuses on social determinants of health. This holistic health advocacy program for Black women features educational workshops on health rights, a peer/Sistering mentorship initiative and the development of a Black women’s health crisis line. All work is supported by partnerships with health professionals and organizations. Empowering Voices is an urgent response to the overlooked healthcare crisis facing this demographic whose barriers often result in inferior health outcomes
Centre for Migrant Workers Rights Nova Scotia (Halifax Refugee Clinic)Civic Engagement for Social ChangeHalifaxNova ScotiaSpring 2024$20,000 The Centre for Migrant Worker Rights Nova Scotia is a community-based organization which advocates for equal rights for migrant workers in Nova Scotia and provides direct supports, outreach, education, and advocacy to advance justice. The Annapolis Valley Migrant Solidarity Network aims to create technical tools to support volunteers to engage in mutual aid and solidarity with migrant workers, deepen outreach activities and offer workshops aimed at fostering solidarity and relationships between migrant workers and Nova
John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights Civic Engagement for Social ChangeEdmontonAlbertaSpring 2024$22,000 Funding will assist John Humphrey Centre’s Human Rights Facilitator Program to address post-pandemic human rights issues and support under-resourced groups including those experiencing homelessness, First Nation, Métis and Inuit peoples as well as racialized and low-income communities. The program will be offered at no-cost and provide mentorship and guidance to participants who lead their community-based human rights learning and dialogue spaces. JHC has been running the Human Rights Facilitator Training program since 2006 to embed a culture of human rights and peace building in
Missions Exeko Civic Engagement for Social ChangeMontréalQuebecSpring 2024$20,000 Exeko has offered its cultural and intellectual mediation programs in the Montréal boroughs of Plateau Mont-Royal and Ville St-Laurent since 2016 and this new initiative supports two idAction workshops for young people from immigrant families. Research suggests that racialized and recent immigrants to Quebec experience more social integration issues than non-immigrants, a weaker sense of belonging and greater isolation. Collaborating with partners CARI St-Laurent and L'Hirondelle, these mediation workshops are aimed at developing decision-making skills, increasing involvement in community and civic life and honing entrepreneurial talents.
New Majority Civic Engagement for Social ChangeTorontoOntarioSpring 2024$25,000 New Majority is a non-partisan organization focused on increasing civic engagement, particularly among underrepresented young people, by mobilizing democratic participation. Their goal is to increase voter turnout among those aged 18-44 by 5% in the 2025 federal election. Up to five newly hired regional field directors will work to achieve that aim by supporting get-out-the-vote efforts in upcoming provincial elections and encouraging community mobilization in the lead-up to the next federal election. New Majority also addresses a lack of diversity in Canadian political organizing through its hiring and outreach practices.
Northern Birthwork Collective (Makeway Charitable Society)Civic Engagement for Social ChangeYellowknifeNorthwest TerritorriesSpring 2024$31,646 The Northern Birthwork Collective is developing a Northern Indigenous Birthwork Project to train northern and Indigenous birthworkers to provide services to Indigenous peoples and families in the Northwest Territories. In Northern communities, there is a lack of services for pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum care that is grounded in Indigenous values, practices and traditions. This second grant to Northern Birthwork Collective will grow teaching tools and project materials, expand existing programming to new regions and seek greater regional representation for their Knowledge Keepers/Elders Advisory Committee.
The Sackville Commons Co-operative Civic Engagement for Social ChangeSackvilleNew BrunswickSpring 2024$25,000 A community hub focused on sustainability, resource sharing, and arts and culture, The Sackville Commons Co-operative seeks to secure and expand grassroots community resources and infrastructure developed during the COVID pandemic. Funding will support the development of a collaborative network of community groups to share resources, networks, and trainings, including creating a website and newsletter, encouraging development initiatives, weekly youth and queer drop-ins as well as launching leadership training programs.
Women Transforming Cities Civic Engagement for Social ChangeVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpring 2024$29,500 Cities Organize is a six-week adult education program for Indigenous and racialized women across Canada to learn civic skills, community organizing, and how to take collective action on equity issues. Community organizing around equity-based issues is most effective when led by and for the people most impacted, yet those who are most under-represented are often least empowered to take on grassroots organizing to make change. This program builds the skills and confidence of Indigenous and racialized women who want to become change leaders through active citizenship. The virtual workshop series will cover material ranging from how to bring personal experiences to community work and how to care for yourself as an organizer.
Environmental Defence CanadaEnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpring 2024$50,000 The Ontario government's plan to develop the Greenbelt, wetlands, forests, and farmland within the Greater Golden Horseshoe region threatens Ontario's natural environment. Along with Small Change Fund and Alliance for a Livable Ontario, Environmental Defence will build a new partnership to maintain the current boundaries of the Greenbelt, prevent urban sprawl and promote affordable, transit-oriented communities within existing city and town urban boundaries. The partners will work with municipal governments and the federal government, engage with the public and media to raise awareness of these issues and develop research and educational resources on protecting natural environments and promoting sustainable urban development.
Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario EnvironmentGuelphOntarioSpring 2024$46,000 BIPOC Farmer Network seeks to transform Ontario's sustainable agricultural sector by supporting educational and community building efforts for BlPOC farmers and overcoming land access barriers for new, young, and equity-deserving farmers. EFAO and the National Farmers Union-Ontario will build from previous work funded by CDF to strengthen the Network through gatherings, information sessions and engaging members in land-access related policy development and education. These interconnected efforts will strengthen the capacities and skills of BIPOC farmers to build resilient ecological farms and communities that mitigate climate change while promoting climate and social justice.
My Climate Plan (Small Change Fund)EnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpring 2024$15,000 My Climate Plan is an initiative that aims to move Canadians from awareness of the climate crisis to planning and sustained action. Funding from the Foundation will help field-test their approach to engage urban and suburban newcomer and lower-income communities about their climate action and resilience needs, convene with Indigenous leaders through a series of forums to identify shared priorities and plans for climate resiliency and action, and share learnings that advance climate action.
Environmental Justice Research Alliance (via Small Change Fund)EnvironmentMontréalQuebecSpring 2024$25,000 The Environmental Justice Research Alliance (EJRA) supports communities on the front lines of climate change and environmental discrimination as they build knowledge and capacity to mitigate environmental impacts and address root causes. They provide opportunities for students and researchers to work with communities to directly contribute to climate and environmental justice.
Climate Justice Organizing Hub (via Small Change Fund)EnvironmentMontréalQuebecSpring 2024$20,000 The Climate Justice Organizing HUB is a support structure designed around the needs of grassroots social movement organizers in so-called Canada that respects organizers’ knowledge regarding their own challenges and priorities. Through responsive troubleshooting, skills and strategy sharing, and other capacity-building activities, its mission is to help organizers find their way to building a critical mass of engaged people who are working towards a just transition. Funding will support the identification of leaders and invest in them to mobilizing within their own
Canadian Coalition for Environmental and Climate Justice (via MakeWay)EnvironmentHamiltonOntarioSpring 2024$29,500 The CCECJ leads projects and aims to support organizations working in the areas of environmental and climate justice to address the social, economic, political, and health effects of environmental racism and climate change impacts in Indigenous, Black, and other racialized communities in Canada. As such, the CCECJ works for the environmental protection of Indigenous, Black and other racialized communities with passion and with a strong commitment to fearless social engagement.
Environment Funders CanadaEnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpring 2024$20,000 Environment Funders Canada catalyzes funders to respond to environmental crises with ambitious and innovative solutions through facilitation, learning, connecting and collaborating. Funds will contribute to the devopment of a new funder collaborative to address climate change and ecosystem collapse.
Scaling Up Municipal Climate ActionEnvironmentNationalSpring 2024$20,000 Five leading Canadian non-profit organizations working alongside governments on climate mitigation and adaptation are collaborating to leverage their collective expertise, knowledge and networks to deepen and speed up the impact of municipal climate action in small and medium-sized cities in Canada over the next five years. Scaling Up Municipal Climate Action assesses and developments projects coordinated by the Community Energy Association.CDF funding supports Indigenous engagement.
Keepers of the WaterEnvironmentSlave LakeAlbertaSpring 2024$25,000 Keepers of the Water are First Nations, Métis, Inuit, environmental groups, concerned citizens, and communities working together for the protection of water, air, land, and all living things within the Arctic Ocean Drainage Basin. The Keepers of Water mandate is to elevate decolonized traditional Indigenous water governance. This is done by emphasizing Indigenous land-based knowledge, language and culture by critically analyzing the past and present practices in education, research and policy development. KOW brings networks of people together and delivers an accessible annual gathering. We share information in order to empower communities to understand the sacredness of water and have the tools to move forward with
Anishnabe-led Moose Research Project (via Small Change Fund)EnvironmentMontréalQuébecSpring 2024$20,000 The Anishnabe-led Moose Research Project engages with nine Algonquin Anishnabe communities in and around La Verendrye Park to conduct community-led research and educational activities to build community knowledge that helps protect the moose populations, strengthen Anishnabe self-governance, reinvigorates traditional knowledge systems, and unifies Anishnabe communities.
Foundation for Environmental StewardshipEnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpring 2024$20,000 The Foundation for Environmental Stewards is a a youth-led, youth-serving organization that acts as a support system for the youth-led climate movement.Funding is directed toward Youth Harbour - a place of support, convening, and collaboration designed to help build climate-resilient communities by providing flexible, trust-based support to the youth-led climate movement in the form of financial, technical, and networking
Heiltsuk NationEnvironmentWaglislaBritish ColumbiaSpring 2024$25,000 Heiltsuk Territory was impacted by the sinking of a barge and the associated fuel spill in a culturally important harvesting areas in 2016. Funding supports efforts to quantify the economic impact of the spill on the ecosystem, including assessing how the ecosystem supports human health and well-being.
How We ThriveEnvironmentHalifaxNova ScotiaSpring 2024$25,000 In 2023, CDF funded the development of web-based educational course rooted in Indigenous leadership and teachings that supported the Nova Scotia/Mi’kma’ki climate movement and amplified its grassroots learning, connection, and action as well as a gathering to faciliate that work. A new partnership will fund a second convening to further build learnings and relationships among Indigenous and African Nova Scotian organizations and communities, provincial and municipal governments, community groups, and NGOs from all parts of the
Lead NowEnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpring 2024$10,000 Leadnow organizes campaigns that build and defend a just, sustainable, and equitable Canada in the areas of a healthy environment, a fair economy and an open democracy. Identifying the Moveable Middle and Leveling up the Public's Expectations for Climate Action will develop a public marketing campaign that challenges the influence of tenergy companies on on Canada’s climate policy and encourages real climate solutions.
Alliance for a Livable OntarioEnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpring 2024$10,000 The Alliance for a Liveable Ontario seeks to protect the Greenbelt by creating broad public support for building affordable homes and liveable communities within existing urban boundaries.
Aboriginal Housing Management Association HousingVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpring 2024$35,000 Aboriginal Housing Management Association (AHMA) is an Indigenous-led non-profit committed to addressing the diverse housing needs of urban Indigenous communities in British Columbia. AHMA employs a comprehensive systems-based approach, forging partnerships to develop holistic solutions while advocating for equitable housing policies. The Resilient Indigenous Affordable Housing Capacity project aims to preserve existing building stock by fortifying networks among non-profit housing groups, unlocking essential funding for Indigenous housing projects, and fostering the development of data-driven retrofit projects across BC. The project also hopes to elevate AHMA's capacity in project management and technical support, building condition assessments, and the sharing of information on asset management. CDF funding will help create new Project Manager and Project Coordinator positions.
Canadian Centre for Housing Rights HousingTorontoOntarioSpring 2024$30,000 Renters across Canada are losing their homes because they cannot afford the rising cost of rental housing, which is made possible by weak rent regulations across the country. Secure Homes for Renters will undertake a research project to assess the impact of rent regulations on affordability-related housing loss in Alberta and Ontario and use that information to design a campaign highlighting the regulatory landscape and push for sector reforms.
Disability Alliance BC HousingVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpring 2024$40,000 Disability Alliance BC’s Right Fit Program (RFP) in Metro Vancouver is the only program in Canada that directly matches wheelchair users to accessible, affordable, permanent housing complemented with independent living supports. This initiative will allow the RFP to conduct an impact survey of more than 140 clients to gather information to build awareness of housing issues faced by individuals with disabilities and use that information to advocate for improved supply, accessibility and inclusivity in affordable housing options for people living with disabilities.
Ecotrust Canada HousingVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpring 2024$25,000 In fall 2022, CDF provided funding to Ecotrust to develop a toolkit to support First Nations in developing sustainable, culturally appropriate housing, particularly within the context of declared Aboriginal title lands and modern treaty lands in British Columbia. This second grant will make the Indigenous Housing & Homelands Toolkit more accessible to various demographics by developing complimentary infographics, workbooks with exercises and templates as well as in-person workshops designed and delivered for community leaders, community members and senior high school classes.
Freshwinds Eco-village Housing Co-op (Rising Tide Community Initiatives Inc.)HousingMonctonNew BrunswickSpring 2024$40,000 Freshwinds is a not-for-profit housing co-operative formed in the Tantramar area of New Brunswick in February 2023. Freshwinds secured capital to purchase land in Sackville and is proposing to develop a co-operative eco-village of over 100 units of housing that will be inclusive of underserved populations while having a mixture of affordable and market-rent units. The co-op will be developed in phases. Funding for Phase 1 will assist in developing a robust governance framework, effective marketing and communication tools and strategies, recruiting members to the co-op, and ensuring sufficient organizational capacity to manage its housing development and properly manage housing after construction.
National Farmers Foundation HousingSaskatoonSaskatchewanSpring 2024$25,000 Exploring Community Land Trusts addresses two pressing concerns for new and young farmers: how to access farmland and how to secure affordable, suitable, and safe housing that nurtures a sense of community. This initiative will explore the role of Community Land Trusts (CLTs) as a model for addressing these needs in rural communities. Strategic priorities include mobilizing public engagement, meeting municipal leaders to raise awareness of programs and policies that support CLT development, facilitating conversations with aligned non-profit housing groups and farming/food organizations and supporting coalition-building and strategic outreach.
StepStones for Youth HousingTorontoOntarioSpring 2024$20,000 Young people who are or have been involved in foster care face complex problems and experience high rates of homelessness and poverty. The key objectives of Building Connections are to help youth secure and maintain safe and stable housing and to reduce poverty, homelessness, and dependency on social systems for underserved young people. Diverse and inclusive wraparound supports include one-on-one assistance navigating housing systems and services, facilitating long-term, community-embedded housing solutions with extended family and community allies, and providing housing grants directly to landlords. Building Connections intends to increase participant’s stability, well-being, and connectedness.
The WoodGreen Foundation HousingTorontoOntarioSpring 2024$20,000 The Income Transition Project (ITP) is an innovative model that educates and enables Ontario Works government assistance recipients to better understand the financial process of transitioning from social assistance to employment. WoodGreen has completed two pilot research phases with over 100 clients in which they demonstrated the efficacy of the model and engaged and built capacity, through training, amongst a community of Ontario Employment Service Agencies and OW Case Workers. The funding requested supports the implementation of ITP Phase III which includes longer-term piloting, increased collaboration with employment services and creating an online version for greater scalability.
Vivre en Ville Housing Québec CityQuébecSpring 2024$40,000 Vivre en Ville is a Québec City-based organization that stimulates innovation and supports decision makers, professionals and citizens to develop sustainable and healthy communities throughout Québec. Funding will support an education and advocacy plan based on Portes Ouvertes, their 2022 position paper that advocated for greater productivity in the housing sector, building more units and creating a real estate market without speculation to end the affordability crisis. The Open Doors project aims to advance public housing policies, educate and mobilize for sustainable solutions to the affordability crisis and strengthen partnerships and collective strategies of civil society
Caroline Street Co-opHousingHamiltonOntarioSpring 2024$19,451 Funding supports costs related to existing tenants of a Hamilton affordable rental housing apartment to purchase the building and convert to a co-op structure. Without the tenant's organizing and action it's likely the apartment would have been sold to a for-profit company with the risk of tennants being renovicted.
Task Force for Housing and ClimateHousingOttawaOntarioSpring 2024$15,000 In March 2024, the Task Force released its Blueprint for More and Better Housing, which includes 140 policy recommendations split relatively evenly among all orders of government. The Report attracted great attention and succeeded in policy gains, particularly at the Federal level of government. Funding for Phase 2 of this project would allow the Task Force to continue to advocate for its solutions among all three levels of government.
REST CentresHousingBramptonOntarioSpring 2024$8,000 Rest Centres is a black-led, BIPOC-serving charitable organization on a mission to end youth homelessness in Peel Region. Funding will support the hiring of a support worker for a program that pairs youth experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness with host families or community landlords, and provides housing subsidies and wrap-around
Bayanihan Centre (Windsor Essex Centre for Migrant Worker Support and Empowerment)Civic Engagement for Social ChangeLeamingtonOntarioFall 202340,000Equal in Dignity, Equal in Rights is designed to assist migrant workers with learning opportunities, collective action and help them access basic services such as health care and protection against workplace harassment and labour exploitation. CDF funding will support information sessions, workshops and discussion circles with migrant workers, service delivery agencies, support groups, and government agencies on topics including labour rights, workplace safety and pathways for permanent residency.
Bedford House (Bridges Peterborough)Civic Engagement for Social ChangePeterboroughOntarioFall 202331,000Individuals leaving jail face innumerable barriers to successful integration back into society. This pilot program combines the existing Bridging Teams, a mentoring initiative using adult education to explore class differences, with Getting Ahead While Getting Out, a proven re-entry curriculum that features a community team using a participatory civic engagement model to support successful re-entry.
CityHiveCivic Engagement for Social ChangeVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 202330,000CityHive, through Youth Civics & Climate Leadership Workshops, will deliver place-based civics and climate workshops for youth in partnership with community organizations that aren't typically engaged in the climate action or civic engagement space, such as employment programs and newcomer and settlement agencies. Programming will have a strong focus on building climate and civic literacy as well as taking local collective action. This program was piloted in 2022-2023 and CityHive is looking to scale it with in-need communities across Metro Vancouver, including racialized youth, newcomers, 2SLGBTQ+ youth, youth with disabilities, under and unemployed youth.
Filipino-Canadian CommUNITY of New Brunswick (FCNB) Inc.Civic Engagement for Social ChangeFrederictonNew BrunswickFall 202330,000Empowering Migrant Workers in New Brunswick is hoping to support as many as 450 migrant workers in the province through educational activities, access to services and by building organizing capacity. The program aims to address migrant workers' awareness of their rights and responsibilities, and their ability to access those rights and develop and implement coordinated approaches among community.
Life.School.House Civic Engagement for Social ChangeHalifaxNova ScotiaFall 202334,350Life.School.House is a non-profit co-operative that started in Nova Scotia in 2018, that hosts barter-based skill-sharing workshops between neighbours to increase trust and reduce social isolation and loneliness. Funds for Living Traditions: Folkschools for Social Cohesion will support scaling their unique approach to community development across Canada, with the creation of training modules, expansion and translation of their existing toolkit and exploring participatory action with communities to create a national peer
New Dawn Community Development Educational Foundation Civic Engagement for Social ChangeSydneyNova ScotiaFall 202320,000Cape Breton lacks accessible local-level data for social agencies to best support individuals and communities in the region related to a range of essential issues. New Dawn has spent more than a year consulting with experts and gathering and sorting information to create an online platform to provide data and analysis on community poverty, housing, climate change impacts, public transportation and food security. Funding for Creating the Future We Want will go toward implementing the database, hosting a series of conversations to engage individuals and organizations to advance coordinated local action and to create a social development council.
Oldtown Storytellers’ Society Civic Engagement for Social ChangeHazeltonBritish ColumbiaFall 202340,000Dim Dax’gyet’dinhl K’ba T’kithlxw: Strengthening our Youth Leadersseeks to engage local youth to build personal leadership and active citizenship skills by immersing them in areas of local interest and having them share their learnings with peers, community members and elected officials. To build relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, Strengthening our Youth Leaders will draw participants from different communities, villages and bands in the Upper Skeena. The program will support youth who are about to graduate or have recently
Pacific Immigrant Resources Society Civic Engagement for Social ChangeVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 202339,912The Immigrant Women’s Advisory Committee (IWAC) is an annual initiative designed to empower and nurture the leadership of migrant women in Vancouver. Twenty immigrant women, each with diverse lived experiences, social roles, knowledge, and perspectives, are recruited and dedicate a year to identify pressing social issues and then using a systems lens to generate innovative ideas to build social equality for women. By encouraging small but meaningful actions, IWAC works to close service gaps and break down barriers for immigrant and refugee women to thrive in Canada.
STIR Retreats (Spiritual Transformation in Recovery)Civic Engagement for Social ChangeMontrealQuebecFall 202318,600In 2022, the Foundation first supported Journeying Together Toward Recovery to strengthen the capacities and skills of volunteer leaders with experience of homelessness and addiction in offering life-changing spiritual support to people who are in recovery. This second grant will support three peer-led workshops to empower volunteers to lead their own retreats. This volunteer training - which is participatory, peer-led, and consists of two overnight weekend workshops and a daylong formation workshop - is an essential component of STIR Retreats’ vision to offer retreats and spiritual companionship in Montréal in French and English.
Support Network for Indigenous Women & Women of Colour Civic Engagement for Social ChangeVictoriaBritish ColumbiaFall 202335,000Indigenous and racialized women will be trained during two-dozen workshops that address systems of violence and provide culturally appropriate safety training and crisis response plans. Support Network for Indigenous Women & Women of Colour addresses gender-based violence in racialized communities using a train-the- trainer model. Material for Creating Safety in Our Communities Through Matriarchal Leadership will include matriarchal teachings on how to recognize and name violence and oppression and how to recognize strengths and advocate for oneself, one’s families and collective wellbeing. They will also discuss ways that changes can be made away from colonial harm and toward creating spaces that are holistically safe for other women. They hope to train 200 women.
Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services Civic Engagement for Social ChangeTorontoOntarioFall 202340,000Over the last few years many non-profit community organizations have re-doubled their commitment to advancing anti-oppression and anti-racist goals as a central element of addressing inequities in our society. The Anti-racist & Anti-Oppressive Listening Circles project will enable up to 25 community agency staff and 10 community leaders to experience the power of listening circles as a practice for deepening relationships and conflict mediation capacities for immigrants, refugees and people living with low incomes. The project will develop tools and adult education materials, provide resources, and support practices that advance individual staff and agency capacity for collective learning and increased self-awareness for existing systems and mechanisms of oppression and racism as well as general conflict transformation skills and communication that allows for relationship and trust building.
Women of the First Light Civic Engagement for Social ChangeWabanaki TerritoryFall 202334,992Rising Up will support efforts related to the rematriation of land at Tatamagouche Centre in Nova Scotia. Rematriation refers to Indigenous women-led work to restore sacred relationships between Indigenous people and their ancestral land. Working with the Tatamagouche Centre, Women of the First Light aims to use the land to support Clan Mother systems in Indigenous communities and build a permanent longhouse to create a community space for individuals to connect to Wabanaki culture and spirituality through traditional practices and
Canadian Network of Community Land Trusts HousingTorontoOntarioFall 202349,050Supporting Affordable Housing Acquisition by Community Land Trusts aims to bolster the acquisition potential of Canadian Community Land Trusts (CLTs). Funding supports reviewing existing policies, sharing success stories and best practices, developing educational resources to assist CLTs in affordable housing acquisitions and educating the public sector on the need for policies and funding that support affordable housing acquisitions. Supported by the Neighbourhood Land Trust (NLT), CNCLT and NLT will work closely with the Toronto Indigenous Land Trust, to understand and respond to the unique acquisition needs of Indigenous-led
Co-operative Housing Federation Toronto (CHFT Charitable Fund) HousingTorontoOntarioFall 202350,000In 2023, the City of Toronto accepted a proposal from Co-operative Housing Federation Toronto (CHFT) to develop lands adjacent to a Scarborough transit hub. The 600 unit two-tower co-op, the biggest co-op development project in the GTA since 1995, will provide affordable, safe, and inclusive homes for more than a thousand moderate to low-income individuals. Funding for Capacity building for co-op housing development from the Foundation will allow CHFT to continue to work with the City and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to advance the project and build the necessary internal development capacity to support moving the project forward.
First United Church Community Ministry Society HousingVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 202340,000The BC Eviction Map project aims to increase protections for renters in BC. The Map informs where evictions and forced moves are happening in BC communities, who is affected by them, and the impacts of the activity. The information is to be used for advocacy, public education, and law reform to protect tenants and ultimately, prevent homelessness through policy change. Foundation funding will support a second phase of the project which will continue data collection, develop a comprehensive law reform and policy platform to strengthen tenant protections and undertake government relations and stakeholder collaboration. This phase will also prioritize the use of Indigenous housing justice talking circles.
King Square Affordable Housing CorpHousingCharlottetownPrince Edward IslandFall 202324,000Kings Square Affordable Housing Corporation, in collaboration with the village of Breadalbane, Prince Edward Island, is studying models of cooperative housing, sustainability and collaborative engagement for a housing development in this small community. A comprehensive scan of alternative housing models – and housing financing - in other jurisdictions will be completed and consultations with design consultants and contractors initiated to lay the groundwork for the project's next phases. A project steering committee of community members will be established with multiple community engagements throughout. A ‘how-to’ guide will be produced and made available to other rural municipalities.
National Right to Housing NetworkHousingCalgaryAlbertaFall 202339,929Upcoming review panels for the federal National Housing Strategy Act (NHSA) will provide a forum for addressing systemic housing issues, identifying solutions and encouraging political action and practical policy and legislative change. This enormous potential, however, may be diminished by the inability of underserved communities to participate. Pathways to Housing Justice will ensure the voices and perspectives of those who are directly affected by housing issues are not only heard, but meaningfully engaged in the decision-making process. National Right to Housing Network will work closely with Indigenous-led organizations, persons with disabilities, and advocates from racialized, newcomer, and other underserved communities to ensure these critical voices and intersections are amplified throughout the review panel process.
One City Peterborough HousingPeterboroughOntarioFall 202334,320Unlocking Access to Housing aims to accelerate the provision of affordable housing by developing a comprehensive framework that enables Canadian municipalities to collaborate with nonprofits in purchasing houses for individuals experiencing homelessness. The framework will guide municipalities on leveraging their access to city, provincial, and federal funds and to acquire homes in partnership with local charitable organizations with expertise in supporting homeless individuals. One City's experience purchasing housing stock to provide supportive housing offers timely and permanent housing options that can be
Ottawa Community Land Trust HousingOttawaOntarioFall 202339,000In September 2023, Ottawa Community Land Trust finalized the purchase of its first affordable rental property. In early 2024, engagement with neighbourhood-based organizations begins to seek capital to buy more affordable rentals. Funding from the Foundation will support the development of a community bond campaign with the support of Tapestry Community Capital. To promote the capital campaign and encourage dialogue, Mobilizing Communities will also engage Carleton University graduate students to offer presentations and enhance understanding of how neighbourhoods can together work towards affordable housing preservation using community finance
Partners for Youth Inc.HousingFrederictonNew BrunswickFall 202310,000Research indicates that a high percentage of youth experiencing homelessness have had involvement with the child welfare system. Equitable Transitions will assemble a youth leadership team comprised of current and former youth in care to study the key outcomes and indicators of success required for youth transitioning from foster care, group home placements or other care arrangements to achieve success and wellness. The team will identify best practices and gaps in service in areas related to finance, education, housing, relationships, health and wellbeing, as well as advocacy and rights. An action plan on how to address these issues will be
Quint Development Corporation HousingSaskatoonSaskatchewanFall 202325,000The Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) program is a provincial income assistance program providing resources for the most vulnerable of those experiencing poverty. A 2023 report by the Provincial Auditor of Saskatchewan found SIS lacked accessibility for participants as well as clear guidelines for those applying. This project will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the SIS program and offer recommendations for improving its design and delivery. The initiative will increase available research and policy discourse on income support programs and their impact on poverty reduction, social justice, and human dignity.
Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE) HousingVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 202330,000Investors for Affordable Cities expands on previous work on institutional investment in the Canadian housing market. In 2020, the Foundation funded the preceding report that called investors to action on the financialization of housing in Canada. That work with tenants’ organizations, investors and real estate companies identified specific areas for further engagement for this second phase of the project: educating investors in responsible investment in housing, engaging investors to hold them accountable to human rights and building a network of well-equipped investors that are committed to upholding the right to adequate housing and advocating for housing affordability.
Solutions Immobilier Solidaire HousingPort-JoliQuebecFall 202340,000Solutions Immobilier Solidaire (SIS) is working to adapt existing community land trust (CLT) models to better fit governance and legal systems in Quebec and Canada. Funding from the Foundation will support the development of appropriate models and tools for CLTs and the creation of a regional land trust in Brome-Missisquoi. SIS will also create partnerships with banks and credit unions to develop financial products for CLTs as well as a communication plan to share information and learnings.
The Refugee Centre HousingMontrealQuebecFall 202330,000Asylum seekers, refugee claimants and immigrants face significant barriers when attempting to access rental housing. The Housing and Security Fund aims to provide not-for-profit organizations access to affordable and stable housing solutions for their clients. Utilizing units acquired from the Concordia Student Union and Acceuil Bonneau, this initiative will seek to raise funds to manage transitional housing for newcomers in need. The project will also alleviate the burden on crisis centres and emergency shelters and provide newcomers a stable environment to gain status and a work
Change Course (DI Foundation)EnvironmentVictoriaBritish ColumbiaFall 202330,000Banking on a Better Future is focused on increasing the capacity of university student organizers for mobilization and engagement work. Participants will build on the legacy and tactics of the fossil fuel divestment movement to train youth to campaign against big banks funding fossil fuel expansion. The initiative will also provide mentorship to build “on-site” leadership capacity and support local campus groups with recruitment and relationship building.
Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada EnvironmentLondonOntarioFall 202335,000The Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada are beginning to explore how their lands may be best preserved for future generations. To achieve that goal, A New Energy Rising will explore models for land use, such as land trusts, conservation easements, the creation of Faith Lands within agrarian trust, among others. A final report – available to be shared with other interested faith-based organizations - will summarize the models together with advantages, disadvantages, and legal
FarmFolk/CityFolk Society EnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 202345,000The primary objective of this project is to empower Black, Indigenous and People of Colour-led action and Indigenous food sovereignty as part of a shift toward a low-carbon food system in British Columbia. BC BIPOC Farmer Network will engage a BIPOC project lead to connect with, identify and support the needs of BIPOC farmers and producers. This first-of-its-kind initiative will offer wrap-around supports include peer-to-peer training and mentorship. Through this project, BIPOC farmers and producers are supported as valued leaders and active participants in BC’s low-carbon food system and their work is widely amplified and elevated. Part of this work is guided by FarmFolk/CityFolk Society’s Indigenous Advisor.
Food Matters Manitoba (Manitoba Food Charter Inc.) EnvironmentWinnipegManitobaFall 202350,000With this program, Food Matters Manitoba seeks to harness community capacity by financially supporting individuals through honoraria, vehicle rental, and fuel to harvest and process traditional food for community benefit, all while engaging youth. The Harvester Program prioritizes elders, struggling households, and participating youth as recipients of the food. This
Green Budget Coalition (Nature CanadaEnvironmentOttawaOntarioFall 202315,000The Green Budget Coalition (GBC) is utilizing a proven approach to build support for the adoption of strategic federal budget recommendations in the 2024 federal budget related to environmental priorities. Funding will support the circulation of preliminary recommendations to national Indigenous organizations, federal departments, and party platform leads, to seek improvements and understand how GBC can support Indigenous priorities. Following that feedback, GBC will meet with federal ministers, political staff and deputy ministers to encourage them to include GBC's final recommendations in budget request letters to the finance minister.
Hope Blooms Youth Social Entrepreneurial Ventures Inc. EnvironmentHalifaxNova ScotiaFall 202330,000Hope Blooms is focused on bringing underserved voices to climate action conversations to remedy a lack of voice in an area they are disproportionately impacted. Clean Energy Training for BIPOC Youth participants are African Nova Scotian, Black, Indigenous and newcomer youth leaders (aged 15 to 18) and will receive training in renewable and clean energies through partnerships with the Dalhousie University Sustainability Research Group and the Nova Scotia Community College Energy Sustainability Engineering Technology. The program is designed to provide participants the necessary information and experience to decide if they would like to pursue green careers after high school.
Iron & Earth (Institute for New Economics Public Interest Research Association) EnvironmentVictoriaBritish ColumbiaFall 202339,000Iron & Earth’s Prosperous Transition Campaign (PTC) is a critical, qualitative research project with the goal of contributing towards the establishment of sustainable economies allowing for generational prosperity for all people living in so-called Canada. This research project will gather and analyze the perspectives of Indigenous Peoples from Algonquin Anishinaabe communities between Ontario and Quebec to better understand the unique challenges, aspirations, and perspectives of underserved communities related to a just transition to a sustainable energy future. The insights gained will shape policies and programs that are inclusive, respectful, and aligned with the needs of Indigenous
Kairos: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives EnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 202330,000This project aims to nurture a cohort of changemakers to strengthen and amplify just transition policies and programs with principles from Indigenous peoples, young people, and others most affected by climate change. Project elements include intergenerational dialogues and visioning, as well as participants communicating their vision and principles for a just transition with political representatives and the public. Building Intergenerational Support will take place in Cape Breton, Northern Ontario, Southern Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta with local groups and Indigenous communities. Cross-country Participants will gather at the end of the
My Climate Plan (Small Change Fund) EnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 202330,000The objective of Resilient Together is to discover how best to engage people not acting on climate change and move them toward sustained participation aligned with Indigenous communities’ priorities. Through forums with Indigenous leaders to identify a set of shared priorities and plans for climate solutions, personalized climate impact storytelling, planning tools and community engagement, the initiative will support climate action in communities the movement struggles to connect with. These learnings will then be shared for broader reach and impact. Indigenous communities and leaders will be actively engaged at every stage of the forum process.
Pembina Institute EnvironmentCalgaryAlbertaFall 202335,000Pembina works primarily by “changing the changemakers”— recommending policy actions to government and community leaders. Climate Action and Sustainable Development Goals in the Canadian Context will review climate action policy options, including those that offer improved health outcomes, benefits for equity-deserving groups and new pathways to prosperity, and integrate those best practices into new policy recommendations that prioritize equity and affordability. Pembina will then communicate the benefits of climate action to a broader community and Increase awareness of the benefits of a well-designed climate
Public Policy Forum EnvironmentOttawaOntarioFall 202325,000Five emerging Indigenous leaders will conduct research in their communities and across the country to develop policy solutions to address sustainable transportation issues that particularly impact Indigenous Peoples in remote communities. Participants will bring Indigenous research methodologies and produce a report based on their findings, with policy recommendations directed to the appropriate level(s) of government. At the end of Moving Goods and People Sustainably for Indigenous Peoples, these young Indigenous leaders will emerge equipped with public policymaking tools, a network of connections across the country, and strengthened leadership skills.
Re_Generation EnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 202345,000Accelerating Canada’s Clean Economy through Youth aims to provide youth leaders with a platform to meet like-minded individuals, develop skills, share knowledge, and take action to direct the next generation of leaders towards building a cleaner and more just Canadian economy. An awareness campaign will generate resources about careers in the clean economy as well as opportunities for youth to connect, including through a national virtual career fair. A parallel program will train young Re_Generation employees to identify and combat greenwashing in the energy, finance, and professional services sectors. Reports will be produced for each of the sectors.
Swiilawiid Sustainability Society (Haida Gwaii Museum Society) EnvironmentSkidegateBritish ColumbiaFall 202340,000Project 0 will educate and engage Haida Gwaii residents about renewable energy through a series of events and education campaigns. A two-day Renewable Energy Symposium will create space to share ideas about clean electricity and explore future training, knowledge, skills, and the networks necessary to grow the green resource. A youth Symposium will provide an open environment to connect, share and learn from youth on how to take care of Haida Gwaii and a Summer Engagement will mobilize public opinion to build up ‘just’ industries and
Afro Women and Youth Foundation Civic Engagement for Social ChangeSudburyOntarioSpring 202322,250BIPOC Stories4Change aims to promote active citizenship, self-advocacy, and social change and amplify the voices of women who are Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC). The project details forms of oppression and actions racialized women can take to change their communities. BIPOC Stories4Change will build understanding of the value of lived experience and teach participants' how to create digital stories. The Afro Women and Youth Foundation hopes the initiative will further strengthen their anti-racist work and foster an equitable society in
Apathy is BoringCivic Engagement for Social ChangeMontrealQuebecSpring 202330,000Civic education for young adults is a core pillar of Apathy is Boring’s mission to strengthen Canada’s democracy. The BUILD Program offers immersive, experiential learning for young adults across Canada aged 18-30 to equip them with advanced and actionable civic knowledge, skills and networks to advocate for institutional change beyond the ballot box. Reducing poverty, anti-racism and other issues that combat forms of exclusion and oppression will be examined. At the end of 14 weeks, no fewer than 20 participants will deepen their understanding of Canada’s democratic systems and be better prepared to engage and advocate for critical issues. Funds from the Foundation will provide resources for participants to convene and develop their
Ecological Farmers Association of OntarioCivic Engagement for Social ChangeGuelphOntarioSpring 202336,000BIPOC Farmer Network seeks to transform Ontario's sustainable agricultural sector by supporting educational and community building efforts for BlPOC farmers and overcoming land access barriers for new, young, and equity-deserving farmers. EFAO and the National Farmers Union-Ontario will build from previous work funded by CDF to strengthen the Network through gatherings, information sessions and engaging members in land-access related policy development and education. These interconnected efforts will strengthen the capacities and skills of BIPOC farmers to build resilient ecological farms and communities that mitigate climate change while promoting climate and social justice.
Food First NLCivic Engagement for Social ChangeSt. John'sNewfoundland and LabradorSpring 2023$40,000 Funding supports two interrelated initiatives: Food First NL’s soon-to-launch Lived and Living Experience Advisory Group and the development of an updated and regionalized living wage calculation for Newfoundland and Labrador. This work is the continuation of a previous Foundation grant that helped amplify the voices of those with lived experiences of food insecurity and those who volunteer with or work for food-related programs to encourage new ways of thinking and
Institute for Change LeadersCivic Engagement for Social ChangeTorontoOntarioSpring 2023$36,985 Institute for Change Leaders and Toronto York Region Métis Community will host a series of workshops to share lived experience, educate, undertake participatory research and develop strategies for direct action to address issues of injustice and social exclusion in the Métis community. Unstructured weekly office hours will support the retention of lessons, provide a platform for group cohesion and discussion and allow for skills practice. Follow-up sessions will empower the ongoing work of
Wahkohtowin Development Corporation Civic Engagement for Social ChangeChapleauOntarioSpring 2023$36,000 RAD Conservation Finance Network is an indigenous-led collaboration encouraging communities to develop financial literacy and economic pathways to support Indigenous-led conservation and assert authority and responsibility for land care on their territories. Funding will provide technical supports to host monthly Full Moon Network learning events and create short summary videos and newsletters to share promising models and voices in the Indigenous conservation finance
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives HousingOttawaOntarioSpring 2023$25,090 In Ontario, landlords can apply to increase rents above set provincial standards to fund specific improvements or repairs, yet it is difficult to evaluate whether these above-guideline increases (AGIs) reflect actual costs or just fund higher profits. This research project will provide tenants and tenant advocates with facts, analysis, insights and tools to evaluate landlords' AGI applications and successfully challenge them at the Landlord and Tenant Board. The work will directly benefit tenants, paralegals, and lawyers who advocate and negotiate with landlords on behalf of individuals and tenant groups.
OMRAHousingOttawaOntarioSpring 2023$49,579 The project will examine how OMRA’s model of time-limited rent subsidies can enable low-income families to work toward financial independence without the threat of homelessness. Researchers will identify the cost and impact of OMRA subsidies over six years and assess the pre- and post-subsidy status of a sample of supported individuals and families. OMRA has partnered with the Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa, Catholic Centre for Immigrants and Action Logement and research will be made available to other organizations.
Ontario Public Health Association HousingHamiltonOntarioSpring 2023$40,000 Funding supports the Ontario Public Health Association and the Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment in their expansion of RentSafe, an initiative that helps low-income tenants address unhealthy housing conditions with the involvement of public health, legal aid clinics, by-law enforcement as well as housing providers and other tenants. This project aims to leverage the position of public health units and professionals across Ontario and increase their role in mobilizing resources and expertise across multiple sectors to improve housing conditions, homelessness prevention and health equity.
St. Matthew’s Non-Profit Housing Inc. HousingWinnipegManitobaSpring 2023$24,000 Supporting Successful Tenancy will help individuals living in Winnipeg who are at high risk of eviction. Assistance is offered through education, case management (peer support and advocacy) as well as connection to community resources. This holistic approach to supporting the overall wellbeing of participants prevents issues that may lead to unsuccessful housing and a loss of tenancy. Funding will be used to support organizational staffing and the tenant employment program.
The ShiftHousingOttawaOntarioSpring 2023$45,000 This project expands on previous work that created the National Working Group on Homeless Encampments (NWGHE); a group of experts concerned with homelessness that created a Guidance Note on Homeless Encampments that will be presented at an upcoming Big City Mayors Caucus. This phase of the project will focus on expansion of the NWGHE, continued collaboration on solutions and advocacy, development of a new Intergovernmental Framework to Address Homelessness and sharing The Guidance on Homeless Encampments, including encouraging its municipal adoption.
Toronto Shelter NetworkHousingTorontoOntarioSpring 2023$45,000 In the first phase of this project, supported by CDF, Toronto Shelter Network undertook a series of research and planning activities to help identify feasible and actionable options for re-investing resources used to operate Toronto’s shelter system to offer more dignified emergency shelter and stable and supportive housing. Advocating for the adoption of Housing First principles, TSN will now create a collaboration guide, evaluation tools for sector workers, community members and the public as well as a case study of Dixon Hall’s Bond Hotel evolution from a shelter hotel to transitional and permanent
Environmental Defence CanadaEnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpring 2023$25,000 The Ontario government's plan to develop the Greenbelt, wetlands, forests, and farmland within the Greater Golden Horseshoe region threatens Ontario's natural environment. Along with Small Change Fund and Alliance for a Livable Ontario, Environmental Defence will build a new partnership to maintain the current boundaries of the Greenbelt, prevent urban sprawl and promote affordable, transit-oriented communities within existing city and town urban boundaries. The partners will work with municipal governments and the federal government, engage with the public and media to raise awareness of these issues and develop research and educational resources on protecting natural environments and promoting sustainable urban development.
Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario EnvironmentGuelphOntarioSpring 2023$10,000 BIPOC Farmer Network seeks to transform Ontario's sustainable agricultural sector by supporting educational and community building efforts for BlPOC farmers and overcoming land access barriers for new, young, and equity-deserving farmers. EFAO and the National Farmers Union-Ontario will build from previous work funded by CDF to strengthen the Network through gatherings, information sessions and engaging members in land-access related policy development and education. These interconnected efforts will strengthen the capacities and skills of BIPOC farmers to build resilient ecological farms and communities that mitigate climate change while promoting climate and social justice.
My Climate Plan (Small Change Fund)EnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpring 2023$15,000 My Climate Plan is an initiative that aims to move Canadians from awareness of the climate crisis to planning and sustained action. Funding from the Foundation will help field-test their approach to engage urban and suburban newcomer and lower-income communities about their climate action and resilience needs, convene with Indigenous leaders through a series of forums to identify shared priorities and plans for climate resiliency and action, and share learnings that advance climate action.
Indigenous Climate ActionEnvironmentOttawaOntarioSpring 2023$50000 for 3 yearsIndigenous Climate Action (ICA) is an Indigenous-led organization guided by a diverse group of Indigenous knowledge keepers, water protectors and land defenders. ICA believes Indigenous Peoples’ rights and knowledge systems are critical to developing climate solutions and they work on connecting and supporting Indigenous communities to achieve climate justice. Specific areas of work include: climate justice education and leadership training that builds the necessary resources and networks for climate action; exploring Indigenous Just Transition strategies and solutions that disrupt current colonial processes; and the strategic disruption of climate policy and solutions through knowledge and perspectives that empower Indigenous peoples to take the lead in climate action.
Afrique au Féminin Adult EducationMontrealQuebecFall 2022$30,000 The Parents Agents Multipliers (PAM) project engages and empowers newly arrived women in Montreal’s Parc-Extension neighbourhood by reducing isolation, connecting them with a peer network and developing leadership skills to address local need, such as childcare or access to services. This is a second grant to PAM, whose community-based approach also builds bridges between coexisting cultures.
Black Lives Matter (Wildseed Centre for Art & Activism) Adult EducationTorontoOntarioFall 2022$20,000 This partnership offers mentorship and other supports for formerly incarcerated Black people through employment and volunteer opportunities in a community garden. Participants receive counselling to re-enter society as active citizens and organizers hope they can create an enhanced model to aid in the rehabilitation of other under-served groups.
Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity Adult EducationOttawaOntarioFall 2022$20,000 The initiative will gather racialized, queer, and/or religious storytellers from across Canada to facilitate workshops that speak to their lived experience and relationship with religion, faith, spirituality, and queerness. Through these workshops and learning sessions, 100 adult leaders will learn tools to build allyship with equity-seeking 2SLGBTQ+ people in their communities.
Community Justice Collective (JUR-ED Foundation)Adult EducationTorontoOntarioFall 2022$40,000 A second grant to the Collective Defence for Communities program will sustain and expand the growing tenant union movement in Ontario by using collective defense methods to fight mass evictions and increase organized tenants’ capacity to fight for affordable housing. Funding supports work with immigrant and working-class communities in the Greater Toronto Area with the hope the model will expand across
Inspiring Communities Adult EducationHalifaxNova ScotiaFall 2022$40,000 This 12-month initiative delivers connections, funding, leadership skills and empowerment to equity-seeking residents to build local capacity, including the creation of new community programming. The program is designed with one-on-one coaching and anti-oppression education to reduce barriers to participation. This second grant will be used to expand the program to additional communities.
John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights Adult EducationSaskatoonSaskatchewanFall 2022$35,000 This program aims to build connections between agricultural landowners and community groups to cultivate and strengthen land-sharing opportunities. A series of provincial workshops, reports and a social media campaign will create bridges with policy makers, community leaders and agencies to share vision and common understandings around food access, availability, and dignity. An educational facilitation tool to support the difficult conversations around decolonization and food will be created.
Neighbour to Neighbour Centre Adult EducationHamiltonOntarioFall 2022$20,000 This initiative will empower low-income community members through action training and advocacy work to break down systemic oppression and advance community care networks. Participatory sessions and activities will promote self-reflection, awareness, critical dialogue, encourage leadership and build mutual aid support networks.
Sovereign Seeds (SeedChange) Adult EducationFall 2022$30,000 This initiative fulfills the many requests Sovereign Seeds has received to develop a culturally rooted Indigenous seed education program. Integrating spiritual, cultural, and justice-based approaches to food and cultural revitalization, the program will organize a seed collective and deliver online workshops, in-person courses and develop materials on topics including seed resistance history, seed keeping, soil health, food processing and preservation, and seed songs and dances.
WISH Drop-In Centre Society Adult EducationVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2022$35,000 This initiative aims to strengthen engagement and leadership of women and gender-diverse street-based sex workers at WISH Drop-In Centre Society and in their external advocacy efforts. The project will prioritize the participation of Indigenous and Black participants and those with disabilities who are disproportionately represented in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.
Climate Caucus Council (Whistler Institute)EnvironmentWhistlerBritish ColumbiaFall 2022$25,000 This climate planning project will develop a toolkit for local governments that identify the best engagement practices to reduce barriers for equity-seeking populations, including Canadian case studies demonstrating the effective application of these tools. Findings will be shared with interested parties and the Council will subsequently monitor uptake and effectiveness of these engagement practices.
Climate Emergency Unit (Small Change Fund) EnvironmentSalt Spring IslandBritish ColumbiaFall 2022$40,000 The Climate Emergency Unit will work for new federal programs – a Youth Climate Corps and a Just Transition Transfer - to catalyze public support for a rapid transition while engaging youth in meaningful climate work such as restoring ecosystems, enhancing community resilience, and building new climate infrastructure.
Community Forests International EnvironmentSackvilleNew BrunswickFall 2022$20,000 The project will mobilize citizen climate action in the Maritime region by amplifying common ground in relationships among settlers and First Nations and by providing access to the emerging conservation economy. The continuation of a program previously funded by the Foundation, Phase Two will work directly for land-based reconciliation through partnerships with Indigenous Nations, organizations, and communities.
Environmental Justice Research Alliance (Small Change Fund) EnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 2022$30,000 The Research Alliance aims to provide research support to communities and movements directly impacted by climate and environmental injustice. Research will be conducted by front-line communities and movements disproportionately impacted by environmental harm to centre their voices in debates on policy and action.
How We Thrive (Blomidon Naturalists Society) EnvironmentHalifaxNova ScotiaFall 2022$33,500 Funds will support the development of web-based educational course that supports the Nova Scotia/Mi’kma’ki climate movement and amplifies its grassroots learning, connection, and action. Course content will include Indigenous leadership and worldview, the science of climate impacts, and ways to get involved.
Union Nationale des Fermiers/National Farmers Union (NFU) EnvironmentSaskatoonSaskatchewanFall 2022$28,100 Initiated by a partnership of Indigenous and non-Indigenous NFU members, the Learning Circles project will offer Indigenous-led opportunities for learning and engagement as well as the sharing of their analysis and experiences of racism and colonialism in agriculture. Ultimately the impetus is to build shared goals, values, and visions for a de-colonized and ecologically-just food system.
Neighbours United (West Kootenay Environmental Centre Society) EnvironmentNelsonBritish ColumbiaFall 2022$30,000 This project will connect with energy-transition skeptics in small, rural communities to build support for just industries and livelihoods by undertaking ‘deep canvassing’, amplifying positive solutions and building support to transition industry to low-carbon energy solutions. The Foundation previously funded Just Transition in Heavy Industry-Based Rural Towns which this program builds upon.
Pembina Institute EnvironmentCalgaryAlbertaFall 2022$30,000 The RiRC program works to encourage remote and Indigenous communities in their pursuit of energy sovereignty and independence by 2050 through reconciliation, energy justice and equity. The initiative will support Indigenous nations and communities to develop clean energy projects aligned with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
The Network for Inclusive Circular Employment (MakeWay)EnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2022$30,000 This project will engage members of under-served communities to chronicle how circular economy practices like sharing, reuse and repair show up in their lives, build shared understanding of a Just Recovery and-create a strategy brief that uses their voices and stories to advocate for change. This is The Share Reuse Repair Initiative’s second grant from the Foundation. (Salal Foundation) EnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2022$40,000 Organizers will develop a strategic plan for Salal and’s Just Transition collaboration that focuses on Networking - bringing fossil fuel workers and non-renewable energy workers into the national Just Transition tent - and a Build Out – strengthening existing cross-sectoral relationships between organized labour, climate organizations, and social movements to align around Just Transition demands and build collective power towards policy change.
The ENRICH Project (MakeWay)EnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 2022$48,000 This project will build capacity in Black communities around climate change preparedness through consultation and workshops that will assess awareness of the social, economic, and health impacts of climate change as well as the resources and expertise within those populations. The initiative will subsequently offer leadership skills and a network of experts to develop climate change preparedness plans.
Toronto Environmental Alliance (Social Planning Toronto) EnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 2022$35,000 To place community voices at the centre of city decision-making in public investments for climate solutions, TEA and their partners will collaborate with local community groups to develop and implement an alternative consultation model in four Toronto communities that are disproportionately impacted by climate change.
West Coast Environmental Law Research Foundation EnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2022$50,000 Funding supports the RELAW project that provides co-learning opportunities and legal support to Indigenous Nations using their own laws to address environmental challenges facing their territories, and to help secure lasting environmental and cultural sustainability. Delivered by an Indigenous-led team, RELAW contributes to transforming the legal landscape in ways that are more sustainable, democratic, and just.
Youth Climate Corps (Wildsight Society) EnvironmentNelsonBritish ColumbiaFall 2022$30,000 Youth Climate Corps (YCC) provides meaningful paid work and training to young people in community-led climate action projects that take place over four to six months. Based in British Columbia, funding will build capacity and partnership building to grow YCC’s BC footprint and expand into other provinces.
Community Living Brant HousingBrantfordOntarioFall 2022$25,081 Community Living Brant will engage with stakeholders to encourage discussion and collaboration on a peer-support model for housing, while identifying one housing opportunity to develop with a social enterprise approach. Ultimately, a community summit will plan for the build of at least one dwelling.
Ecotrust Canada HousingVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2022$25,000 Ecotrust has developed the Toolkit to support First Nations in developing sustainable, culturally appropriate housing, particularly within the context of declared Aboriginal title lands and modern treaty lands in British Columbia. Exploring solutions that are ‘outside the box’ of the colonial Indigenous housing system, this grant will implement and expand the toolkit by working directly with First Nations partners.
Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness HousingVictoriaBritish ColumbiaFall 2022$45,000 Funding will support the creation of a dashboard designed to enhance understanding of local homelessness issues by supporting data-driven decision-making, long-term planning, and policy advocacy. Baseline information on available and planned housing and individuals currently experiencing homelessness or precariously housed will be gathered and updated monthly to understand and identify gaps in the system and develop effective housing strategies and policies.
Habitat for Humanity Ontario Gateway NorthHousingBracebridgeOntarioFall 2022$25,000 To better support Indigenous families residing in their homes, HHOGN will work with the Georgian Bay Métis Community to develop an Affordable Deferred Homeownership Program - a rent-to-own arrangement. Funding will support piloting the program to four new homes and four families in Muskoka.
Homes First SocietyHousingTorontoOntarioFall 2022$44,000 Homes First Society, with cultural and spiritual leadership provided by Council Fire, will work to collectively “re-village” 84 units at 222 Spadina Ave, Toronto. Residents – both Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike – will be supported with knowledge, skills, and wisdom to help residents heal from traumatic disruptions and cultural wounds with monthly Medicine Workshops and weekly sessions for men and youth to help end violence against women.
Jubilee FundHousingWinnipegManitobaFall 2022$30,000 Jubilee’s Rent Guarantee Program provides financial security on rental agreements for at-risk women securing safe housing in the for-profit housing market. Currently piloting the initiative, Jubilee hope to expand demographics to include youth-coming-out-of-care, newcomers, and previously incarcerated community members.
LogifemHousingMontrealQuebecFall 2022$35,000 Montreal-based organizations supporting women who experience housing instability aim to shift from an emergency-only response model to a sustainable systems housing approach. Project Lotus, Phase II continues work previously funded by the Foundation.
Madhu Verma Migrant Justice Centre (KAIROS) HousingFrederictonNew BrunswickFall 2022$50,000 The project was initiated to address problems facing those who live with both precarious immigration status and housing. Migrant Justice is Housing Justice will conduct research on the root causes of the housing crisis, collaborate with newcomer and tenant organizations to amplify those challenges and create and share housing resources for migrant workers, refugee claimants and others with precarious
Community Justice Collective (JUR-ED Foundation)HousingTorontoOntarioFall 2022$10,000 A second grant to the Collective Defence for Communities program to sustain and expand the growing tenant union movement in Ontario by using collective defense methods to fight mass evictions and increase organized tenants’ capacity to fight for affordable housing. Funding supports work with immigrant and working-class communities in the Greater Toronto Area with the hope the model will expand across Ontario.
Canadian Housing Renewal Association HousingOttawaOntarioFall 2022$86500 over 2 yearsFocused on the urgent need to train and mentor the “next generation” of non-profit/social housing professionals, the Housing Professionals Mentorship Program has received funding from the Foundation since 2017. One-on-one mentorship pairings, members’ website with webinars and learning supports, as well as in-person leadership and networking events are used to nurture participants.
Women’s Economic Council Adult EducationBurnabyBritish ColumbiaSpring 2022$40,000 Open Doors adult education project is an immigrant women-focused community program with a gender justice lens. The project supports marginalized women move toward independence and a sustainable livelihood through non-hierarchical
Cooper Institute Adult EducationCharlottetownPrince Edward IslandSpring 2022$25,000 The project centres the expertise of migrant workers on Prince Edward Island as they work alongside allies. Cooper Institute will assess the learning goals and health and safety needs of migrant workers and host six facilitated meetings to document he challenges faced by migrant workers and the systemic issues at play. The goal is to increase migrant workers’ participation in policies, programs and decisions that have an impact on their
FoodShare TorontoAdult EducationTorontoOntarioSpring 2022$37,500 FoodShare aims to connect a network of 90+ community organizations who provided emergency food relief work during COVID with their team of adult educators to provide community kitchen-style workshops and learning opportunities for adult learners. Mobilizing Communities for Social Change will review the issues that underpin food insecurity and explore pathways for community-led solutioning and advocacy around food justice.
Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice Adult EducationTorontoOntarioSpring 2022$32,830 This initiative aims to expand the use of the existing Listening to Indigenous Voices guide by hiring a network coordinator to providing training in its use in and sponsor training events with the help of Indigenous Knowledge-keepers. The education and networking project also aims to improve online resources and build a database to encourage the exchange of information and develop professional contacts.
Hope in Shadows Society (Megaphone) Adult EducationVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpring 2022$2,000 Megaphone will support people with lived experience of poverty, homelessness, and intersecting marginalizations to co-write an as-told-to profile of their experiences of climate disaster that will be published in Vancouver’s Megaphone magazine. Participants will receive support crafting their stories by working alongside journalism students from the University of British Columbia and the University of
The Ignatian Spirituality Project – Canada Adult EducationPierrefondsQuebecSpring 2022$27,600 This Montreal-based project will offer spiritual support to four groups of volunteer leaders- two English-speaking and two French-speaking - in recovery from homelessness and addiction. Volunteers from diverse backgrounds, including those formerly homeless and/or from racialized/marginalized communities, will train and mentor the leaders at overnight retreats and with ongoing support.
Two Wheel View – Calgary Adult EducationCalgaryAlbertaSpring 2022$20,000 The GAP Employability program works with vulnerable youth facing barriers to employment by building their skills with the hands-on exploration of bike mechanics, financial literacy, and community engagement. Funding will expand existing Adult Education program elements including integrating community-centred learning and teaching experiences, working with cohorts on a community project, and integrating diversity and inclusion
VIDEAAdult EducationVictoriaBritish ColumbiaSpring 2022$33,000 In collaboration with Indigenous youth, this initiative aims to develop and implement a comprehensive leadership training program to facilitate workshops and trainings on climate justice within home communities and develop climate-focused learning materials. Popular education methodology principles shared by Women for Change (Zambia) and Indigenous trainers (Canada) will be imbedded in the program.
GreenPAC Future Fund (Sustainability Institute of Canada)EnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpring 2022$25,000The Parliamentary Internship for the Environment program seeks to equip the next generation of environmental leaders with the skills, experience, and political know-how to enact change and provide support for environmental champions in office. Participants enter a ten-month internship with federal Members of Parliament while being supported by a GreenPAC-created curriculum. An Indigenous stream is being introduced to break down the systemic barriers Indigenous individuals face on Parliament Hill and encourage the development of Indigenous-led
Mino Bimaadiziwin Collective (Foundation for Environmental Stewardship)EnvironmentCutlerOntarioSpring 2022$25,000The Mino Bimaadiziwin Collective is focused on building the first global Indigenous youth-led, Indigenous youth-serving, and Indigenous youth-governed network of activists working to create a just world with environmental projects. Leaders of Tomorrow will facilitate professional development opportunities and partnerships built on mutual respect and reciprocal collaboration for the next generation of Indigenous
R.A.V.E.N.EnvironmentVictoriaBritish ColumbiaSpring 2022$15,000Home on Native Land is a self-guided, Indigenous led online legal education project consisting of ten learning modules and ten videos lasting 15-20 minutes each. The video education approach is light, easy to access, comedy-laced, and conversational while the modules challenge participants to analyze Canadian law and Indigenous legal issues. Funding supports the promotion of Home on Native Land.
Wellington Water Watchers (Small Change Fund)EnvironmentGuelphOntarioSpring 2022$25,000This project will provide funding for an Environmental Justice Campaign Organizer to engage women, members of Indigenous, immigrant and/or racialized communities as well as those experiencing poverty to identify intersections between root causes of social and racial injustice and the climate crisis. Wellington Water Watchers will develop campaigns with partner organizations in these communities to catalyze public support and advocacy for initiatives and solutions that address the ways in which people in these communities are impacted by the climate
Aboriginal Peoples Alliance Northern Ontario HousingCochraneOntarioSpring 2022$48,800This project will support the development of an Indigenous-centred, gender-based analysis plus Framework for the provision of subsidized housing and emergency shelter in two Northern communities. (Gender-based analysis plus is an analytical process used to assess how different women, men and gender diverse people may experience policies, programs, and initiatives.) This transformative Framework, developed by Indigenous women and elders, will provide a roadmap for shifting from a colonial approach to housing to one that is Indigenous-centred./
BC Coalition to End Youth Homelessness (A Way Home Kamloops)HousingKamloopsBritish ColumbiaSpring 2022$39,600Funding establishes a new BC Coalition to End Youth Homelessness Coordinator position to provide administrative support for a group of more than 30 youth-serving organizations across the province that work together to amplify the voices of youth with lived expertise by developing research, reports, and actions.
Canadian Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE) (Columbia Institute)HousingVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpring 2022$25,000This project aims to raise awareness among institutional investors and capital market actors on the implications of the financialization on housing affordability. Activities include developing principles, criteria, and practical applications to hold Real Estate Investment Trusts and other funds/managers accountable as well as the creation of guides and other tools to publicize that work. The goal is to activate investors to support investment strategies that contribute to housing affordability.
National Right to Housing Network (Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness)HousingCalgaryAlbertaSpring 2022$50,000This project’s key elements include Indigenous-led research on housing inadequacy and human rights violations in the Northwest Territories as well as culturally sensitive engagement with affected peoples and communities through on-the-ground data collection, data analysis, policy recommendations, report creation, advocacy, public education, knowledge mobilization, and submission to the Federal Housing Advocate on systemic housing issues.
The Shift (Canadian Urban Institute)HousingOttawaOntarioSpring 2022$45,000Homeless encampments represent an urgent human rights issue in Canada and this project will establish a National Working Group on Homeless Encampments to develop a step-by-step guide to assist municipalities in human rights compliant responses to alter their relationship with homeless people. One municipality will be chosen to trial the guide.
Black Women in Motion (The Neighbourhood Group Community Services)Adult EducationTorontoOntarioBIPOC Grants 2022$8,333Black Women in Motion is a Toronto-based, survivor-led, grassroots organization that empowers and supports the advancement of Black women, girls, nonbinary and gender-non-conforming survivors of gender-based violence.
Apathy Is Boring Adult EducationMontrealQuebecBIPOC Grants 2022$8,333Apathy is Boring is a non-partisan, charitable organization that supports and educates youth to be active and contributing citizens in Canada’s
DESTA Black Youth NetworkAdult EducationMontrealQuebecBIPOC Grants 2022$8,333DESTA supports Black youth aged 18 to 35 in reaching their educational, employability, and entrepreneurial goals through a holistic and individualized approach.
Afro Women and Youth FoundationAdult EducationSudburyOntarioBIPOC Grants 2022$8,333The Afro Women and Youth Foundation is a Black-Led and Black-Serving organization that provides leadership, empowerment, and mentorship programs to Newcomers, Black Women and Youth.
RARICA Now (John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights)Adult EducationEdmontonAlbertaBIPOC Grants 2022$8,333RaricaNow is a non-profit organization with the sole aim of Promoting Human Rights for all LGBTIQ+ refugees and newcomers in Canada, raise awareness about the current gaps in service and struggles for this unique population.
Ubuntu - Mobilizing Central Alberta (John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights)Adult EducationEdmontonAlbertaBIPOC Grants 2022$8,333Grounded in spreading the message of UBUNTU – Compassion, Humanity & Harmony - they are committed to a deep sense of interconnectedness and mutuality that changes attitudes and behaviors. The believe in radical inclusivity and that work and efforts, through education, advocacy, and community building, has the power to address the prejudice at the root of our histories where it lives – in the hearts and minds of people.
Under One Sky Friendship CentreAdult EducationFrederictonAlbertaBIPOC Grants 2022$8,333Under One Sky is an organization providing programs and services, educating, advocating for, and empowering a healthy and proud Indigenous community.
Inner Activist (MakeWay Charitable Society)Adult EducationVancouverBritish ColumbiaBIPOC Grants 2022$8,333The Inner Activist is a Canadian-based leadership education program grounded in the principles and practices of diversity, equity, and social justice that offers a comprehensive curriculum that integrates the best practices of seven powerful leadership development approaches.
Delmore Buddy Daye Learning InstituteAdult EducationHalifaxNova ScotiaBIPOC Grants 2022$8,333 The DBDLI creates educational change and genuine opportunities for learners and communities of African ancestry to reach their full potential.
Qqs (Eyes) Project SocietyEnvironmentBella BellaBritish ColumbiaBIPOC Grants 2022$7,500The Qqs Projects Society is a Heiltsuk charitable non-profit located in Bella Bella, BC - the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest - with a mandate to support Heiltsuk youth, culture, and environment.
Swiilawiid Sustainability Society (Haida Gwaii Museum Society)EnvironmentHaida GwaiiBritish ColumbiaBIPOC Grants 2022$7,500Swiilawiid is a place-based social-profit dedicated to the well-being of the lands, waters, and people of Haida Gwaii. They work with Haida Gwaii communities to take meaningful action and reduce our collective impact on the
MEJA - Mother Justice Earth Advocates (John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights)EnvironmentReginaSaskatchewanBIPOC Grants 2022$7,500Mother Earth Justice Advocates is a Regina based group advocating for the rights of Mother Earth through climate justice activities.
Black Environmental Initiative (MakeWay Charitable Society)EnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaBIPOC Grants 2022$7,500The Black Environment Initiative promotes the environmental engagement of black communities and the environmental protection of all people, especially low-income communities.
ENRICH (MakeWay Charitable Society)EnvironmentHalifaxNova ScotiaBIPOC Grants 2022$7,500The ENRICH Project is a collaborative community-based project investigating the cause and effects of toxic industries situated near Mi’kmaq and African Nova Scotian
Community Climate Council (Youth Challenge International)EnvironmentPeel RegionOntarioBIPOC Grants 2022$7,500The Community Climate Council is a youth-founded, not-for-profit organization advocating for local climate action through enhancing climate literacy and political advocacy in Peel Region,
EnviroMuslimsEnvironmentBramptonOntarioBIPOC Grants 2022$7,500EnviroMuslims mission is to engage with, educate and empower the Canadian Muslim community to embed sustainability in our everyday lives.
Shake Up The EstablishmentEnvironmentHannonOntarioBIPOC Grants 2022$7,500Shake Up The Establishment (SUTE) is a national youth-led registered not-for-profit organization that focuses on promoting climate justice within the geographical confines of what is currently known as "Canada."
Youth Climate Lab (Foundation for Environmental Stewardship)EnvironmentOttawaOntarioBIPOC Grants 2022$7,500Youth Climate Lab is a Canada-based global nonprofit of youth mobilizing youth to create just, climate-resilient futures. They equip youth with skills, finanacing and policy knowledge to take leadership in climate
Poplar Movement (Climate Justice Organizing Hub) (Small Change Fund)EnvironmentTorontoOntarioBIPOC Grants 2022$7,500The Climate Justice Organizing HUB is a support structure designed around the needs of grassroots social movement organizers in so-called Canada that respects organizers’ knowledge regarding their own challenges and priorities. Through responsive troubleshooting, skills and strategy sharing, and other capacity-building activities, its mission is to help organizers find their way to building a critical mass of engaged people who are working towards a just
BIPOC2COP (Foundation for Environmental Stewardship)EnvironmentMontrealQuebecBIPOC Grants 2022$7,500
R.E.S.T CentresHousingBramptonOntarioBIPOC Grants 2022$15,000REST Centres is a black-led, BIPOC-serving charitable organization on a mission to end youth homelessness in Peel Region. The provide transitional housing and support services to youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness, including those leaving the public care
Flin Flon Aboriginal Friendship Centre Inc.HousingFlin FlonManitobaBIPOC Grants 2022$15,000Through a desire to maintain an environment that supports reconciliation and growth, the Flin Flon Aboriginal Friendship Centre seeks initiatives to support quality of life, self-determination, to learn about and maintain Indigenous cultural identity, promote respect, equity and equal access to and participation in our society.
Fearless R2W (North End Community Renewal Corporation)HousingWinnipegManitobaBIPOC Grants 2022$15,000Fearless R2W is a nonprofit that serves parents working to reunify with their children and youth aging out of care in Manitoba. They provide opportunities for learning about child welfare in Manitoba, build community and provide advocacy when possible.
Wigwamen Inc.HousingTorontoOntarioBIPOC Grants 2022$15,000Founded in 1972, Wigwamen Incorporated, a non-profit and charitable organization, is Ontario’s oldest and largest urban Aboriginal housing provider.
Nishnawbe HomesHousingTorontoOntarioBIPOC Grants 2022$15,000Nishnawbe Homes is a non-profit Indigenous housing provider with multiple locations in the GTA serving First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples. Tenants are vulnerable members of the community marginalized by the housing crisis. Many are houseless or on the verge of becoming houseless due to the severe lack of affordable housing options.
4Rs Youth MovementSault Ste. MarieOntarioSupporting survivors of the residential school system and its ongoing intergenerational impacts 2022$100,000 the mission of 4Rs Youth Movement is to change the country by changing the relationship between Indigenous and non­-Indigenous young people.
National Association of Friendship CentresOttawaOntarioSupporting survivors of the residential school system and its ongoing intergenerational impacts 2022$200,000 The National Association of Friendship Centres is a network of over 100 Friendship Centres and Provincial/Territorial Associations, which make up part of the Friendship Centre Movement–Canada's most significant national network of self-determined Indigenous owned and operated civil society community hubs offering programs, services and supports to urban Indigenous people.
First Nations Child & Family Caring Society OttawaOntarioSupporting survivors of the residential school system and its ongoing intergenerational impacts 2022$200,000 First Nations Child & Family Caring Society providep reconciliation-based public education, research and support to promote the safety and wellbeing of First Nations children, young people, families and Nations.
National Centre for Truth & Reconciliation WinnipegManitobaSupporting survivors of the residential school system and its ongoing intergenerational impacts 2022$100,000 The NCTR was created as part of the mandate of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). The TRC was charged to listen to Survivors, their families, communities and others affected by the residential school system and educate Canadians about their experiences. The resulting collection of statements, documents and other materials now forms the sacred heart of the NCTR.
Yellowhead InstituteTorontoOntarioSupporting survivors of the residential school system and its ongoing intergenerational impacts 2022$100,000 Yellowhead Institute is an Indigenous-led research and education centre based in the Faculty of Arts at Toronto Metropolitan University. The Institute privileges Indigenous philosophy and amplifies Indigenous voices that provide alternatives to settler colonialism in Canada today. Rooted in community networks, Yellowhead offers critical and accessible resources to support the reclamation of Indigenous land and life.
Indian Residential School Survivor Society North VancouverBritish ColumbiaSupporting survivors of the residential school system and its ongoing intergenerational impacts 2022$100,000 The Indian Residential School Survivor Society (IRSSS) is a provincial organization with a history of providing services to Indian Residential School
Eskasoni Mental HealthEskasoniNova ScotiaSupporting survivors of the residential school system and its ongoing intergenerational impacts 2022$100,000 Eskasoni Mental Health Services (EMHS) provides a wide range of services to the Mi’kmaq people of Eskasoni, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. The Tui'kn Residential School Survivor Team provides services to all 5 Unama'ki (Cape Breton)
Ilitaqsiniq - Nunavut Literacy Council Rankin InletNunavutSupporting survivors of the residential school system and its ongoing intergenerational impacts 2022$50,000 litaqsiniq – Nunavut Literacy Council promotes and supports literacy initiatives in the official languages of Nunavut with respect for the principals of community capacity building and development. Our members include adult educators, literacy practitioners, Government of Nunavut departments and policy makers, non-profit organizations, schools, libraries, and individuals.
NunatuKavut Community Council Happy Valley/Goose BayNewfoundlandSupporting survivors of the residential school system and its ongoing intergenerational impacts 2022$50,000 The NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC) is the representative governing body for approximately 6,000 Inuit of south and central Labrador. NunatuKavut means “Our Ancient Land” and refers to our territory.
Yellowknife Women's SocietyYellowknifeNWTSpecial Grant 2022$20,000 The Housing First program for single adults supports some of the most vulnerable members of the community to live in independent market rental units. Potential clients are assessed according to the Vulnerability Assessment Tool. This project operates in cooperation with the Community Advisory Board of the City of Yellowknife
CP Planning (LAMP Community Health Services)TorontoOntarioSpecial Grant 2022$10,000 This project aims to write grants that will fund work to conduct community-led planning, network, and skills development designed to protect and increase affordable housing in communities impacted by land value increases and development pressure resulting from major transit investment.
Aboriginal Housing Management Association (AHMA)West VancouverBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant 2022$10,000 Share, promote, and undertake advocacy work related to the release of BC’s first urban, rural, and northern Indigenous housing strategy with the goal of implementing the thirteen Strategic Actions and proposed solutions related to Indigenous housing needs.
Raising the Roof/Chez ToiTorontoOntarioSpecial Grant 2022$24,000 Raising the Roof aims to implement the Reside program in a new community. By starting with a smaller project in a new municipality, they will develop relationships with all relevant stakeholders and then use these relationships as the basis for a large project in that area
Clan Mothers Healing VillageAdult EducationWinnipegManitobaFall 2021$40,000Clan Mothers Healing Village aims to provide support to women who have been victims of multi-generational trauma, sexual violence, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking. Funding will help in the development of a strategic plan, hire and train staff for educational programming and social enterprise development, and support fundraising.
FCJ Refugee CentreAdult EducationTorontoOntarioFall 2021$20,000Peer-led learning sessions will empower racialized refugee and precarious migrant women by identifying systems of oppression and strengthen individual and collective resilience. Safety Through Solidarity will also outline and develop strategies to overcome systemic exploitation.
Institute for Change LeadersAdult EducationTorontoOntarioFall 2021$24,587The project will develop capacity and leadership to help create an African LGBTIQ+ refugee movement in Ontario. Advocacy efforts will continue by using this movement to confront systemic racism and discrimination and improve economic prospects through ongoing programming.
MakeWay Charitable Society - Shared Platform Project - The Existence ProjectAdult EducationVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2021$25,000Back to the Body is a workshop using art to educate and teach women with lived and living experience of homelessness how to understand their stories and learn to use tools to better manage their lives and build community with one another. The workshop collaborates with downtown service providers to offer supports.
MakeWay Charitable Society - Shared Platform Project - The Northern Birthwork CollectiveAdult EducationYellowknifeNorthwest TerritoriesFall 2021$50,000Funding supports an Indigenous birthwork training and support program to build capacity in northern communities through community forums and consultation as well as forming a Knowledge Keepers/Elders Advisory Committee. The initiative will subsequently develop materials and pilot and launch the program across the NWT.
Relationships First (Memorial University of Newfoundland)Adult EducationSt. John's NewfoundlandFall 2021$25,000This project will plan and deliver a Family Violence Project, Student Residence Relational Living Project, and Decolonizing through Indigenous Consultation and Partnerships. Participants will embrace decolonizing non-Indigenous principles, practices of restorative justice and build capacity for Talking Circle
Tatamagouche (Atlantic Christian Training Centre)Adult EducationTatamagoucheNova ScotiaFall 2021$30,000This initiative aims to reduce racism, divisiveness and systemic oppression at the Tatamagouche Centre and among their programs. The project will offer an institutional and program audit using an anti-racism/anti-oppression lens, hire BIPOC coordinators and deliver initiatives focused on multi-faith decolonizing.
Watercourse Theatre (YW Kitchener-Waterloo)Adult EducationGuelphOntarioFall 2021$20,778Living Below the Line is a community-engaged theatre project for Waterloo Region residents marginalized by poverty. Diverse, multigenerational individuals will collaborate with theatre artists to co-create and present a work about their life experiences. The project will culminate in seven planned community presentations.
Amnesty International - CanadaEnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 2021$20,000This campaign will generate educational materials, communications tools, videos and a comic book to highlight human rights abuses and environmental harm related to the production of rechargeable batteries. Canada-specific content will promote sustainable energy and resource solutions that promote and safeguard human rights.
David Suzuki FoundationEnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2021$23,000Funding supports the development of a national priority map for boreal caribou habitat restoration that incorporate Indigenous knowledge. Project staff will host workshops with Indigenous knowledge holders and map their oral contributions. Future restoration initiatives could offer green jobs in lieu of extractive occupations and heal degraded landscapes.
Ecojustice Canada SocietyEnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 2021$50,000Foundation support will continue to aid a youth-led climate lawsuit, efforts to secure the right to a healthy environment through Canadian Environmental Protection Act reform, and a new climate finance strategy.
Ecological Farmers Association of OntarioEnvironmentGuelphOntarioFall 2021$37,030This project acts on suggestions provided by EFAO’s BIPOC Farmer Network by supporting Black, Indigenous and other farmers of colour through farmer-to-farmer knowledge sharing and community building as well as by launching a coalition of stakeholders to address land access for BIPOC farmers.
Ecology Action CentreEnvironmentHalifaxNova ScotiaFall 2021$18,750Youth from immigrant and newcomer communities will be mobilized to engage in conversations related to green jobs. Conversations will highlight barriers and ask the needs of those youth be reflected while we build a sustainable and inclusive economy.
Environmental Funders Canada (Low Carbon Funders Group)EnvironmentTorontoOntarioFall 2021$20,000Funding is to support the Low Carbon Funders Group – a funder collaborative through which Canadian environmental funders support ten major environmental organizations in a coordinated and strategic effort to push for a low-carbon future in Canada through federal policy.
Environmental Youth AllianceEnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2021$20,000Provides land-based job skills training designed to build an equitable and just Green Economy. Funding will assist in the use of a trauma-informed approach to engage youth traditionally excluded from environmental work. Areas of focus include ‘braiding’ Western ecology with Indigenous knowledge and developing skills in land stewardship.
Gidimt'en Checkpoint (Salal Foundation)EnvironmentVictoriaBritish ColumbiaFall 2021$25,000Funding for this initiative will build capacity for an Indigenous Climate Finance Campaign by helping launch a public campaign focused on educating current project investors, developing investment briefs for partners and allies and building a clear, strong web presence with creative storytelling.
Solid State Community Society (Simon Fraser University - Surrey Community Engagement)EnvironmentSurreyBritish ColumbiaFall 2021$31,000This initiative will build a new Solid State co-op of racialized young women from Surrey to design and develop initiatives and programs that support local organizations and small businesses. One major initiative will become the cohort's signature effort.
The Halton Region Conservation FoundationEnvironmentBurlingtonOntarioFall 2021$25,000Over 30 youth from newcomer and racialized communities will participate in workshops during the school year. Participants will explore climate science and green careers and form a Youth Council to co-design programming and lead activities.
Women's Centre of CalgaryEnvironmentCalgaryAlbertaFall 2021$20,000Funding for this project will bring women from diverse backgrounds together to learn about and act on issues related to climate change. Community workshops, conversations, and action groups will be organized by a volunteer group of women engaged in local environmental issues.
A Way Home CanadaHousingTorontoOntarioFall 2021$50,000The Foundation’s relationship with A Way Home continues with assistance to build additional capacity in the homelessness and allied sectors to serve Indigenous youth in culturally appropriate and supportive ways. Funding allows the Youth Homelessness Social Innovation Lab to create a full-time Indigenous trainer position.
BC Society of Transition HousesHousingVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2021$36,846This project aims to improve accessibility of appropriate long-term affordable housing for low-income women and their children leaving violent situations. Using a systems-based approach, housing sector stakeholders and people with lived expertise will develop a useable toolkit while examining housing design solutions and strategies.
Catholic Crosscultural ServicesHousingScarboroughOntarioFall 2021$40,000By encouraging innovative private-public partnerships, The Gathering Place collaborative working group will seek to implement inclusionary zoning legislation to remedy the lack of affordable and supportive housing in Scarborough for immigrants, refugees, youth, and those experiencing chronic homelessness.
Choices for YouthHousingSt. John's NewfoundlandFall 2021$30,000This project will research and promote best practices to implement and sustain ‘housing first’ rapid rehousing and shelter diversion across Newfoundland. Funding will also aid the work of defining homelessness and housing precarity within small rural communities and identify innovative and replicable solutions to address it.
Native Child and Family Services of TorontoHousingTorontoOntarioFall 2021$40,792Funds support a study into the systemic and social barriers to accessing culturally informed affordable housing and housing supports among the Aboriginal population in Toronto. Includes outreach, data collection, and sharing findings with partners.
Toronto Shelter Network (Toronto Hostels Training Centre)HousingTorontoOntarioFall 2021$40,000This project aims to develop and test strategies for converting shelters to supportive and transitional housing programs enabling homeless populations to live in safe, secure and appropriate housing. A particular focus is on the chronically homeless and those least-well served by existing services.
United Way of Saskatoon and AreaHousingSaskatoonSaskatchewanFall 2021$25,000Aiming to deliver immediate access to adequate and affordable long-term housing for people experiencing chronic homelessness. This initiative will collaborate using a harm-reduction lens to address unmet physical and mental health issues as well as financial, social, and spiritual needs. unitedwaysaskatoon.ca
Afrique au FémininAdult EducationMontrealQuebecSpring 2021$20,000This project fosters autonomy and empowerment for newly arrived women who speak neither French nor English by contacting them in their first language and improving access to social services. Parents Agents Multiplicateurs aims to combat social isolation and build relationships between community organizations, institutions and the populations they serve.
Circles for Reconciliation, Inc. (Archdiocese of Saint Boniface)Adult EducationWinnipegManitobaSpring 2021$25,000Created in response to calls to action 45 and 46 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, this initiative aims to create and maintain mutual respectful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. Ten participants – five Indigenous and five non-Indigenous - gather with two trained facilitators in a reconciliation circle for ten weekly sessions to specifically explore primary and elementary school education on the process of reconciliation.
Citizens for Public JusticeAdult EducationOttawaOntarioSpring 2021$9,304Funding will support the development of educational resources and activities that explore people’s lived experiences of poverty, privilege, and systemic oppression in Canada, and develop their capacity to engage in political advocacy. The project will be carried out with the guidance of an advisory group composed of those with lived experience of poverty and/or other intersecting forms of systemic oppression.
Community Justice Collective (JUR-ED Foundation)Adult EducationTorontoOntarioSpring 2021$30,000This initiative will sustain and expand the growing tenant union movement in Ontario by using collective defense methods to fight mass evictions, build tenant power and increase organized tenants’ capacity to fight for affordable housing. Funding supports work with immigrant and working-class communities in the Greater Toronto Area with the hope the model will expand across Ontario.
Food First NL (Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador)Adult EducationSt. John's NewfoundlandSpring 2021$25,000Reimagining Food Aid in Newfoundland and Labrador aims to convene a conversation on the future of the emergency food system. This discussion will amplify the voices of those with lived experiences of food insecurity and those who volunteer with or work for food-related programs to encourage new ways of thinking and working. The project will include both in-person and online sessions, a conference, development of a summary report and a communications campaign.
iMOVe Arts Association (North End Parent Centre Association)Adult EducationHalifaxNova ScotiaSpring 2021$30,000This project will develop a culturally appropriate, Afro-centric curriculum based in adult education principles and best practice to support racialized people in Nova Scotia. Participants will learn how to use the cooperative model to address their economic and social challenges.
Inspiring Communities (New Dawn Community Development Educational Foundation)Adult EducationHalifaxNova ScotiaSpring 2021$30,000This 12-month initiative delivers connections, funding, leadership skills and empowerment to marginalized citizens to build local capacity, including the creation of new community programming. The program is designed with one-on-one coaching and anti-oppression education to reduce barriers to participation.
The Centre for Mindfulness StudiesAdult EducationTorontoOntarioSpring 2021$32,000Funding supports the first phase of development of a mindfulness-based, anti-oppression training strategy that social agencies can use to encourage marginalized constituencies to address personal and collective issues of systemic oppression. Materials will focus on local communities and the larger socio-political environment.
Indigenous Climate Action (Polaris Institute)OttawaOntarioSpecial Grant 2021$11,000 Indigenous Climate Action is the only Indigenous-led climate justice organization in so-called Canada. We are a diverse and growing network of active and engaged Indigenous Climate Action has partnered with Dr. Jen Gobby and Rebecca Sinclair to conduct a critical policy analysis of the Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (PCF) and the Healthy Environment, Healthy Economy (HEHE) plan from the perspective of Indigenous rights, sovereignty and the pursuit of climate justice.
Gidimt'en Checkpoint (Salal Foundation)VictoriaBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant 2021$15,000 The goals of this campaign are to reduce investment into the Coastal Gaslink pipeline project, draw attention to linked investors and institutions and increase media coverage and political pressure. With the support of Stand.Earth, training a local Indigenous organizer to be a finance campaigner and engage with existing finance campaigns including Stop the Money Pipeline coalition, the Climate Safe Pensions Network and the new Canadian banks campaign would be a
Green Budget Coalition (Nature Canada)OttawaOntarioSpecial Grant 2021$10,000 The Green Budget Coalition (GBC) is utilizing its proven approach and capacity to build support for the adoption of strategic federal budget recommendations in the 2022 federal budget, while maximizing coordination and cooperation amongst GBC members. Funding is to support wage costs for the Green Budget Coalition Assistant position.
MakeWay Foundation (Environmental Racism Program)VancouverBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant 2021$12,000 MakeWay has partnered with Dr. Ingrid Waldron and Naolo Charles to co-create, along with other community partners, an initiative to address systemic racism within the environmental movement. The initiative will include creating a National Coalition to Fight Environmental Racism, targeted campaigns, a Youth Working Group, Education and Training, and Research. As well, the Lead Projects include the ENRICH Project and the BE Initiative. Funding from the CDF is to support direct staff leadership and coordination.
Small Change Fund (Climate Justice Organizing HUB)TorontoOntarioSpecial Grant 2021$9,300 The Climate Justice Organizing Hub is a support structure designed around the needs of grassroots social movement organizers. Through responsive troubleshooting, skills and strategy sharing, its mission is to help organizers find their way towards building a critical mass of engaged people who are working towards a just
Foundation for Black CommunitiesTorontoOntarioSpecial Grant 2021$60,000 To support the establishment of an endowment for the Foundation for Black Communities. CDF funding is to support staff
Raising the RoofTorontoOntarioSpecial Grant 2021$50,000 After successfully completing Reside pilot projects, Raising the Roof is ready to scale and expand the Reside program, strengthening and adding to the network of social enterprise contractors, providing training and employment for marginalized people through affordable housing creation as they build new units of affordable housing with supports across the country. Funding is to support the staff salaries to deliver this project.
Sunshing Coast Affordable Housing SocietyBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant 2021$15,000 This project addresses the affordable housing crisis in British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast. Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society sits on the Steering Committee of newly created coalition of 19 community housing organizations. Funding is to support the hiring of staff to coordinate plans, internal communication, and re-design of their webpage. This will also allow them to participate in local government discussions on housing and short term rental regulation policy changes.
The Canadian National Institute for the Blind Adult EducationTorontoOntarioFall 2020$20,000 The CNIB will develop and deliver group training sessions on advocacy and human rights for members of the sight loss community in British Columbia. This project will use a train-the-trainer model to support, connect, empower and amplify voices to inform new accessibility legislation in British Columbia.
The Centre for Civic Religious Literacy & Islamic Family & Social Services AssociationAdult EducationEdmontonAlbertaFall 2020$20,000 This multi-year project aims to improve the social and economic well-being of the rural communities in Alberta and Temiskaming Shores, Ontario by applying religious and spiritual literacy and practices to support identities and reduce tensions. Learned lessons will be explored, adapted and applied in other communities.
Dene Nahjo (MakeWay) Adult EducationYellowknifeNorthwest TerritoriesFall 2020$25,000 An on-the-land program for Indigenous peoples will teach traditional Dene hide tanning techniques as well as instruction on how to manage a bush camp. Facilitated discussions will focus on decolonization, Indigenous resurgence, Indigenous leadership values, climate action and modern land claims.
Hives for Humanity Society (PHS Community Services Society) Adult EducationVancouverBritish ColumbiaFall 2020$4,000 This workshop series focuses on public speaking and group facilitation to build pathways to governance and leadership through an inclusive, creative culture of connection built around gardens and beehives. Participants will identify social inequalities they experience and develop collective actions to share their voices with allies for social justice.
John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights Adult EducationEdmontonAlbertaFall 2020$20,000 Stride Forward will strengthen the Stride Advocacy Network by hosting meetings and workshops to build individual understanding of Indigenous-based/trauma-informed restorative justice practices. Workshops will build skills to use these practices in advocacy work with victims and offenders.
Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc.Adult EducationWinnipegManitobaFall 2020$30,000 Resources will enable the Heart Medicine Lodge adult education program to adapt programming to pandemic conditions. Embedded in the project are Indigenous cultural practices which define self and create pathways for reconciliation and facilitate the breakdown of systemic barriers.
MABELLEarts Adult EducationTorontoOntarioFall 2020$20,000 MAP is a community-led, social and economic development program that seeks to revitalize existing communal spaces that are currently inaccessible to residents. Funding supports adult education, training and job development for community leaders.
Multifaith Housing Initiative Adult EducationOttawaOntarioFall 2020$17,500 This project seeks to advance the leadership of racialized and immigrant/refugee women and build cross-cultural-racial, interfaith allyship through creative writing. Participants will explore the impact of colonization and racial injustice, along with other forms of marginalization.
Skills for Change Adult EducationTorontoOntarioFall 2020$20,000 The Social Action for Change initiative gathers members of the Toronto region’s Black community for leadership development. Participants will gain transferable skills to drive local change related to the intersectional barriers faced by Black people.
VIDEAAdult EducationVictoriaBritish ColumbiaFall 2020$24,900 The Oskinîkiwak Askîy: Future World project will choose five Indigenous female, male and Two-Spirited youth leaders from communities from across Canada to create a media campaign highlighting Indigenous-led initiatives and teachings on the intersecting themes of environmental sustainability and gender equality.
Community Forests InternationalEnvironment SackvilleNew BrunswickFall 2020$20,000 The Common Ground Project will convene and mobilize citizen climate action in the rural forest-dependent Maritime region by amplifying the common ground among settler and First Nation land relationships and providing access to the emerging conservation economy. Community Forests International will strengthen on-staff engagement organizing skills, learn from key experts, and create shared knowledge and storytelling that moves
Dogwood (Institute for New Economics Public Interest Research Association)Environment VictoriaBritish ColumbiaFall 2020$30,000 Dogwood is building the Local Power campaign to kick-start the renewable revolution by removing obstacles to community-driven clean electricity all over B.C. Activities include:
- Partnering with First Nations in B.C. to highlight Indigenous renewable power projects
- Surveying British Columbians for green recovery projects
- Leading steering committee to draft Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) legislation in B.C.
- Mobilize Dogwood’s 275,000 supporters to take action for PACE, green recovery projects, and Indigenous Power
Global Catholic Climate Movement - Canada a PROJECT of Faith & the Common GoodEnvironment TorontoOntarioFall 2020$25,000 Catholics make up 30% of Canadian society, and Catholic institutions – such as dioceses, hospitals, schools, universities, colleges, teachers’ pension funds and charities -- collectively have investments worth billions of dollars. In addition, individual Catholics, and businesses owned by Catholics, have billions more in investments. This project aims to facilitate the migration of Catholic-held capital away from a troubled economic system, and towards new opportunities that will build a more sustainable and just world.
Green Jobs Oshawa (CSJ Research and Education)Environment TorontoOntarioFall 2020 $ 25,000.00 This proposed project for environmentally conscious conversion of manufacturing includes three main action areas:
1. Goal: build a popular base for converting closed facilities to socially useful production, especially environmentally-necessary production.
2. Engage worker and community activists in such projects, deepening our base in Oshawa and encouraging similar projects across Canada.
3. Do educational/mobilizing/advocacy work on the link between productive capacities, economic restructuring, the environment, and jobs with dignity.
Indigenous Clean Energy (Ottawa Community Foundation)Environment OttawaOntarioFall 2020 $ 20,000.00 Bringing It Home is a national initiative working to foster community-centered ‘Healthy Energy Living’ enabling environments that engrain energy efficiency for new and retrofitted homes and facilities, now and for future generations. This enabling environment focuses on strengthening capacity across six key domains: Governance & Leadership, Asset Management, Maintenance, Skills, Design & Construction, and Financing. Bringing It Home will develop tools and resources (videos, worksheets, case studies, etc.), national financing solutions, and hands-on training to support Indigenous communities in fostering enabling environments and implementing energy efficiency
Iron and Earth (Institute for New Economics Public Interest Research Association)Environment VictoriaBritish ColumbiaFall 2020$20,000 Iron and Earth will undertake four main areas of activities as part of their Prosperous Transitions Campaign:
1. Rapid response: Generate and demonstrate worker support for prosperous transition principles and green stimulus initiatives
2. Listen: Gather more information about fossil fuel sector workers’ vision for a Prosperous Transition
3. Amplify: Broadcast worker supported priorities and perspectives into public and political spheres
4. Influence: Organize to win workers’ policy priorities
The Share Reuse Repair Initiative (a Project of MakeWay Charitable Society)Environment Vancouver British ColumbiaFall 2020 $ 25,000.00 This project will meaningfully engage members of marginalized communities to learn
how circular practices like sharing, reuse and repair show up in their lives and economies. Marginalized community members will be brought together with public and private sector decision-makers and economic development specialists to build shared understanding and co-create an implementation strategy. Project insights and findings will be distilled in a Strategy Brief that centres the voices and stories of marginalized communities and used to advocate for change. Project findings will also be featured in SRRI’s social media, website, newsletter and at a public dialogue.
West Kootenay EcoSocietyEnvironment NelsonBritish ColumbiaFall 2020$25,000 This project will reach rural audiences in heavy-industry communities to build overwhelming support for the just clean energy transition by:
• Using a tool that is proven to change peoples' minds: deep canvassing
• Launching a positive rural solutions online publication using values-based narratives
• Building worker support for the renewable energy transition at the Trail smelter
• Community organizing so city council passes a resolution for the just 100% renewable energy transition, and the Teck smelter commits to developing a transition plan
• Releasing a playbook and coaching other organizations
World Wildlife Fund Canada (WWF-Canada)Environment TORONTOOntarioFall 2020$15,000 The funding will support WWF in partnership with Gjoa Haven to accomplish two goals that will support the establishment of the Gjoa Haven Energy Coop:
1. Finalize the legal and financial structure for the coop through consultation with Arctic Co-operatives Limited, working with the Nunavut Economic Developers Association to build a business case.
2. Determine the financial viability of facilitating energy savings projects by analysing the data collected from three pilot projects funded by CanNor.

Gjoa Haven Energy Coop will enable energy efficiency and renewable energy projects that will increase employment, energy security and Inuit ownership while reducing environmental and health impacts.
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (Ontario)HousingTorontoOntarioFall 2020 $ 20,380 This research project aims to support tenants across Canada to mobilize for more affordable, more secure housing. This research will: examine the root causes of the current housing affordability crisis and the resultant housing insecurity; provide new information, analysis, and networking opportunities for use by tenants’ organizations; crystallize public and policy-makers’ understanding of tenants as an often-marginalized socioeconomic group with specific aspirations; and lay the groundwork for new policy development. This project builds on recent CCPA work on housing affordability, the financial security of tenant households, and four decades of related research into income and housing supports for low-income Canadians, working or otherwise.
Logifem IncHousingMontrealQuebecFall 2020 $ 29,410 A network of Montreal-based organizations supporting women who experience housing instability, aim to collectively shift from an emergency-only response model to a more sustainable systems housing approach for all women and children. Activities include co-creating, implementing and evaluating a replicable model of housing supports specifically for women experiencing housing instability and strengthening and energizing community organizations currently supporting this population. A cross-sector advisory committee will support the participatory co-creation project.
Partners for Youth Inc.HousingFrederictonNew BrunswickFall 2020 $ 12,500 There is a service gap related to ongoing mentorship and support for youth who are seeking and participating in mental health treatment. The Mentoring for Mental Health and Wellness project will address this by recruiting, training and supporting volunteers and others to provide mentoring for youth seeking support to maintain positive mental health. This will be a community-based initiative where the development of mentoring supports to empower youth facing mental health challenges will be volunteer driven and agency supported. In addition to supporting youth around their mental health needs, mentors will be able to focus on education and employment supports and career development as relationships
Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE) (Columbia Institute)Housing Vancouver British ColumbiaFall 2020 $ 25,000 One of the drivers of inequality and housing unaffordability is the financial system and the shift towards treating housing as a commodity rather than a human dwelling. This trend is known as the financialization of housing whereby housing is no longer considered a universal human right but rather a means to accumulate wealth, a security for financial instruments and a safe haven to park excess capital. The Investors for Affordable Cities project will mobilize actors in the financial system to address the practices that are driving housing unaffordability.

In order to better identify, quantify and limit predatory strategies used by investment funds and managers in the residential real estate market, SHARE proposes a three-year project to mobilize institutional investors to implement responsible strategies within their real assets portfolios, developing pressure at key points in the investment chain and with policy makers to stop predatory behavior and promote housing investment that supports inclusive communities.
Siloam MissionHousingWinnipegManitobaFall 2020 $ 20,000 The Exit Up! program provides opportunities for Indigenous young adults, aged 18 to 25, who have left the care of Child and Family Services and are seeking a supportive environment to develop skills for living interdependently with success. The program works holistically with participants to help them achieve their goals, providing culturally safe and relevant opportunities, catered and directed to their own individual
Woman Abuse Council of Toronto (WomanACT)HousingTorontoOntarioFall 2020 $ 24,772 Violence is a leading cause of homelessness among women and a lack of access to safe and affordable housing is a key barrier for women fleeing violence. Growing evidence shows that a broad range of culturally competent and safe housing options for survivors increases the likelihood of them re-establishing themselves safely. Among these options, the right for women to remain in their homes safely must be upheld.

The primary objectives of the project are to:
• Advance housing solutions and options for survivors by developing policy and practices that support women to remain in their own home or independent accommodation when leaving a violent relationship;
• Disseminate and mobilize knowledge on promising practices, programs and policies with policy makers, community agencies and funders to promote their uptake.
Breast Cancer Action QuebecAdult EducationMontréalQCSpring 2020$38,482 Working in partnership with the Centre sur l'éducation des adultes et la condition féminine (CDEACF), Breast Cancer Action Quebec (BCAQ) will develop and deliver health empowerment workshops for newly arrived adult learners. The workshops will empower the adult learners to identify the supports they need and take action on their health by working with the community to bring about those changes. Workshops will be delivered in French and English.
Canadian Language MuseumAdult EducationTorontoON Spring 2020$7,000 The Canadian Language Museum is working closely with members of the Deaf communities in Canada, sign language teachers and interpreters, and linguistic experts to create a new exhibit: 'Sign Languages of Canada'. The exhibit features six different sign languages used across Canada's English, French and Indigenous Communities. The exhibit will be toured to a wide variety of venues across the country.
City for All Women Initiative (Lowertown Community Resource Centre)Adult EducationOttawaONSpring 2020$34,000 Violence is a leading cause of homelessness among women and a lack of access to safe and affordable housing is a key barrier for women fleeing violence. Growing evidence shows that a broad range of culturally competent and safe housing options for survivors increases the likelihood of them re-establishing themselves safely. Among these options, the right for women to remain in their homes safely must be upheld.

The primary objectives of the project are to:
• Advance housing solutions and options for survivors by developing policy and practices that support women to remain in their own home or independent accommodation when leaving a violent relationship;
• Disseminate and mobilize knowledge on promising practices, programs and policies with policy makers, community agencies and funders to promote their uptake.
Child Welfare League of CanadaAdult EducationOttawaONSpring 2020$29,000 The Learning Community on Reconciliation Initiative creates opportunities for children, youth and family serving organizations that are focused in the areas of child welfare, housing, health and youth justice to:

1. Strengthen their ability to work creatively, respectfully, and collaboratively with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples;

2. Reflect on their practice, learn from peers and experts, and prototype and evaluate reconciliation initiatives; and

3. Operationalize the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC's) Calls to Action and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in their organization.
Jane/Finch Community and Family CentreAdult EducationTorontoON Spring 2020$33,000 The Equitable Planning Toolbox project is a set of community-driven education tools to support marginalized communities in taking control over land use decisions in their neighbourhoods and promote equity. Jane Finch Community and Family Centre’s goal is to help residents build their understanding of planning and development, ensure deeply democratic processes, and secure concrete community benefits for their neighbourhoods.

In partnership with the Jane Finch Housing Coalition, Working Women Community Centre, Social Planning Toronto, and other allies across the city, Jane Finch Community and Family Centre will refine, test, and promote the toolkits and workshops on the ground over the next year with residents, grassroots groups, and community organizations.
Nanaimo Foodshare SocietyAdult EducationNanaimoBCSpring 2020$33,517 The Peer Connections project will focus on the development, implementation and evaluation of a peer mentorship program with and for low income elders and elders with disabilities in Nanaimo, British Columbia that focuses on addressing social isolation and healthy eating (food issues)
Park PeopleAdult EducationTorontoON Spring 2020$30,500 The Sparking Change Learning Project is a peer learning program for volunteer community leaders within marginalized neighbourhoods in Vancouver and Toronto. Park People will connect with new Canadians, women and members of underserved communities and provide them with the learning, resources and support they need to lead programs in their local parks. The program has five components: community outreach, workshops, bus tours, peer learning connections, and support of 30 community-led park events.
SEED Winnipeg Inc.Adult EducationWinnipeg MBSpring 2020$33,000 In partnership with the Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre, SEED Winnipeg will work to translate the Money Stories curriculum into Cree, Oji-Cree, or Ojibway, and engage with 10 adult Indigenous facilitators to learn, co-develop and teach Money Stories and provide Money Stories workshops to a minimum of 100 community members.
Sierra Club of British Columbia FoundationAdult EducationVictoriaBCSpring2020$23,000 Sierra Club BC will support New Canadians (immigrant and refugee communities in BC’s lower mainland) to co-create a shared analysis of the climate crisis and generate community-based actions for climate justice through reciprocal popular education processes within community networks, drawing from lived experience and encouraging critical
Southern Stl'atl'imx Health SocietyAdult EducationMount CurrieBCSpring 2020$28,456 Sqwelsqwel'min Action Research project is guided by the question: What do families need to support their kids’ learning? Community members will guide the research process, analyze the data, and decide on next steps. All 6 phases of the project will take place in 4 Southern Stl’atl’imx communities: N’Quatqua, Samahquam, Skatin, and Xa’xtsa. This project will run alongside an existing Community Adult Learning Program that is co-delivered as a partnership between Southern Stl'atl'imx Health Society and Capilano
Tides Canada Initiatives Society - The Existence ProjectAdult EducationVancouver BCSpring 2020$34,000 The Existence Project is expanding its programming to a new constituent base comprised primarily of women with lived experience of homelessness (LEOH) and to collaboratively deliver the implementation of a city wide, LEOH peer-led anti-stigma storytelling
eDemocracy Research Foundation (Elephant in the Room Communications)EnvironmentVancouver BCSpring 2020$40,000 The Carbon Budget Project is a partnership between eDemocracy Solutions and Elephant in the Room Communications to facilitate fair and inclusive public engagement for climate emergency planning processes working with local governments and community organizations. The online engagement process is powered by Ethelo Decisions, the sister organization of eDemocracy Solutions.
Ryerson University Leadership Lab (Future Majority )EnvironmentTorontoONSpring 2020$50,000 The Movement Capacity Building with Suburban and Rural Youth project will drive action on the climate crisis using peer-to-peer organizing and digital engagement to educate hundreds of thousands of rural and suburban youth throughout Canada to dramatically increase young Canadians’ capacity to set the agenda on the climate emergency in the next federal
The Sustainability Institute of Canada (GreenPAC)EnvironmentTorontoONSpring 2020$25,000 The Everyday Advocates project will expand the capacity of its newly created national network of engaged community organizers. This mobilization will, in turn, foster environmental leadership and accountability in federal politics, and strengthen the environmental sector’s capacity to create meaningful policy changes.
Small Change Fund (Wellington Water Watchers)EnvironmentTorontoONSpring 2020$30,000 Funding is to support the People’s Water Campaign as they set an agenda for Ontario that ensures Water is for Life, not for Profit! The People’s Water Campaign will
• Put forward and coordinate action on an inclusive, province-wide set of demands
• Consult on a Water Justice Declaration that benefits all communities working to achieve water justice in Ontario to set out long term goals on water protection in Ontario.
Circle Community LandTrust (Wigwamen Incorporated)HousingTorontoON Spring 2020$36,000 The Circle Community LandTrust was formed to preserve and invest in 730 homes now owned by Toronto Community Housing, but under perpetual risk of being sold off. The goal of this project is to assume ownership of these homes, bring them to a state of good repair, keep them affordable for low-income tenants, and manage them as specialists in scattered-unit
Outflow Ministry Inc.HousingSaint JohnNBSpring 2020$15,000 The purpose of City of Refuge is to help people experiencing homelessness to find safe and affordable housing and to maintain their housing. The City of Refuge project will seek to represent the needs of people who are homeless now or at risk of homelessness to government officials across jurisdictions, provide leadership in the local chapter of the Built for Zero initiative, and provide leadership in the creation and administration of a HIFIS governance committee.Outflow Ministry Inc.
The Jubilee Fund Inc.HousingWinnipegMBSpring 2020$30,000 Jubilee Fund is a non-profit lender of last resort to poverty reduction projects throughout Manitoba. By lending organizations funds, they build credit and assets so in the future they have access to traditional lending. One of Jubilee Fund’s three main lending focuses is low-income housing. Funding is to support operating
Yonge Street MissionHousingTorontoON Spring 2020$30,000 The Education CI initiative will identify and address the key barriers to education and create a new approach– designed for and by the youth themselves - as they work to become financially stable and securely housed. The project will draw on the guidance of youth leaders with lived experience of homelessness to develop curriculum with an emphasis on experiential learning principles that address the barriers they
Reclaim AlbertaEnvironmentCalgaryAlbertaSpecial Grant March 2019$25,000 A research and public awareness campaign about Alberta’s aging oil and gas wells challenge.
Simon Fraser University and Clean Energy CanadaEnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant April 2019$25,000 To support a communication strategy aimed at maximizing climate and clean energy messaging
Simon Fraser University and Clean Energy CanadaEnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant June 2019$25,000 Support for the development of a Climate Communications Hub that will in turn support a range of organizations to communicate effectively and consistently on climate change action.
Foundation for Environmental StewardshipEnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpecial Grant May 2019$20,000 Support for the 3% project in the final year of the project that aims to mobilize 1,000,000 students in 500 Canadian high schools across 300 towns undertaking 100 Action Prokects through four national tours.
Hollyhock Leadership instituteEnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant June 2019$5,000 Creating for Change Conference
CAEHHousingCalgaryAlbertaSpecial Grant April 2019$10,000 Support for the National Alliance to End Rural and Remote Homelessness
For Our Kids Climate Education SocietyEnvironmentDuncanBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant June 2019$40,000 To conduct the Development Phase of the project, aimed at providing a pathway for Canadian parents concerned about climate change to get active.
Indigenous Clean Energy (Ottawa Community Foundation)EnvironmentOttawaOntarioSpecial Grant June 2019$25,000 Indigenous Clean Energy will support the public communicationand engagement ofnew TV series Power to the People
Ontario Non-Profit Housing AssociationHousingTorontoOntarioSpecial Grant July 2019$5,000 Development of an Urban/Rural Indigenous Housing Plan for Ontario
Polaris InstituteEnvironmentOttawaOntarioSpecial Grant July 2019$70,000 Develop and advance five Green New Deal related projects
Guelph Community FoundationHousingGuelphOntarioSpecial Grant May 2019$10,000 Support the installation of solar panels at two Indigenous language and culture camps. Nimkii Aazhibikong in Elliot Lake, Ontario and Moose Lake which is in the traditional territory of the Fort McKay First Nation in Alberta
Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser UniversityHousingVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant July 2019$60,000 To support a collaborative systems change initiative focused on increasing social connectedness and resilience in multi-unit housing in BC’s urban communities, led by the Hey Neighbour Collective.
For Our Kids Climate Education SocietyEnvironmentDuncanBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant October 2019$100,000 To scale up the activity of For Our
Polaris InstituteEnvironmentOttawaOntarioSpecial Grant December 2019$70,000 Supporting work work with key sectors to co-develop creative materials, policy demands and public events around what a Green New Deal should look
For Our Kids Climate Education SocietyEnvironmentDuncanBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant October 2019$40,000 Building a Parent Climate
ExekoAdult EducationMontreal QC2019$25,000.00Funding is to support the scaling out and deepening of the Power Shift project. Exeko will continue to develop new workshop content and tools relating to critical analysis of social, political and economic structures, social norms and marginalization. The aim is to build strong frames for their workshops, leaving enough room for co-creation with participants.
Indigenous Family Centre (Christian Reformed Church of North America)Adult EducationWinnipegMB2019$30,000.00Funding will support the At the Heart of the Matter: Stories of Home and Community project, in which ten Indigenous and ten non-Indigenous participants in the North End neighbourhood of Winnipeg explore significant life experiences on the theme of Home and Community through the lens of story. There will be multiple entry points into storytelling using traditional and contemporary art forms such as beading, fabric art, building a pinhole camera, photo/audio walkabouts, stencil print-making, and digital storytelling.
LI- The Leadership Institute DBA HollyhockAdult EducationManson's LandingBC2019$20,000.00
Funding is to support Run for Office - a 5-day political training intensive aimed at lifting marginalized communities traditionally excluded from the political process. The vision is to take a values-based approach, reaching beyond partisan politics, to build capacity of candidates from under-represented communities, and in turn deepen the pool of progressive candidates. It is The Leadership Institute's belief that in doing so they will fundamentally shift politics and public policy in Canada.
Maple Leaf Theatre for Social ResponsibilityAdult EducationTorontoON2019$25,545.00Funding is to support Ending the Silence - a collaborative artistic initiative to promote learning, dialogue, and healing among newcomer/refugee/non-status women identifying as survivors of violence. This project will use Forum Theatre based learning to engage 180 women from South Asia, the Middle East, and East Africa in 2 Toronto neighborhoods. It will create a safe, accessible space for survivors to speak up against violence, find solutions/ways to respond to it, and build leadership to support other
Rwanda Social Services and Family Counsellling Adult EducationOttawaON2019$25,000.00This project addresses anti-black racism in Ottawa, working closely with immigrants and refugees from several African countries, many of whom are fleeing conflict and discrimination. Funding will support facilitating workshops, including the Women Victims' Group and Seniors' Group, along with other African immigrant community groups in awareness-raising, discussion of their experiences, and exploring actions that can be taken both individually and collectively to combat the problem in a constructive manner.
The 519Adult EducationTorontoON2019$30,000.00Funding is to support the Stories from Home project focused on challenging misconceptions of marginalized residents/neighbourhoods in Toronto’s gentrifying downtown east (Regent Park, St Jamestown) through story telling, theatre, and place making. Includes a series of theatre and story telling workshops for 120 participants. Storytelling workshops culminate in the creation of plaques installed at places in which narratives written by participants take
TTCriders (Small Change Fund)Adult EducationTorontoON2019$35,000.00Funding is to support the Neighbourhood Transit Organizers Leadership Program - a training and leadership development program for transit riders with poor transit and employment access. Leaders will mobilize participants within their own neighbourhoods (i.e. Scarborough and South Etobicoke) to develop action plans and civic engagement. Participants will identify transit issues affecting their lives, learn strategies and skills to take action for change, and receive mentorship and support to develop and carry out a work plan. Funding will support program costs, honoraria for 8 participants, and TTCriders, and Small Change Fund staff time to carry out this work.
All-Together Affordable Housing CorporationHousing Belleville ON2019$50,000.00All-Together has partnered with Springdale Developments to create 32 more affordable housing units, with an eventual goal of bringing 100+ units under the umbrella of the Quinte Community and Housing First Partnership. The Partnership recognizes the pivotal role of the private sector housing market in creating safe, affordable homes for some of Belleville's most vulnerable communities. The Partnership also details the critical role and responsibilities played by 6 local community agencies in providing support for vulnerable persons living with a diverse range of challenges. Funding is for $25,000 per year for two
Elizabeth Fry Society of Northwestern OntarioHousing Thunder BayON2019$24,000.00This Planning & Development project aims to achieve systemic change over the long term in the form of: preventing homelessness in Thunder Bay among marginalized and vulnerable women; reducing or eliminating recidivism; identifying the systemic barriers that prevent women from obtaining adequate housing and creating policy change that reduces those barriers.
Habitat for Humanity CanadaHousing TorontoON2019$50,000.00Funding is to support the Building Futures – Indigenous Youth Trade Skills Training project which will engage Indigenous youth from remote communities in learning construction and leadership skills. The project will: build skills allowing participants to return home to retrofit and repair homes; empower Indigenous youth to develop themselves and their communities; and develop creative approaches to partnering with remote Indigenous communities to improve their housing conditions.
Halifax Refugee Clinic AssociationHousing Halifax NS2019$70,000.00The Community Action on Eliminating Housing Barriers for Refugee Claimants project implements a Housing First model of intervention with a client-driven, inclusive, trauma-informed approach. First, focusing on conducting research to complete housing resource mapping resulting in the creation of an accessible and language appropriate Housing Resource Guide. Second, fostering welcoming communities through the creation of a Housing Network which brings the public and private housing sectors together, including offering educational workshops to housing and shelter service providers so they are better informed about the housing needs and eligibility of refugee claimants. Third, reducing housing related stress through access to a housing support staff member, including after hours and emergency support. Funding is for $35,000 per year for two
Bedford House (Greenwood United Church)Adult EducationPeterboroughON2019$30,000.00In partnership with Greenwood United Church, the Building Bridges out of Poverty Teams project will scale the Bridging Teams model as a means of addressing poverty in Peterborough through mentorships, community building, co-learning and mutual support. This project aims to train 10 under-resourced community members to become co-facilitators of Bridging Teams
Carrefour d'animation et de participation a un monde ouvertAdult EducationQuebecQC2019$14,000.00The Social Mobilization for Fair Transit Fares in Quebec City project will mobilize low-income citizens and organizations in Quebec City with a collective effort for a low-income public transit fare. The funding will support the planning of three workshops, two pop-up interactive actions at metro stations, deputations at municipal meetings, and general meetings with at least 12 organizations taking part. They are building community around the cross-cutting issue of transportation.
IndigenEYEZ - a project of Tides Canada Initiatives SocietyAdult EducationVancouverBC2019$24,000.00The Snaqsilxw IndigenEYEZing Adult Education for Leadership on Social-Ecological Justice project of Tides Canada Initiatives Society will engage 25-30 emerging Indigenous leaders and 10-20 educators, facilitators, and allies in an 8-month participatory action research course, leading to action projects in their respective communities. Participants will explore social and environmental justice through dialogue, learning, and action-reflection cycles. Participants will come together for a 7-week land-based intensive - an experiential, adult education, facilitated process and to form action groups.
KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice InitiativesAdult EducationTorontoON2019$19,000.00The Strengthening Capacity of Migrant Workers to Exercise Their Rights project focuses on capacity building with migrant workers by raising awareness about the various legal rights and frameworks that protect them through workshops. They plan 11 workshops across Canada, using participatory adult education methods including interactive exercises, discussion circles, and storytelling with 20-25 migrant
RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs)Adult EducationVictoriaBC2019$15,000.00Funding will support the content development for Phase 2 of a larger 3- year adult education program tentatively called Curious Canadians—targeting conscious Canadians—which aims to help increase Canadians’ understanding of reconciliation issues and advance the idea that Indigenous Peoples should have equal access to justice and to the courts.
Roots to Harvest (Roots to Harvest)Adult EducationThunder BayON2019$29,000.00The SHOW program will engage marginalized young adults from Indigenous, newcomer and low-income communities in ecological agriculture and local food systems.
The Canadian Council of ChurchesAdult EducationTorontoON2019$28,000.00The From Charity and Justice to Service project will engage a network of 250 strategic intercultural leaders in churches across Canada to deepen their learning on the role faith in ending poverty in Canada. The aim is that these “intercultural change leaders’ can reflect critically and then go back and lead projects in their church and community.
The Stop Community Food CentreAdult EducationTorontoON2019$19,000.00The Financial Empowerment and Economic Justice Program engages low-income community members in weekly participatory workshops to explore micro and macro-economic issues. Members of the program will receive coaching and training, developing advocacy skills such as making deputations and writing press releases.
HitPlay ProductionsAdult Education/Environment/HousingTorontoOntarioSpecial Grant March 2018$7,000 To support the film screening of The Invisible Heart to engage citizens and spark discussion and debate on Social Impact Bonds.
Institute of Sustainability Education and ActionEnvironmentSalt Spring IslandBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant March 2018$5,000 Ontario Documentary Screening Tour of "Directly Affected: Pipeline Under
David Suzuki FoundationEnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant August 2018$18,000 EcoDoc Studio to launch the Canadian release and impact strategy of the documentary film The Condor and The Eagle.
CAIFAdult Education/Environment/HousingTorontoOntarioSpecial Grant November 2018$50,000 Support for Community Lifelines Pilot Program to help to address the lack of access to credit and financial mentoring that undermines the capacity and effectiveness of charities to fulfill their
Ecotrust Canada and Wahkohtowin Development Inc.HousingVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant October 2018$40,000 To support the Triple Bottom Line Reutrn Project to address the importance of Indigenous people returning to their homelands and becoming leaders in the process of Reconciliation through full participation in the economy.
John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human RightsAdult EducationEdmontonAB2018$30,000 Shift Alberta 2019 is a community mobilization and education campaign across Alberta to provide informed and critical political, social and economic analysis as we lead into a critical provincial election. Our goal is to bring the voice and perspective of marginalized communities to the table and to inform the
Liard Aboriginal Women's SocietyAdult EducationWatson LakeYK2018$25,500 The LAWS Mothers of the Land Gathering sponsored by Catherine Donnelly Foundation in May 2018 demonstrated a lack of resources and emphasized the need to continue to support communities with scientific information and support Kaska traditional knowledge transfer on land based issues. This application is for a second
MABELLEartsAdult EducationTorontoON2018$30,000 Community Roots is a timely initiative that brings impactful arts-based leadership opportunities to three low-income, inner-suburban Toronto neigbourhoods. By utilizing community-engaged arts as a participatory research and engagement strategy, community members will access training and on-the ground learning opportunities, combined with unique opportunities to engage and foster community involvement and civic engagement among newcomers, refugees and asylum
Myths and Mirrors Community ArtsAdult EducationSudburyON2018$35,000 Myths and Mirrors will partner with Better Beginnings Better Futures on The Circling Project which will develop and nurture support circles to lay the groundwork for developing strategies and projects to protect each other from hate, to challenge hate movements and to become effective
Tides Canada Initiatives - The Existence ProjectAdult EducationVictoriaBC2018$30,000 Funding would support one year of The Existence Project workshop, which is offered to up to 80 people with a lived experience of homelessness aged 18-80, using the services provided by Anawim House. We employ a storyteller as the starting point for guided creative reflection that encourages participants to share their perspectives on the social issues that affect their day-to-day lives. This powerful group process that includes socially minded artists, students and community ally's has proven successful in transforming the debilitating shame and isolation of past traumas and current circumstances into dignity and connection to
Community Forests InternationalEnvironmentSackvilleNB2018$45,550 Funding will support the first phase of the Climate Forest Parternship project which aims support the creation of community-owned climate forests that secure and aggregate threatened private lands through collective local ownership; addressing socio-economic, reconciliation, and environmental challenges. Year one activities include: conducting meetings, focus groups, and interviews with stakeholders; determining participatory ownership and governance structures; implementing governance structures and business models; and building a National Climate Forest
National Observer (Observer Media Group)EnvironmentVancouverBC2018$15,000 Funding is in support of First Nations Forward—Phase 2 which will see the production and publication of 10+ articles/multimedia pieces by the team at National Observer—independent investigative journalists. They will collaborate first and foremost with Indigenous communities in BC in order to bring compelling stories about Indigenous peoples and the environment into the mainstream. This project follows on the experience of the reporting series entitled First Nations: The 21st Century’s Stewards of Land and Water, which published 27 multimedia stories between November 2017 and May
Regeneration CanadaEnvironmentMontrealQC2018$20,000 This project will highlight regenerative farmers through a series of short videos, in order to educate the general public about the importance of healthy soils as one of Canada’s most overlooked and underutilized climate change solutions. Public education is critical to drive demand for products that contribute to climate mitigation. The project will highlight the important role of farmers in Canada’s climate mitigation strategies to federal policy-makers. Ultimately leading to increased adoption rates of regenerative practices that support a more carbon neutral agriculture sector across
West Coast Environmental LawEnvironmentVancouverBC2018$50,000 Funding is to support the Revitalizing Indigenous Law for Land, Air and Water (RELAW) project of West Coast Environmental Law that provides co-learning opportunities and legal support to Indigenous nations using their own laws to address environmental challenges facing their territories, and to help secure lasting environmental and cultural
Aboriginal Coalition to End HomelessnessHousingVictoriaBC2018$32,263 The ACEH in partnership with BC Housing and Vancouver’s Atira Women’s Resources Society will open 21 units of modular housing for Indigenous women, many of whom are fleeing violence. This project will build upon the successes and learnings from the Priority One pilot program where 20 of the city’s most at risk and vulnerable are housed in a new model of culturally supportive housing. The goal is to tailor the new culturally supportive housing model with long-term goals to replicate the model Vancouver Island wide, while drawing on Indigenous worldview, values and
Canada Without PovertyHousingOttawaON2018$10,000 CWP is deeply engaged in advancing the relationship between housing and human rights at the national level in Canada. Our projects around homelessness, housing, and human rights address the root structural causes of homelessness and grossly inadequate housing (which leads to homelessness) as both cases and consequences of poverty. Their programming centred on housing and homelessness focuses on human rights-based policy and legislative development, legal advocacy, and
Ecotrust CanadaHousingVancouverBC2018$20,000 Funding is to support the second phase of the Standing Tree to Standing Home project. The aim of the project is to support the building of dignified, culturally appropriate and sustainable housing with Indigenous communities. This grant is to carry out ongoing engagement and capacity building work with thier community partners, and to further refine and more widely disseminate a comprehensive housing system baseline assessment framework with Indigenous communities across
Outflow Ministry Inc.HousingSaint JohnNB2018$25,575 Outflow Ministry has front-line experience as a shelter provider. With this proposal they will build on their extensive knowledge to advocate for affordable housing in Saint John - both as a test-city for the national poverty reduction strategy and to inform the city's new community planning process. They will lead in the
ExekoAdult EducationMontrealQC2018$24,500 Through the Powershift project, Exeko will develop new content and tools for adult education workshops. Workshop will take place in shelters, Aboriginal communities, schools, and on the streets with homeless through their idAction Mobile (mobile van). Exeko will share learnings with workshop facilitators and participants. The aim of this project is to provide support to participants experiencing situations of social exclusion, as well as our facilitators, and our
Innovative Young Indigenous Leaders (Tides Canada Initiatives)
Adult EducationVancouverBC2018$18,660 Funding will support the "Innovative Young Indigenous Leaders Symposium" which is a four day gathering that brings together 75 young Indigenous leaders from around BC for discussion aimed at creating change for their communities. Beyond the symposium, Innovative Young Indigenous Leaders are fostering a network intent on creating movements toward social transformation within their communities.
Maple Leaf Theatre for Social Responsibility Adult EducationTorontoON2018$24,400 This Theatre for Integration project will create a platform for 360 members of Toronto’s marginalized Middle-Eastern Newcomer/Refugee communities to engage in artistic expression workshops and have their voice heard, create a script telling the story of their struggles/challenges as New Canadians and learn and develop solutions to these social /personal challenges using Forum Theatre. The majority of participants are low-income, marginalized, with limited access to employment/health initiatives.
Nevy’s Language for Lower Levels (Afghan Women’s Counseling and Integration Community Support Organization)Adult EducationNorth YorkON2018$23,000 Funding will support the "From Seclusion to Full Contribution" project of Nevy’s Language for Lower Levels in partnership with Afghan Women’s Counselling and Integration Community Support Organization. The aim of this project is to provide language learning and provide a space for participants to bind together as a team to democratically tackle a problem they all share. The project develops leadership, communication, and organizational
Together Against Poverty Society Adult EducationVictoriaBC2018$10,000 In 2017 TABS received funding to create the Victoria Tenants Advocacy Group (VTAG) with the goal of educating and empowering adult renters to become a public voice for tenancy rights and reform. This additional support will allow TAPS to fully transfer control of the new group to its membership and away from staff.
Indigenous Climate Action (Sierra Club BC) Environment VictoriaBC2018$45,550 Funding will support Indigenous Climate Action (ICA) to develop tools and resources that implement a rights framework and center Indigenous peoples as agents of changes for climate justice. ICA have a three year strategy to empower Indigenous climate change leaders.
School for Social Entrepreneurs Ontario (Tides Canada Initiatives Society)Environment TorontoON2018$34,444 Funding is to support the Social Entrepreneurial Leaders Engaging Communities for Transition (SELECT) Program which builds the capacity of organizers from racialized and marginalized communities to lead climate focused work. Participants are trained on climate justice concepts, GHG impacts and evidence-informed communications tools. Participants are supported to develop initiatives that engage their communities in climate solutions, and access coaching and funding to apply their learnings through implementing a project.
CAEHHousingCalgaryAlbertaSpecial Grant February 2017$5,000 Support for a national communications initiative to build support for the prioritization of homelessness in the proposed National Housing Strategy.
Canadian Housing Renewal Association (CHRA)HousingOttawaOntarioSpecial Grant February 2017$295,000 Support for the development of a research paper that would identify and provide details on policy options that would form the basis of a distinct urban and rural Indigenous housing strategy
Simon Fraser University and Clean Energy CanadaEnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaSecial Grant April 2017$40,000 Making it Real: Demonstrating the Benefits of Canada's Clean Energy Transition
East Coast Environmental Law AssociationEnvironmentHalifaxNova ScotiaSpecial Grant June 2017$5,000 Support for a private prosecution case being undertaken by East Coast Environmental Law on behalf of Ms. Brown and the community of Harrietsfield, NS
Climate Action Network Canada and the Conservation Council of New BrunswickEnvironmentFrederictonNew BrunswickSpecial Grant June 2017$10,000 To help launch the Canadian Climate Communications Hub, an ambitious new communications effort designed to reach new segments of the Canadian population while providing the Canadian environmental movement with a fresh set of tools and narratives that aim to revitalize their approach to public engagement.
National ObservorEnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant July 2017$7,500 National Observer will produce a year-long in-depth investigative series that will focus on First Nations rights and title, which are central to land use and decision-making in British Columbia. The series is intended to offer a fresh perspective on First Nations leadership in BC’s political, legal and environmental
WoodGreenHousingTorontoOntarioSpecial Grant July 2017$37,500 To support outreach to tenants in Toronto Community Housing Corporation-owned stand-alone houses to garner support for a new community-based non-profit corporation to gain ownership and management of 600 “scattered” houses.
Small Change FundEnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpecial Grant October 2017$5,000 Transitioning to a New Model of Philanthropy
Wolastoq Grandmothers and Conservation Council of New BrunswickEnvironmentFrederictonNew BrunswickSpecial Grant December 2017$15,000 Tiny Homes at Sisson for the Wolastoq Grandmothers & Mothers
Sustainability NetworkEnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpecial Grant December 2017$2,500 To support the Sustainability Network in the development of a cross-cultural understanding about environmental identity and in helping build relationships between ENGO leaders and Indigenous knowledge
New Leaf ProjectHousingVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant December 2017$50,000 Taking Bold Action on Homelessness will research, analyze and implementation a project aimed at addressing homelessness by empowering individuals to move beyond homelessness and improve the quality of their lives.
College of Law, University of SaskatchewanAdult EducationSaskatoonSK2017$25,850 The College of Law will be offering a law program to 25 students in Iqaluit, commencing in September 2017. The proposed project will involve the 25 students in the program working with the cultural facilitator to identify groups in Iqaluit who have a justice-related question, issue, or concern. The aim of this project is to provide students and community members with the opportunity for a transformative learning experience that will shape the students in the remaining years of their law degree program and in their future professional lives, as well as provide a platform for community members and groups to share their knowledge and take part in shaping the future of the legal system and access to justice in Nunavut.
Commitment TO Community (Social Planning Toronto)Adult EducationTorontoON2017$35,742Through this project, the Commitment TO Community coalition will increase the capacity and influence of marginalized residents from eight Toronto neighbourhoods through a collective process of community visioning, advocacy skills training, and engagement with municipal decision-makers on residents' public policy priorities. A key outcome in the project will be the development and strengthening of a network of neighbourhood-level resident groups that will have capacity to communicate their needs to government decision-makers, and to secure additional resources in high-need neighbourhoods.
Mi'kmaw Native Friendship CentreAdult EducationHalifax NS2017$28,000As a follow-up to the project, This Is What I Wish You Knew, participants will create, develop and perform an ethnodrama and public forum examining the real life experiences of Indigenous people in urban centres. The aim is to give an authentic voice to these stories, publicly acknowledging the harm and injustices suffered by Indigenous Canadians in the past, and engage in dialogue and visioning with the wider multicultural communities, fostering healing and positive steps forward. They also plan to produce a documentary film of the events and audience Q&A for educational purposes.
Theatre for Living SocietyAdult EducationVancouver BC2017$26,000šxʷʔam̓ət (home) was created and performed by a mixed Indigenous/non-Indigenous cast in 2017. Because of it's success, it will now tour to 22 communities across BC and Alberta (co-hosted with collaborating local community organizations), plus another 9 shows in Vancouver. The play is Forum Theatre - it builds to a crisis and stops. Performing the play a second time, the audience can stop the action, enter the play, and work towards reconciliation, on the ground, where it really exists. The process is deeply transformative at personal and community levels. Closing night will be a global, interactive webcast and high quality
United Church Downtown Mission Windsor Inc.Adult EducationWindsor ON2017$18,900The Downtown Mission’s Peer Leadership and Advocacy Network (PLAN) is a 10-week program to strengthen the leadership and advocacy capacity of people who experience poverty, homelessness, and/or other forms of oppression and marginalization. Curriculum content will be co-created with participants. PLAN will provide an opportunity for peers who have experienced various forms of oppression and marginalization to connect, learn from each other, and develop critical consciousness about their experiences. The recruitment process will prioritize bringing together people representing the groups that are disproportionately affected by poverty and homelessness (e.g., Indigenous peoples, women, people with disabilities, people who are racialized, and New Canadians). The curriculum will incorporate the types of skills and training opportunities that people need to work collectively to effect social, political and economic
Dogwood (Salal)Environment Victoria BC2017$25,000Dogwood is the largest non-partisan citizen action network in British Columbia. Dogwood is the only Canadian partner in the Power Past Coal coalition, a thin green line of carbon resistance that has delayed new coal port approvals across the Pacific Coast since 2012. Their goal is to defeat the Fraser Surrey Docks proposal to transship U.S. thermal coal and prevent further expansion of coal export infrastructure in B.C. In partnership with Salal Foundation, funding for Dogwood is to support the mobilization of supporters to organize British Columbians in support of a levy on thermal coal
Shift (Tides Canada)Environment VancouverBC2017$15,000Funding is to support the project Action for Pension Wealth & Planet Health—a new initiative bringing together and educating pension fund beneficiaries, influencers and fund leaders to shift investment priorities to minimize climate risks and tap opportunities in a low-carbon economy. Shift, a project of Tides Canada Initiatives Society will support pension beneficiaries, leverage influencers, create dialogue and raise awareness to ensure pension funds commit to action that maintains performance while reducing climate risks and impact.
The Pembina Foundation (Iron & Earth)Environment CalgaryAB2017$35,000Iron & Earth in partnership with The Pembina Foundation is conducting the Solar Skills Campaign to up-skill 1,000 former oil and gas workers into the solar industry. Funding from CDF is to support the delivery of a training program for10 selected trainees (representing different demographics). Working with the Louis Bull Tribe, they will install a field mounted solar energy installation in the field of their community K-9 school. The project will be recorded using high quality media, which will be used in a digital media campaign that highlights the success of their project, increasing public support, and building momentum for future
WWF-CanadaEnvironment TorontoON2017$25,000Funding is to support WWF’s Community Voices program, which aims to safeguard wildlife and traditional Inuit ways of life threatened by climate change and increasing industrial development. They co-create an action plan that facilitates Indigenous-led organizations to strategically and effectively participate in regulatory processes through engagement and the provision of pro-bono support from WWF-Canada in the form of legal and technical
Choices for YouthHousing St John’sNL2017$20,900Funding for Choices for Youth will support the creation of an expert working group on youth homelessness and host a conference that together will generate a clear understanding of how best to serve at-risk and homeless youth across Newfoundland and Labrador. With a focus on prevention and innovative approaches to serving rural and remote communities, the results of these discussions will be an important resource not only in the province, but also nationally and
Somerset West Community Health CentreHousing OttawaON2017$23,000Somerset West Community Health Centre has initiated a project to address gentrification in Ottawa’s West Centretown with the goal to protect the area’s diversity, affordability and inclusivity. With this project they will conduct a feasibility study to retain/increase rooming houses in West Centretown using a non-profit model, including assessing the financial feasibility of purchasing rooming houses and/or properties to be developed as rooming houses, and developing a plan to integrate on-site support services for
The Tyee (Columbia Institute)Housing Vancouver BC2017$30,000Building on the success, of the previously funded Housing Fix project, the Tyee is entering the next phase of this national reporting project, which asks ‘What’s the Holdup?’ This is an independent media/communications project using solutions-focused journalism, including: twelve stories from a Toronto-based journalist focusing on emerging urban housing challenges and solutions, with emphasis on national approaches to access and affordability; six reports from Jay Pitter on her Community Conversations project, which explores new models of public housing in Toronto, Montreal, Eabametoong First Nation, Winnipeg, Halifax, Edmonton, Vancouver, and potentially Iqaluit and Saskatoon; and a community engagement event in
Bedford House Community MinistryAdult EducationPeterboroughON2017$25,000 Funding will support the Bridges Out of Poverty framework (at work in over 370 communities across North America) as part of a city-wide effort to reduce poverty and build relationships across class, faith, and social divides. The project includes two parallel adult education programs.1) For people living in poverty, where participants become "investigators" of their particular context and challenges and develop strate-gies and a Life Plan. 2) For middle and upper-income people, trained to play a sup-port role through a Mentorship Training Program, to act as allies. After training, these two groups meet in confidential support teams, called Bridging Teams.
CommunityWise Resource CentreAdult EducationCalgaryAB2017$17,200 Funding will support the second phase of Community Wise Resource Centre's Anti-Racist Organizational Change (AROC) process. This includes the development and facilitation of their Advisory and Working Groups. The goal is to ensure that AROC's adult education framework is retained and further strengthened.
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre AssociationAdult EducationVancouverBC2017$20,000 Funding will support the Power of Women project, a social justice collective of women, many of whom are poor, racialized, Indigenous, and/or homeless. Partici-pants will identify areas of concern and create a plan of action by determining their goals. As the women of the group build their leadership capacity, they will also seek out opportunities for meetings with local groups and individuals to educate or influ-ence social change as well as participate in community action. The project will facili-tate women in the DTES building their capacity and understanding of decision-making processes, and telling their stories to garner public support for policy change.
Liard Aboriginal Women's SocietyAdult EducationWatson LakeYT2017$49,500 Funding will support "The Mothers of the Land Gathering" which will occur over three days in 2017. Participants involved will include Kaska citizens and Elders from each of the Kaska communities, allied organizations, and facilitators with similar interests. The event will include dialogues on the traditional principals and spirituality of land stewardship, discussions on is-sues of land use and resource extraction on traditional lands, and forums to develop consen-sus on critical issues and social action strategies.
Montreal City MissionAdult EducationMontrealQC2017$20,000 Funding will support the Women Weaving Their Dreams program which will bring together Syrian and other refugee women through workshops that aim to create a safe space to ex-press their feelings of loss and grief, articulate the challenges in their new context, and their dreams for the future. Once a network has been formed through sharing, mutual support, and empowerment, participants will be ready for the next phase which will focus on economic participation and the skills needed to either join the workforce, create one's own small busi-ness or engage actively in volunteer work.
North York Community House (NYCH)Adult EducationTorontoON2017$30,000 Democracy Talks 2.0 will engage 90 newcomers, immigrants and racialized low-income resi-dents over 5 months, in a series of experiential adult education workshops and practicum activities aimed to strengthen participants' voices and and inspire the possibility of change for themselves and their communities. Democracy Talks is an independently evaluated and suc-cessful program developed by Samara Canada, in collaboration with North York Community House and other community agencies.
Discourse MediaEnvironment VancouverBC2017$30,000 Funding will support Discourse Media as they seek to deepen their innovative and inves-tigative reporting on climate change and climate justice in Indigenous communities in BC. They will report on how aboriginal communities are impacted by industrial development, particularly proposed energy developments in BC. Discourse will address the issue of "news poverty" in remote communities by doing reporting based on the expressed needs of local communities, and building local reporting capacity through fellowships and train-ing focused on "solutions journalism" - reporting in the public interest.
Ecology Action CentreEnvironment HalifaxNS2017$24,150 Funding is to support the Climate Jobs Roundtables Initiative which will engage marginal-ized communities around Nova Scotia in conversations about climate jobs. Ecology Ac-tion Centre will host roundtables in four marginalized communities, with an ambassador for each community who will partner to organize the roundtable according to each com-munity's unique needs, and building relationships beyond the project. Outcomes include a public document outlining: policy recommendations to increase climate jobs; skills and training opportunities; and awareness shifting tools.
Pembina FoundationEnvironment CalgaryAB2017$24,150 Funding is to support the Mikisew Cree First Nation and The Pembina Foundation in a joint initiative to coordinate and strengthen the First Nations and ENGO caucus to en-sure toxic tailings in Alberta's oilsands are quickly and effectively removed from the land-scape. This initiative will provide the opportunity to share perspectives, pool technical expertise and traditional ecological knowledge, and develop strategy within the caucus to ensure outcomes are aligned with long-term environmental and social justice.
Sierra Club of British Columbia FoundationEnvironment VictoriaBC2017$21,700 Funding is to support Sierra Club BC's Pull Together campaign to mobilize grassroots community support for First Nations' legal challenges opposing Kinder Morgan's tar sands pipeline and tankers proposal, through: public education; compelling, story-based communications; amplifying Indigenous voices; distributed grassroots organizing; catalys-ing business voices; and underscoring reconciliation as a key component of climate jus-tice.
Ecotrust CanadaHousing VancouverBC2017$35,000 Funding will support the first year of the Tree to Home:Building Cultural Foundationsprogram to build a new ap-proach to housing with Indigenous communities. It aims to improve the economic, social, cultural and ecological well-being of communities through the development of a commu-nity directed and driven housing sector. At the end of the project they will have set the stage to implement pilots in a select number of First Nations communities, and estab-lished templates for others to follow, thereby creating the critical path for enabling this work over the next 5 years.
Parkdale Neighbourhood Land TrustHousing TorontoON2017$24,500 In collaboration with Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre (PARC), PNLT will acquire a 17 unit at-risk rooming house and creation of a demonstration project. PNLT will own the property in trust, with PARC as a supportive housing operating partner to ensure long-term affordability. The project will create a replicable model and feasibility studies for three additional at-risk or vacant rooming houses in Parkdale.
Victoria Cool Aid SocietyHousing Victoria BC2017$18,000 The Victoria Cool Aid Society, Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness and Vancouver Island Health Authority are partnering to create and pilot a culturally-specific approach to Aboriginal homelessness in Greater Victoria, that will ultimately serve to inform leading practice and advance systems-change and lasting solutions to prevent and end homeless-ness of Indigenous Peoples. The goal of the project is not only to assist homeless Aborigi-nal individuals in securing and maintaining housing but more so, to offer holistic services within a cultural context to reinforce health and well-being, and improve connection with family/community.
Simon Fraser University and Clean Energy CanadaEnvironmentVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant May 2016$10,000 To develop a high ambition policy plan with a focus on electrification as a necessary component of any effective pan-Canadian climate plan
Polaris InstituteEnvironmentOttawaOntarioSpecial Grant May 2016$5,000 To respond to the public demand for a national conversation regarding This Changes Everything “The Leap Manifesto”
New Market Funds SocietyHousingVancouverBritish ColumbiaSpecial Grant May 2016$50,000 To support the creation of New Commons Development, an innovative initiative that will help to address housing affordability in Canada
Development and PeaceAdult EducationMontrealQuebecSpecial Grant July 2016$5,000 World Forum on Theology and Liberation 2016
Canadian Environmental Grantmaker’s Network (CEGN)EnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpecial Grant August 2016$10,000 Communications to Advance Canada'a Climate Commitment Initative
Raising the RoofHousing TorontoON2016$25,000 Provided funds will go to support the ongoing work of The Upstream Project. This initiative is adapting a youth homelessness prevention strategy that originates in Australia, in order to develop knowledge & resources to support communities and government with planning school-based youth homelessness prevention strategies.
Conservation Council of New BrunswickAdult EducationFrederictonNB2016$12,500 Funding will support Growing Tula's Farm Leaders, a training program for newcomers to assist them in learning about sustainable agricultural practices and the farming sector in Canada. The program will take a strong focus on developing leadership and interpersonal skills among participants, including demonstrating a commitment to social justice. The organization will make links between education, sustainable agriculture, and environment issues. This initiative will collaborate with the Multicultural Association of Fredericton.
FCJ Refugee CentreAdult EducationTorontoON2016$20,000 Refugee Women Count project will engage refugee women and women with precarious immigration status to enhance knowledge and skills, as well as increase the participation of newcomer women in Canadian society. The project will have a peer-mentoring component, train-the-trainer methodologies and participants will take leadership roles in the program. Workshops will be organized on topics requested by participants, as well as educational sessions on rights, responsibilities and settlement process. The project will build a safe space for newcomer women to bring forward their experiences and their concerns regarding their new lives in Canada.
Industrial Areas Foundation Canada Adult EducationVancouverBC2016$27,500 Funding will support the creation of new and updated training curriculum and foster leadership skills for member organizations of two alliances: the Metro Vancouver Alliance and the Greater Victoria Acting Together. This funding will help to develop greater capacity of civil society groups and enhance issues of diversity and relationship building with Indigenous communities. The new training content will focus on affordable housing, climate change and First Nations Peoples. Project will seek to engage with over 100 groups and 350,000 members.
Justicia for Migrant WorkersAdult EducationToronto ON2016$20,000 Migrant Workers Adult Advancement Education and Leadership Development in Southern Ontario project will work with migrant workers in Southern Ontario to bring forward their experiences, knowledge, concerns and demands for systemic solutions to the issues they face while living and working in Canada. The project will outreach to migrant workers across rural communities, mainly those employed in the agricultural sector. Funding will support the development a series of workshops and an educational process to identify issues of collective concern, help migrant workers exercise their rights and build leadership. The project also aspires to create linkages with food justice organizations.
Theatre for Living Society Adult EducationVancouverBC2016$30,000 Funding will support an arts-based forum theatre interactive performance experience, to bring forward ideas and reflections on the Reconciliation process with Indigenous Peoples. There will be multiple public performances and a live global webcast. The Homeproject will have guidance from an Indigenous Associate Director, and the cast will include Indigenous and Non-Indigenous participants. The performance will also be accessible for those living in poverty. This initiative seeks to make a profound cultural shift on the issue of reconciliation and understanding of the negative legacy of colonization.
Together Against Poverty Society - TAPSAdult EducationVictoriaBC2016$10,000 This project will support the creation of a Renters Rights Action Group for diverse low-income residents of Victoria. Funding will support a core group of community leaders that will engage in visioning exercises to develop the terms of reference and goals of the renter's action group. The project will also consist of larger outreach to residents, engagement in educational presentations and other activities planned by the group in a supportive learning environment.
Workers' Action CentreAdult EducationTorontoON2016$37,000 Education for Change: Transforming Our Labour Laws project seeks to build the leadership capacity of workers and engage them in transforming labour laws through the current Ontario Ministry of Labour Changing Workplace Review. Funding will support a popular education and community organizing process with workers from across Toronto who have experienced precarious employment conditions, and want to bring forward progressive changes to employment laws in Ontario. Project participants will be for the most part women and people of immigrant background who have faced workers' rights violations.
GreenLearningEnvironment Drayton ValleyAB2016$23,250 A National Youth Dialogue on Climate Change project will work with youth from across Canada in a national dialogue process to examine climate change in their communities, engage with government stakeholders, and initiate climate action youth projects. This initiative seeks to develop a critical mass of young leaders to take progressive action towards climate change. It aims to develop capacity, tools and resources for teachers and students to participate in climate change education, and establish a platform for youth to be proactive by taking action and proposing solutions.
Indigenous Network on Economies and Trade Environment ChaseBC2016$25,000 Secwepemc Trans-mountain Oversight Plenary project seeks to elevate Indigenous land rights in the movement for climate justice for the Secwepemc people. The project will research, educate, organize and report back on the impact of the proposed expansion of the Kinder Morgan Pipeline. The project will include a Secwepemc-led analysis of the proposed expansion, a popular education campaign throughout different communities, a two-day people's assembly and a report disseminated to Indigenous communities, decision makers and the general public. This project is an effort to address both action to fight climate change and to support reconciliation efforts with Indigenous Peoples.
Stand (Salal)Environment VancouverBC2016$30,000 Funding for #Dear Justin Social Media Campaign will be directed to organizing a communications and social media campaign to push for bolder action on climate change. The project will engage with diverse communities and leaders, many marginalized from mainstream discussions and give them a platform to share their views, concerns and solutions. A set of thematic videos will be produced and shared on social media. The public will also be invited to upload videos to express their views. This project aims to respond to the government's discourse and their emission targets, versus real action on climate change in order to ensure Canada meets its international commitments.
Atira Women's Resource SocietyHousing VancouverBC2016$10,000 This Intergenerational Mentorship program promotes mentor-peer relations between women from different age groups and generations who live in two housing settings. The mentoring helps increase women's trust, confidence, support networks, and promote knowledge sharing. Project participants have faced systemic and personal challenges, including involvement in the foster care system, the legacy of residential schools and experiences of violence and trauma. The project builds bonds and skills through monthly program activities, and embraces First Nations cultural traditions and knowledge.
Nelson CARES SocietyHousing NelsonBC2016$30,000 Funding will go to support the implementation of Ready for Home, a program that follows a Housing First model of intervention to support a homeless population. The project will take a client-driven approach that focuses on housing stabilization, life skills, access community services, income and employment supports. This initiative aims to stop the cycle of homelessness and works to create individualized development plans for vulnerable clients.
Partners for Youth Inc.Housing FrederictonNB2016$10,000 Funding will support the overall operations of Safe Harbour House, a transitional shelter and program for youth. This is a 10-bed facility and the only emergency and transitional program available for youth in southern New Brunswick. Safe Harbour will operate through a Housing First Model and there will be intensive case management support services, including mental health, education/career guidance and addictions counselling.
Social Planning Council of SudburyHousing SudburyON2016$37,100 This Indigenous PATH Housing First project will adapt and deliver a culturally-appropriate Housing First Program for 25 Indigenous Individuals who are homeless in Sudbury. Funding will support staff training in the PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope) process to support and empower clients exit out of homelessness. The project also plans to include an extensive evaluation and research process to validate program logic and impact results of implementing the PATH and Housing First support models.
Canadian Churches' ForumAdult EducationTorontoON 2016$13,000 Funding was provided for the Leadership Development of Engage Difference Respectfully in Refugee Settlement Support project. This project seeks to build relations with historically excluded communities in Canadian churches by developing the leadership capacity of 12 individuals of immigrant and culturally diverse backgrounds. These leaders will in turn support and engage with their own communities and foster intercultural dialogues within churches and the communities they serve.
Community Food Centres CanadaAdult EducationTorontoON 2016$40,000 Funding was provided for "Community Action Programs". This funding will seek to increase awareness of poverty and food system issues and build the leadership capacity of low-income community members to take effective action on these issues. Community advocates will help their peers navigate community supports. Funding will improve centralized support of the Community Action Program with partner organizations.
RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs)Adult EducationVictoriaBC2016$10,000 Funding was provided for the "Legal Education Development" project. This initiative is focused on developing an education program that will advance the struggle for recognition of Indigenous rights and titles in the legal system. RAVEN will participate in the reconciliation process by consulting with Indigenous communities impacted by industrial development who are unaware of legal rights and remedies that address cultural, spiritual and ecological issues.
Bishari: Lowdown Tracks Impact InitiativeHousing TorontoON2016$15,000 Funding provided to the "Lowdown Tracks Community Engagement Impact Initiative". This is a project of Bishari Distribution Inc. in partnership with Place2Give Foundation and the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness. "Lowdown Tracks" is a powerful documentary film that follows the lives of a number of homeless street musicians. The documentary is being used as a community engagement tool to raise awareness of homelessness and the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness 20,000 Homes Campaign.
Raising the RoofHousing TorontoON2016$13,000 Provided funds to support the "The Upstream Project". This initiative will adapt a youth homelessness prevention strategy that originates in Australia, in order to develop knowledge & resources to support communities and government with planning school-based youth homelessness prevention strategies. Raising the Roof will partner with The RAFT and 360kids on this initiative.
Stella's Circle (Stella Burry Community Services)Housing St. John'sNL2016$12,000 Funding was provided to support the "Peer Support Program". This program will build the capacity of young women with leadership potential to work with residents and participants in Jess's Place which is a transitional housing program for women in active recovery from addiction.
The Tyee ( VancouverBC2016$35,000 Funding was granted to support the "Housing Fix 2016" project. This project builds on the work of reporting on affordable housing issues across Canada. This initiative will continue to produce solutions focused reporting on housing issues (local, regional & national). The articles will track government action on affordable housing, examine mid-rise affordable, family-friendly urban housing, aboriginal housing and the climate crisis. This initiative will also coordinate public engagement events in Vancouver.
Canadian Housing Renewal Association (CHRA)HousingOttawaOntarioSpecial Grant January 2015$51,000 Conduct the grassroots education and awareness building component of the “Housing for All: Social Housing for People in Need” Campaign
Pembina Foundation for Environmental Research and EducationEnvironmentTorontoOntarioSpecial Grant Decemeber 2015$10,000 Enhancing Federal Government Relations Capacity for Canada's Environmental Movement
KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice InitiativesAdult EducationTorontoON2015$15,000 Provided a grant for the "Strengthening Solidarity with Migrant Workers" project to research, pilot and deliver a new migrant justice workshop template for community building activities with migrant
Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy CentreAdult EducationSudburyON2015$31,000 Provided a grant in support of the "Connecting Communities: Know Your Rights, Workplace and Social Education"
The Global Youth Education Network Society (genius)Adult EducationVancouverBC2015$46,500 Provided a grant for "Next Up Grow" to build capacity in the progressive social change sector in Canada and to grow an ongoing program to increase the diversity, for New Canadians, Aboriginal leaders and women and ultimately the leadership base for social and environmental justice
The Stop Community Food CentreAdult EducationTorontoON2015$25,000 Provided a grant in support of low income people engaging in change making programs at The Stop and elsewhere. This grant supports the Community Action Training component which constitutes a crucial step in becoming a community
Canadian Cancer Society, BC and YukonEnvironmentVancouverBC2015$18,000 Provided a grant in support of an Awareness and Outreach campaign for radon, a carcinogenic gas which is the leading cause of lung cancer in
Environmental Law CentreEnvironmentEdmontonAB2015$40,000 Provided a grant in support of the Environmental Bill of Rights Alberta initiative. CDF funds will cover a needs assessment and a plan/map to implement an environmental Bill of Rights in
Alliance to End Homelessness OttawaHousingOttawaON2015$24,000 Provided funds in support of A Way Home Ottawa. CDF funds will be used to convene youth and community partners to develop and implement a plan to end youth
homelessness in Ottawa.
Atira Women's Resource SocietyHousingVancouverBC2015$6,000 Provided funds in support of the Intergenerational Mentorship Program. This initiative
fosters cross-generational relationships and social inclusion based on First Nations traditions of family support and care.
Coverdale Centre for Women Inc.HousingSaint JohnNB2015$20,000 Provided funds in support of the Hope Bridge Home project that provides both independent living skills training and one-on-one supports to maintain housing
Kinbrace Community SocietyHousingVancouverBC2015$30,000 Provided funds in support of the Refugee Housing and Integration Project. CDF funds will assist 25 refugee claimants and refugees in the Metro Vancouver area to gain
permanent housing.
Siloam Mission.Inc.HousingWinnipegMB2015$20,000 Provided funds in support of Exit Up! an independent living program for aboriginal young adults (18-25) who have exited Child and Family Services. The program will enable young people to live independently with success through housing supports and capacity building (training and education)
Falls Brook CentreAdult EducationGlassvilleNB2015$12,500 The CDF provided funding for Free School, a project which will provide an alternative approach to education, focused on communal and participatory learning that encourages everyone to be both teacher and student. Held every year, 2015's theme will explore Resilience relating to environmental, economic or social
Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre (PARC)Adult EducationTorontoON2015$25,000 Funds were provided for a one year Adult Education project to increase individual and community equity through work-earn-learn experiences for people experiencing poverty, food insecurity, health, discrimination and
SKETCH Working arts Adult EducationTorontoON2015$40,000 Funds were provided for the Courage Labs which seek to increase the capacity and cohesion of emerging community arts sector practitioners, and to create inclusion and equity within Toronto's diverse
Canadian Health and Environment Education and Research Foundation (CHEER)EnvironmentTorontoON2015$50,000 The Pesticide Ban project of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment will work to protect human health, water systems and pollinators, through a media, mail, and informational outreach program; with the goal of mobilizing people to call for a pesticide/neonicotinoid ban first in Ontario, then spanning across
East Coast Environmental LawEnvironmentHalifaxNS2015$20,000 The CDF provided funds for the Making the Change: The Legal Right to a Healthy Environment in Atlantic Canada project which will work in partnership with Ecojustice and other networked organizations to formalize networks, and provide direct support to implement environmental rights enacted in provincial legislation in NS, NB, PEI, and
West Coast Environmental Law Research FoundationEnvironmentVancouverBC2015$30,000 The Environmental Safety Net for All Canadians project aims to generate a national conversation by researching changes to federal environmental laws and identifying their impacts, providing public legal education on the laws/their implications, making submissions to government where appropriate as well as collect pledges from voters to vote for candidates who support strong federal environmental
Choices for YouthHousingSt. John'sNFD2015$38,000 The Integrating Supportive Programming with Transitional Housing (RallyHaven) program provides transitional housing for youth facing homelessness. The proposed project would enable the organization to create an expanded program with a lens for youth to learn self-reliance and life skills as well as access trauma/counselling services, receive and maintain employment/education, and transition to stable
Northern Alberta Home for Women Society (NAHWS)HousingGrande PrairieAB2015$28,000 Funding was provided for the Aurora Home project. The program will assist women wanting to escape the dangers of street-level sex trade because they suf-fer additions in maintaining housing, safety, sobriety, and support while waiting for admittance to long-term
Alexandra Park Neighborhood Learning CentreAdult EducationTorontoON2014$30,000 Our History project seeks to include a stronger Indigenous focus in their critical literacy learning program. Funds will go to support hiring a part-time resource person to facilitate learning activities, develop learning resources and provide supports along with paying honorariums to Elders and community members to enable sharing of relevant topics (i.e. Residential schools). The project will also encompass Indigenous knowledge and teaching approaches to increase understating of Aboriginal education, history and
Lowertown Community Resource CentreAdult EducationOttawaON2014$33,200 Funding was provided for the Building Neighbourhoods Where Everyone Matters: Making Votes Count project of City for All Women Initiatives, a project that builds upon the learning from the prior project (municipal election 2014) and seeks to enhance the capacity of low-income, multi-cultural neighbourhoods to effectively engage in the upcoming 2015 election. This project is actually a collaborative initiative that has 7 community organizations working with CAWI to facilitate training, engagement and learning aimed at increasing voter turnout by creating a culture of civic engagement that make politicians become accountable to low-income
Ontario Employment and Education ResearchAdult EducationTorontoON2014$34,457 Funding was provided for the Envisioning Just Migration project of Migrant Workers Alliance for Change. This project increases the capacity of migrant workers, women, youth and elders along with front-line service providers to develop a broader analysis of immigration policy and the root causes of displacement through the collective development of a popular education module on immigration in Canada. One – two spokespeople (selected from program participants) will be invited to participate in an interfaith, intercultural dialogue that envisions just
Breast Cancer Action QuebecEnvironmentMontrealQC2014$40,000 Funding was provided for the PACT Project, Phase II: Empowering Individuals and Communities to Prevent and Act Against Cancer and Environmental Toxicants. The proposed funding will be used for an extension of the work completed in the first round of funding to engage additional communities and individuals to become activists in the elimination of toxics and carcinogens in our environment.
The project seeks to create long-term engagement with the Activist Toolkit (created with funds from the previous CDF grant) to mobilize 15 community groups, organize 15 actions, share information, continue to highlight the identified toxins, develop a communications plan, find sustainable funding sources.
David Suzuki FoundationEnvironmentTorontoON2014$10,000 Funding was provided for the Waterloo Region Right to a Healthy Environment and Blue Dot Tour. The proposed funding will be used to carry out one of five municipal campaigns that are part of the Right to a Healthy Environment Campaign this is part of the current Blue Dot Tour being carried out by the David Suzuki Foundation. The proposed project will train and activate 20 engaged citizen champions in the Waterloo region to secure the right to a healthy environment, through local "wins". The project will also build a network of partners, engage the media, meet with leaders in the aboriginal community and provincial leaders. The CDF funds will support activities in the Waterloo region only - the larger Blue Dot Tour activities will address provincial/national
Pembina Foundation for Environmental Research and EducationEnvironmentCalgaryAB2014$50,000 Funding was provided for the Building the Case for Environmental Rights in Canada project. The proposed funding will be used to document and analyze case studies of fossil fuel development and its impacts on environmental and human health in Canada. The information will be used for dissemination with the public, to inform regulatory reviews, and to the UN Human Rights Council to bring international pressure to the adoption of the Right to a Healthy Environment in Canada. The project will be carried out with pre-existing relationships between Pembina and the UN Human Rights Council, other relevant UN bodies, Dr. David Boyd, and other
Columbia Institute (in partnership with Tyee Solutions Society)HousingVancouverBC2014$30,000 Provided funds to support a year-long journalism and public engagement project, which aims to highlight policy (and other) replicable solutions to be applied in Canada and internationally. This will be achieved through public engagement activities such as public dialogues, journalism, and by building an interactive
Egale Canada Human Rights TrustHousingTorontoON2014$14,000 Funding was provided for the Egale Youth OUTreach Social Service Support Worker project. This project will provide crisis intervention and housing support for homeless LGBTQ2S youth in Toronto. The funds from CDF will specifically be used for hiring a FT Social Service Support Worker, to allow them to serve more homeless youth with inter-vention services, employment assistance, referrals, and health
Providing Alternatives Counselling and Education Society (PACE)HousingVancouverBC2014$13,000 Funds from the CDF will go towards the Transitioning & Peer Support project and will be used primarily to employ a PT TAPS Support Worker. The main projected project outcome will be to transition outdoor survival sex workers, by providing counselling and addressing root
Calgary Centre for Global CommunityAdult EducationCalgaryAB2014$15,000 Funding was provided for the "Solutionaries - Neighborhood Leadership Training" project. Participants will engage in weekly, interactive training modules where they will explore different frameworks for community development that value diversity, critical thinking and strength-based approaches to social
Community Development and Outreach Department, Capilano UniversityAdult EducationNorth VancouverBC2014$40,000 Funding was provided for the Invisible Heroes project. The Community Development and Outreach Department of Capilano University works together with communities to appreciate their strengths/assets and work with institutions, business and government to address needs they identify in a way that fosters social inclusion, particularly of those who are most
Elizabeth Fry Society of Saint John NB Inc.Adult EducationSaint JohnNB2014$40,000 Funding was provided for the Women Taking Steps Together for Wholeness and Effective Change project. The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saint John, NB assists women and girls who are criminalized, marginalized, victimized or at risk of coming into con-flict with the law. E. Fry Saint John offers numerous programs for women and girls in the community at the Saint John Regional Correctional Centre and Nova Institution for Women.
Neighborhood Information PostAdult EducationTorontoON2014$40,000 Funding was provided for the Creating Caring Communities project. The mission of the NIP is to help and empower marginalized and socially isolated people in the community by ensuring people have equitable access to quality programs and services; efficiently implementing programs that promote and maintain stability in people's lives; fostering trusting and caring relationships with community
Adsum Association for Women and ChildrenHousingHalifaxNS2014$25,000 The CDF provided funds to support the Adsum Court Project. Adsum Association runs an emergency shelter, second stage housing, and two affordable, supportive housing buildings for women and children. Additionally, Adsum rents out condominiums as stable housing fro women-led
Creating Homefulness Society - Woodwyn FarmsHousingSaanichtonBC2014$25,000 The Hand Up is project that will provide housing, work skills training, holistic health, and therapeutic environment for formerly homeless in an organic farm
Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba HousingWinnipegMB2014$35,000 Provided funds in support of the Community Resource Program which will serve basic needs of newcomers and refugees through assessment, workshops, supports, and referrals to enable successful
Oxford House Society of Regina (OHSA)HousingReginaSK2014$10,000 Provided funds in support of the Oxford House project which is designed to support clients in the post-recovery stage, without enabling. The focus of the project is on ending
the cycle of addiction, and fostering long-term success and sobriety.
The John Howard Society of Fredericton Inc.HousingFrederictonNB2014$25,000 Provided funds in support of the At Home and Beyond project which focuses on empowering the formerly homeless to build skills and improve quality of life. Additionally,
John Howard aims to address the root causes of homelessness, change lives, and have long-term impact
Skyworks Charitable FoundationAdult EducationTorontoON2014$5,000 Additional funding was provided for the Skyworks Newcomer Women's Leadership Project. This project is aimed at newcomer women to the Hamilton area and will use documentary filmmaking to explore their own gendered, cultural and racial identities as they relate to active citizenship & community
Foodshare TorontoAdult EducationTorontoON2013$30,000 Funding was provided for the Allies in Food Justice project. Using adult education participatory methods of problem solving, Allies in Food Justice will build shared understanding amongst Toronto's food organizations about racism and why food leaders need to incorporate anti-racism analysis to ensure better food access for
Mennonite New Life CentreAdult EducationTorontoON2013$34,000 Funding was provided for the Unlocking Newcomer Voices project. This initiative builds upon the tools of adult education and learning to open a dialogue about human rights in immigrant communities in Northwest Toronto. Specifically, the project focuses on the understanding and realization of human rights as a critical lens through which immigrants can view their experiences relative to citizenship and participation in democratic
Saint John Community Loan FundAdult EducationSaint JohnNB2013$33,000 Funding was provided for the Telling the Story of the Power Up! Movement project which is geared towards empowering and developing the leadership capacity of low-income women from priority neighbourhoods in Saint John, NB. The funding will go towards developing the capacity of the program by adding two important components to the existing program manual: identifying processes that are necessary before the delivery of the program, and evaluation and program
Workers' Educational AssociationAdult EducationTorontoON2013$50,000 Funding was provided for the University in the Community project. This project is aimed at expanding current programs to include a new initiative in partnership with CAMH and a small study group initiative that will focus on UiC alumni and demonstrate that learning takes place outside the classroom as well as in
Choices for YouthHousingSt. John'sNL2013$25,000 The CDF provided funds to support the Housing Development and Addiction Support Specialist. The additional staff will aid in offering individual addiction support services for youth ages 16-24 with the intention of keeping youth housed in longer term housing, increasing stability as a result and connecting youth to services that will increase their success of overcoming personal addiction
Kamloops Homelessness Action PlanHousingKamloopsBC2013$20,333 The Life Development Skills Project is a community partnership aimed at creating one stop, client centred, life skills training hub for the homeless and at-risk individuals in Kamloops. CDF funding will support the Life Skills Coordinator who will develop and coordinate client centres, housing focused life skills training and develop and coordinate
The Massey Centre for WomenHousingTorontoON2013$25,000 Provided funds in support of the New Lives Start Here project which is designed to offer ongoing support to crown wards aging out of the child protection system. This project will provide supportive housing for 10 adolescent sole support mothers who are former or current crown wards in school or
City for All Women Initiative (sponsor - Lowertown Community Resource Centre)Adult EducationOttawaON2013$23,000 Funding was provided for the Building Neighbourhoods Where Everyone Matters project. The intention of this project is to enable women in 5 different neighbourhoods in Ottawa to participate in the 2014 municipal elections. This will lay the groundwork for future engagement aimed at increasing civic engagement of low income residents in future
Davenport-Perth Neighborhood and Community Health CentreAdult EducationTorontoON2013$35,250 Funding was provided for the Community Reporter Pilot Project. This initiative will encourage low literacy adults to improve their writing, reading, and critical thinking skills through the creation of a blog which will be used to share thoughts and experiences as the writers participate in community
SKETCHAdult EducationTorontoON2013$37,000 Funding was provided for the SEEkers (formerly called New Eyez On the Ground) project which will engage young women who have experienced homelessness, street involvement and poverty. These newcomer women will participate in creating art installations and stop motion videos over the course of a community arts leadership training
Skyworks Charitable FoundationAdult EducationTorontoON2013$20,000 Funding was provided for the Skyworks Newcomer Women's Filmmaking Leadership Project. This project is aimed at newcomer women to the Hamilton area and will use documentary filmmaking to explore their own gendered, cultural and racial identities as they relate to active citizenship & community
St. Joseph Immigrant Women's CentreAdult EducationHamiltonON2013$37,000 Funding was provided for the Women of Action program. This project will engage newcomer women through a participatory civic engagement training program that will help women create and implement action plans for
Breast Cancer Action Montreal (BCAM)EnvironmentMontrealQC2013$50,000 Provided funds to support the Prevention and Action Against Cancer and Toxicants (PACT) project in partnership with Environmental Defence. This project aims to educate Quebec community groups about the dangers of the 5 targeted toxins and encourage them to fight for regulatory
East Coast Environment Law (ECELAW)EnvironmentHalifaxNS2013$50,000 Funds were provided for the Promoting Environmental Rights in Atlantic Canada project. ECELAW in partnership with Ecojustice will promote the need for environmental rights federally, provincially and municipally in PEI, Nova Scotia and New
FCJ Refugee CentreHousingTorontoON2013$15,000 Provided funds to support the Accessible Health for Uprooted Women project. The program provides safe, secure housing to youth which allows them to stabilize their life, finish school, find fulltime employment and/or enroll in post secondary
People for a Healthy Community Gabriola SocietyHousingGabriola IslandBC2013$20,000 The Gabriola Guardian Linking Landlord and Tenants program works with landlords, renters, and the community to provide housing. The aim is to aid vulnerable members of our community to find and maintain housing when in transition. The program works in combination with all other PHC programs including assistance with life skills such as housekeeping, cooking, financial literacy, and job skills, and mental health and addiction
Projet Refuge HousingMontrealQC2013$20,000 Provided funds in support of the projects of Projet Refuge which is designed to develop independent life skills in separated refugee youth who have independently fled their home countries to escape persecution. The program will provide refugee youth with essential life skills i.e. cooking, maintaining living spaces, shopping and
Raising the Roof/Chez ToiHousingTorontoON2013$20,000 Provided funds in support of the Child and Family Homelessness initiative of Raising the Roof/Chez Toi project which will conduct community-based research into the needs of homeless families. Key project objectives include: national framework to develop effec-tive strategies to address homelessness; identifying public policy issues and responses; promoting promising practices; highlighting housing supports/initiatives; recommenda-tions re innovative strategies & programs within the education system to support chil-dren/youth experiencing homelessness,
St. John the Compassionate MissionHousingTorontoON2013$20,000 Provided funds in support of the St. Xenia House and Lourmel House project which will provide transitional housing to low-income individuals & families in need. It is a com-munal living environment that helps make connections between those who have been marginalized to the
ACORN Institute CanadaAdult EducationTorontoON2012$40,000 Funding was provided for the National Leadership Development Plan project. The main thrust of this project is to build leadership capacity in low-income communities with a focus on addressing substandard housing
Diasporic GeniusAdult EducationTorontoON2012$26,000 Funding was provided for the Diasporic Genius Story and Creativity Circle (Thorncliffe Park) project. This project seeks to engage new immigrants through weekly Story Circles session aimed at building active citizenship and providing hands-on community development experience.
Elizabeth Fry TorontoAdult EducationTorontoON2012$30,000 Funding was provided for the Peer Leadership Project. This project supports women who have lived the experience of poverty and the criminal justice system become leaders and educators on issues related to the criminal justice system and its relationship to poverty and exclusion and to address the stigma of criminal justice
Falls Brook CentreAdult EducationKnowlesvilleNB2012$21,000 Funding was provided for the Revitalizing Rural New Brunswick project. This project will fund workshops on Community Asset Mapping; Introduction to Group Facilitation; Leadership Basics; and Addressing Interpersonal
MABELLEartsAdult EducationTorontoON2012$30,000 Funding was provided for the A Walk in the Park project. MABELLEarts will work with artists, community participants and a variety of new media professionals to create and launch an online documentary that is part book, part documentary film and part community
Toronto Environmental AllianceAdult EducationTorontoON2012$23,000 Funding was provided for the Adult Education Through Transit Engagement program of Toronto Environmental Alliance in partnership with Social Planning Toronto. This project will empower low income Torontonians, especially from Scarborough and North York, so that they become active citizens working together to solve challenges facing them. Inspiration and empowerment towards active citizenship will happen through outreach, conversation circles, meetings, and training
David Suzuki FoundationEnvironmentVancouverBC2012$50,000 Provided funds to support the Bringing Environmental Rights to Canada Project in partnership with Ecojustice. The David Suzuki Foundation (DSF) seeks to promote social and ecological justice. The funding will be used to recruit "Environmental Rights Champions", bring diverse stakeholders together, and capture regional stories to raise awareness and reach out to
Tides Canada Initiatives SocietyEnvironmentVancouverBC2012$30,000 Provided funding for the Detoxing Our Wardrobes - Tackling Toxics of a New Growth Industry project. Tides Canada Initiatives Society (TCI) is collaborating with Canopy to focus the purchasing power of the market place and the networks, influence and public reach of our corporate partners to forward protection of our forests. This project responds to a shift in the pulping of trees from paper to use in clothing. Tides Canada/Canopy wants to shift production from chemically toxic intensive pulping to new state-of-the-art agricultural pulping. They plan on engaging retailers and designers in adopting policies to reduce and hopefully eliminate the use of materials from toxic dissolving
Moncton Youth ResidencesHousingMonctonNB2012$10,000 Provided funds to support the Youth Transitional Housing Program. The program provides safe, secure housing to youth which allows them to stabilize their life, finish school, find fulltime employment and/or enroll in post secondary
Northern Alberta Home for Women Society (NAHWS)HousingGrande PrairieAB2012$30,000 Provided funding for the Aurora Home project. This is a new initiative that will provide a safe place for women to escape street level sexual exploitation while waiting for entry into addictions treatment program.
Sojourn HouseHousingTorontoON2012$20,000 Provided funds in support of the Transitional Housing - Skills for Life project which is designed to develop independent life skills in separated refugee youth who have independently fled their home countries to escape persecution. The program will provide refugee youth with essential life skills i.e. cooking, maintaining living spaces, shopping and
TR Cares (Tumbler Ridge Community Association for Extended Services)HousingTumbler RidgeBC2012$11,000 Provided funds in support of the The Safehouse and Second Stage Housing program which is the only facility in an isolated northern BC community that provides shelter & second stage housing to women & children fleeing domestic violence.
Antigonish County Adult Learning AssociationAdult EducationAntigonishNS2012$58,400 Funding was provided for the Digital Storytelling: Education for Action on Housing project. This is a community-based leadership development initiative that will produce a five-part video documentary that will involve marginalized people in adult education processes and actions to change their housing
Capilano UniversityAdult EducationNorth VancouverBC2012$55,300 Funding was provided for the Women's Leadership - Sacred Teachings project, a joint project between Capilano University and Squamish National Ayas Men Child and Family Service Dept. This project will address a need expressed by Squamish Nation Women for leadership development and training in order to reach out to their community.
ISARC - United Church of CanadaAdult EducationWaterlooON2012$80,000 Funding was provided for the ISARC - Building a Socially Engaged Faith Sector. This neighborhood based project engages new immigrants from diverse faith backgrounds to build a local interfaith network to respond to common community issues, such as violence and poverty. This initiative provides opportunities for leadership development for people in poverty as well as encouraging them to become active
The Women's Centre of CalgaryAdult EducationCalgaryAB2012$60,000 Funding was provided for the Women's Education and Employment Project - a project that will engage 15-20 diverse women's groups in identifying issues that are important to them and identify how they can work together
for change.
WISH Drop In Centre SocietyAdult EducationVancouverBC2012$80,000 Provided a grant for the Change in Our Backyard project, a leadership and community capacity building project for women in survival sex work in the Downtown Eastside neighborhood of Vancouver. This project will help marginalized women to develop skills that will enable them to document and share their stories and thereby make recommendations for action leading to systemic
Workers' Educational Association/St. Stephen's Community HouseAdult EducationTorontoON2012$35,000 Funding was provided for an Administrator for the University in Community initiative. This project provides a liberal arts education program for people who would not normally have access to one and helps develop critical thinking skills and encourages civic
A Place Called Home HousingLindsayON2012$25,000 Provided funds to support the Next Step Program, a program aimed at securing safe & permanent housing for clients. A Place Called Home is also the only organization to provide shelter and programming for the homeless in the City of Kawartha
Bissell CentreHousingEdmontonAB2012$72,000 Provided funding for the Jobs First project. This organization
provides services to 80 people transitioning from chronic homelessness to sustainable housing. The funding will be used to hire a housing and employment specialist as the Bissell Centre believes that helping clients stay housed is dependent on maintaining reasonable paid employment.
Friends of Saint Francis, Inc.HousingTorontoON2012$40,000 Provided funds in support of the St. Clare Inn project which
provides transitional housing for 'homeless' women between
the ages of 30-60 with mental health issues. The program provides a home and an opportunity to participate in programs, work (if able), save a portion of their ODSP or Ontario Works towards rent and develop life plans.
Our Place PeelHousingMississaugaON2012$25,000 Provided funding for the Transitional Housing Program at Our Place Peel. This program works with youth who have mental health/substance issues and are coming out of the foster care system ill-prepared to live independently. Housing 24 homeless youth, the program provides skills training and connections to secure long-term sustainable
Projet Refuge HousingMontrealQC2012$34,600 Provided funding for Projet Refuge-Maison Haider of the Montreal City Mission. This project provides support and housing for (@100) refugees and forced migrants (men) with mental health problems and encourages integration into Canadian
WINGS of Providence SocietyHousingEdmontonAB2012$50,000 Provided funding for the Home Next Door program. This is an
affordable housing project that will provide 30 units of housing for women and children who have experienced family violence. The project encourages independence by providing onsite daycare to enable women to go to school or work.
YWCA TorontoHousingTorontoON2012$25,000 Provided funds for the Support Services for Immigrant Women project at YWCA Beatrice House in Toronto. This project is aimed at helping immigrant women who have a precarious immigrant status due to sponsorship agreements ending as a result of fleeing family violence. CDF funds would be used in support of an Immigration & Refugee
Atlantic Christian Training Centre (Tatamagouche Centre)Adult EducationTatamagoucheNS2011$44,000 Provided a grant in support of the First Nations and Black Leadership Development project which seeks to provide access to training and leadership opportunities for first nation and black communities in Eastern
Conservation Council NBAdult EducationFrederictonNB2011$34,232 Provided a grant in support of the Upper Miramichi Community Forest Partnership project that builds upon the potential of a "community forest" in northern New Brunswick. The CDF supported the earlier phase of this project which now plans on moving into an extensive community engagement initiative, including capacity building, knowledge exchange and critical assessment of
First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy CoalitionAdult EducationVancouverBC2011$45,000 Provided a grant in support of the Living Wage for Families Program project of First Call in partnership with Family Services of Greater Vancouver. This initiative will engage the working poor and provide an opportunity for them to share stories of how poverty and low wages affect their lives and encourage reflection and the space to collectively develop solutions. The project will provide practical skills around advocacy and speaking to the wider public about their issue through listening circles, workshops and community
John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human RightsAdult EducationEdmontonAB2011$10,000 Provided a grant in support of Building Our Voice to Address Human Rights: Effective Engagement in the United Nations Universal Periodic (UPR) Review of Canada project. The centre plans on building the capacity of marginalized groups to ensure that their voice is included in the Canadian government's civil society consultation process thereby
ensuring that social and economic justice can occur in Canada.
KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice InitiativesAdult EducationTorontoON2011$40,000 Provided a grant in support of the In Peace and Friendship: Engaging Canadians in Indigenous Rights project which will expand upon "the Blanket Exercise" a tool that KAIROS cites as effective in helping people develop a "critical consciousness". Used mainly with First Nations, Inuit and Metis they now wish to adapt the Blanket Exercise for use with women, New Canadians and Youth. CDF funds would support the Educational Coordinator, Trainers, pilots of the new version of the Exercise, a Train the Trainers Event and ongoing
Mennonite New Life CentreAdult EducationTorontoON2011$80,000 Provided a grant in support of Educating for Change: Newcomer Skills in Action project which engages newcomers in reflection & action on economic & political exclusion issues. This current project expands upon an initiative previously supported by the CDF
(June 2010) with a focus on North West Toronto. This area has undergone major development and has a high concentration of immigrants and refugees who MNLFC plans on engaging in community development and collection action skills building, training 60 community leaders and the creation of a community action plan that ensures the development taking place benefits the local community.
Ralph Thornton CentreAdult EducationTorontoON2011$58,400 Provided funds in support of the Strong Voices, Strong Communities project - a community development and leadership capacity building initiative for a mixed neighbourhood (South Riverdale) of Toronto Community Housing; low income and middle income families. It is primarily an opportunity for low income tenant leaders to
gain leadership skills.
Eagles Nest Association of WaterdownHousingWaterdownON2011$35,000 Provided a grant in support of the 3R Project - Rescued, Restored, Retraining which provides art therapy & job skills training to women transitioning from Drummond House to their own
Fred Victor CentreHousingTorontoON2011$50,000 Provided funds in support of the Transitional Housing Program a new initiative of the Fred Victor Centre that provides 20 housing units and support to enable people to build skills that will enable them to move on to more stable
Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba Inc. (IRCOM)HousingWinnipegMB2011$39,500 Provided funds in support of the IRCOM Community Resource Program (CRP) that provides support/services (i.e. life skills, job search assistance, ESL referrals, empowerment, understanding Canadian law) to individuals and families enabling them to move to more stable housing. It also liaisons with other partner agencies in the community who can provide job skills training, counseling, child care and other
Jubilation Residential Centres Inc.HousingPrince AlbertSK2011$21,500 Provided funds in support of the Homes for the Homeless project which places homeless clients in secure housing by using existing housing stock. Clients are provided support (counseling, First Nations Healing Circles, skills/employment training) and linked with a mentor to develop the necessary skills to maintain stable
Unity Project for Relief of Homelessness in LondonHousingLondonON2011$37,250 Provided funds in support of the Housing and Advocacy Program (formerly known as the Community Housing and Support Program (CSP)) a "wrap-around model of support that helps vulnerable men and women living in poverty obtain and maintain housing". This program connects men and women to resources (life skills, legal, family counseling,
addictions etc.) and partners with other service agencies.
YWCA Durham HousingOshawaON2011$20,000 Provided a grant in support of the 2nd Stage Transitional
Housing Program. The CDF provided funding for the "pilot"
and is providing funding for staffing for the Life Skills component of the program for one more year.
YWCA Metro VancouverHousingVancouverBC 2011$35,000 Provided funds in support of the YWCA Munroe House Mothers Without Legal Status Project which provides transitional housing for immigrant women who have left abusive partners while waiting for permanent resident status. The YWCA Munroe House is advocating for changes to family law to enable these women to work while awaiting permanent resident status - a process that can take up to two years and leaves the women extremely
Bench Theatre Initiative (umbrellaed by IMAGO)Adult EducationTorontoON2011$18,000 Provided a grant in support of the Transient Voices project which would result in a one-act play being developed through storytelling workshops with street-involved people sharing their stories (with dignity)
Community Social Planning Council of Greater VictoriaAdult EducationVictoriaBC2011$60,000 Provided a grant in support of the Learning Community on
Poverty Reduction and Prevention for BC's Capital Region project which builds leadership and harnesses the vision amongst marginalized people often excluded from public policy and program development.
MABELLEartsAdult EducationTorontoON2011$20,000 Provided a grant in support of the Bread and Roses project that builds upon on earlier funded initiative to develop & support community leaders, create dialogue across diversity and encourage active citizenship in a marginalized west-end Toronto
Scarborough Women's CentreAdult EducationScarboroughON2011$20,000 Provided a grant in support of Expanding the Reach: Outreach to Women Living with Disabilities project which will refine & implement leadership training and share the learning with other groups in Ontario. This initiative builds upon a pilot project previously funded by the
Toronto Centre for Community Learning & DevelopmentAdult EducationTorontoON2011$40,000 Provided funds in support of the Civic Engagement and Community Development Initiative, a leadership development program that builds upon a pilot project previously funded by the CDF and considers what it means to be an emergent community through the use of digital storytelling as a tool for active
EquiterreEnvironmentMontrealQC2011$50,000 Provided funds in support of Reducing the use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes in Quebec project that would strengthen the Pesticides Management Code in Quebec and encourage government implementation of stricter regulations outside of Quebec by sharing experiences with other
Pembina Foundation for Environmental Research and EducationEnvironmentDrayton Valley AB2011$40,000 Provided funds in support of the Telling the Truth About Green Energy in Ontario project that would provide a third party analysis of the cost of green energy compared to consumer costs that would have occurred without green energy
Societe pour la nature et les parcs du Canada, Section Quebec (SNAP Quebec)EnvironmentMontrealQC2011$22,000 Provided funds in support of the Protecting the Magpie River: Finding a Balance in the Land of Hydro-Electricity project which promotes a balanced conservation approach that does not vilify development but considers both the environmental and socio-economic
E4CHousingEdmontonAB2011$50,000 Provided a grant in support of a new resource program at
Elizabeth House that would prepare women living in the facility to access support services that would lead to eventual independent living.
Skyworks Charitable FoundationHousingTorontoON2011$45,000 Provided a grant in support of the Home Safe Community
Engagement Campaign that expands upon the community
development work of the Home Safe Toronto project (previously funded by the CDF) to engage schools, newcomer organizations, tenant advocates, labour unions, front-line service agencies and policy makers.
Women's Y FoundationHousingMontrealQC2011$40,000 Provided a grant in support of the Creating Positive Change
for a Better Tomorrow project. The project focuses on capacity building and personal development for women within the "y's" transitional housing residence through community arts, horticultural and literacy programs.
YWCA HalifaxHousingHalifaxNS2011$26,000 Provided a grant in support of the WISH Second Stage project, a supportive housing program that provides support services along with financial literacy & life skills programming for hard to house and chronically homeless
Girls Action Foundation/Fondation Filles d'ActionAdult EducationMontrealQC2010$43,000 Provided a grant in support of the Aboriginal Women's Intergenerational Forum & Leadership Project that focuses on building an action network and the skills & knowledge of Aboriginal women from across the country to enable them to become agents of change in their lives &
Judith Marcuse Projects (JMP)Adult EducationVancouverBC2010$30,500 Provided a grant in support of the Chataqua Project a national knowledge exchange initiative which will lead to dialogue & understanding among diverse practitioners, academics, artists, politicians, community workers and citizens and build a stronger awareness of how art and community can and do interact. CDF funds will support the planning process and public
Ontario Employment Education & ResearchAdult EducationTorontoON2010$18,000 Provided a grant in support of Leaders for Change, a project which will strengthen the ability of low-income and immigrant workers to engage in community development and become confident leaders through an interactive leadership
PEERS Victoria Resources SocietyAdult EducationEsquimaltBC2010$30,000 Provided funds in support of "It's My Turn" an informal education curriculum that removes barriers to education and meets sex workers where they are. CDF funds will support staff and materials for the
EcojusticeEnvironmentTorontoON2010$25,000 Provided funds in support of “Working Towards Recognition of Environmental Rights in Canada” a project with the goal of setting a precedent to recognize environmental rights in Canada. The project focuses on the Aamjiwnaang First Nation (Sarnia, ON) who live next to 40 percent of Canada"s petrochemical
Environmental DefenceEnvironmentTorontoOn2010$40,000 Provided funds in support of the "Just Beautiful" campaign which tackles the safety of personal care products sold in Canada. The campaign will bring awareness to all about the potential toxicity of personal care products & makeup with the intention of encouraging the Government of Canada to implement stronger
Mouvement pour la valorisation du patrimoine naturel madelinot/Attention FragilesEnvironmentCap-aux-MeulesQC2010$20,000 Provided funds in support of the One Voice for the Gulf of St. Lawrence project that aims to declare a moratorium on gas & oil exploration in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, one of Canada's most important marine environment. This project is a partnership between Attention Fragiles, the David Suzuki Foundation, CPAWS Quebec, & Nature
The Natural Step CanadaEnvironmentOttawaON2010$25,000 Provided a grant in support of the Neighbourhood Sustainability Planning Initiative which takes the Natural Step's successful community sustainability planning initiative to the "neighbourhood" level in municipalities. This pilot project will build the capacity and engage neighbours in envisioning an environmentally and socially sustainable
Tides Canada/Small Change FundEnvironmentVancouver BC2010$26,600 Provided a grant in support of "Amplifying Our Voice: Empowering Grassroots Groups through Digital Storytelling" project that profiles grassroots projects on their website and connects them to potential
West Coast Environmental Law Research FoundationEnvironmentVancouverBC2010$25,000 Provided funds in support of the Justice for First Nations and Nature in the Face of Climate Change project of WCEL in partnership with the Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs aimed at
addressing the root causes of marginalization of First Nations in BC due to the exploitation of natural resources without their consent.
Eva's Initiatives HousingTorontoON2010$25,000 Provided a grant in support of the "National Initiatives Program (NIP)", a unique, collaborative program addressing youth homelessness. CDF funds would be applied to the
Learning Community-Staff Exchange and to Outreach and Capacity building.
LOFT Community ServicesHousingTorontoON2010$25,000 Provided a grant in support of the "Senior's Welcome Home Project". This project's goal is to provide safe transitional housing for seniors who become homeless while in hospital or before at a fraction of the cost of keeping them in chronic, acute or psycho-geriatric care hospital
Momentum Community Economic Development SocietyHousingCalgaryAB2010$20,000 Provided a grant in support of the "Home Owners Program External Evaluation" project. The Home Owners Program (established in 2001) makes home ownership possible for low income families through a matched savings program.. CDF funds would be directed to costs associated with the
Payukotayno James and Hudson Bay Family ServicesHousingMoosoneeON2010$40,000 Provided a grant in support of "Bringing Our Children Home: Keeping Our Children With Us", that would allow aboriginal children to be fostered in their community. This innovative
project offers sustainable change in Aboriginal communities. CDF funds are directed towards the development of policies, outreach & advocacy.
Projet Refuge (Montreal City Mission)HousingMontrealQC2010$35,000 Funds were provided in support of "Projet Refuge Transit" Project of Projet Refuge in partnership with Montreal City Mission. Projet Refuge Transit isa transitional housing program for male refugees with physical or mental health challenges. CDF funds will enable this unique program to increase staffing
Woodgreen Red Door Family ShelterHousingTorontoON2010$10,000 Provided a grant in support of the Family Moving Program which provides donated furniture and moving assistance for families moving out of the shelter and into safe, affordable housing. CDF funds will enable the program to increase the capacity of the program and thereby serve more
Interchange: International Institute for Community Based PeacebuildingAdult EducationTorontoON2010$43,000 Provided a grant in support of the Building a Culture of Peace in the GTA project of Interchange: International Institute for Community-Based Peacebuilding. This project will use adult education principles and a participatory approach to bring communities together to work through trauma (historic & current) and break the cycle of violence.
Interchange will work collaboratively with a number of community agencies to provide workshops, community leadership programmes and programme outreach to provide peace literacy.
Mennonite New Life CentreAdult EducationTorontoON2010$60,000 Provided a grant in support of the "Educating for Change: Newcomer Skills in Action" project that builds on a two-year community engagement process in partnership with KAIROS, the Labour Education Centre and the Colour of Poverty Campaign to encourage newcomer leadership in engaging with local politicians on issues of poverty and access to employment in the lead up to the municipal elections in October
NorthwatchAdult EducationNorth BayON2010$35,000 Provided a grant (along with the Environment area of focus) in support of the "Raising Voices" Responding to Nuclear Waste Industry Overtures - project of Northwatch. This project will provide tools (resources & information) to enable economically depressed communities to weigh the long-term risks of nuclear waste disposal versus the short-term economic
Canadian Catholic Campus Ministry and Canadian Catholic Students' AssociationEnvironmentTorontoON2010$25,000 Provided funds in support of the Awakening Ecological Imagination and Supporting Action among Catholic Student Leaders project that will train and prepare Catholic student leaders to take environmental action on campus as an expression of
Tides Canada Initiatives/Forest Ethics Canada ProjectEnvironmentVancouver BC2010$25,000 Provided funds in support of the Value Over Volume: First Nations' Economic Development Project of Forest Ethics in partnership with Tides Canada. This project is an ecologically sustainable social enterprise of the Heiltsuk First Nation that manufactures and sells native-designed wooden toys while promoting environmental integrity by using only 2% of the wood that would be required to generate equivalent jobs through community
Tides/CanopyEnvironmentVancouver BC2010$45,000 Provided funds in support of the Raise Your Hand for the Forest: Ensuring a Child's Education Doesn't Cost the Earth project of Canopy (in partnership with Tides Canada), aimed at reducing the logging of Boreal forests to produce textbooks and workbooks for school children in Quebec & Ontario. This project will help publishers transition into using eco-papers; engage youth in linking forest & wildlife environmental health with consumption practices and contribute to a values shift for forest
Wildlife Preservation CanadaEnvironmentGuelphON2010$9,000 Provided funds in support of the Freshwater Turtle Nest Protection Study project of Wildlife Preservation. The turtle population in Ontario is being decimated by predators (animal & human) and this project will try three different approaches to save four at-risk freshwater turtles from
Elizabeth Fry SocietyHousingTorontoON2010$27,000 Provided a grant in support of the Healthy Lives Project - an initiative that will support residents over a one year period and include elements of peer support and counseling to address the needs of criminalized women with a history of mental health, addictions and trauma with the aim of preventing recidivism through the provision of new tools (that are gender-informed) to address their
Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba Inc. (IRCOM)HousingWinnipegMB2010$30,000 Provided a grant in support of the Community Resource Program of IRCOM. This project works with new immigrants & refugees over a three year period to help integrate them into the Winnipeg community and Canadian culture. CDF funds are directed towards “parenting in Canada”
Oolagen Community ServicesHousingTorontoON2010$38,000 Provided a grant in support of the Wraparound with Young Families project of Oolagen in collaboration with the Committee for Young Parents of No Fixed Address and Robertson House. This project supports young homeless families moving from transitional housing into more permanent, safe & affordable
Women's Rural Resource CentreHousingStrathroyON2010$25,000 Provided a grant in support of the Transitional Housing Support project that addresses the unique needs of rural women facing abuse and helps them transition into safe & affordable housing within their own
Central Neighbourhood HouseAdult EducationTorontoON2009$65,000 Provided a grant in support of the Full Circle project of Central Neighbourhood House, Regent Park Community Health Centre & the Centre for Digital Storytelling. The project engages women in identifying their own needs and the needs of their community through a digital storytelling
Centre for Community Learning & DevelopmentAdult EducationTorontoON2009$50,000 Provided a grant in support of the Volunteer Development & Civic Engagement Initiativeproject of the Toronto Centre for Community Learning & Development. This project will use adult education processes to engage marginalized populations in Regent Park, Moss Park and St. James Town in a volunteer and civic engagement initiative that aims to train 15 lead community facilitators to play a leadership role in their
Conservation Council NBAdult EducationFrederictonNB2009$5,000 Provided a grant in support of the New Brunswick Community Forest Alliance project of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick. Funding was provided to this organization via our Adult Education area of focus and the Environment area of focus in keeping with the Catherine Donnelly Foundation's expressed interest in supporting projects with
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society-Nfld & Lab chapterEnvironmentSt. John's NL2009$20,000 Provided funds in support of the Atlantic Ocean Champions project of CPAWS NL. The focus of this project is creating a film comprised of stories of retired fishers and seniors detailing human-induced changes that have negatively impacted the oceans. This project will engage youth & seniors in initiating change. It also recognizes that traditional knowledge held within local communities is instrumental for the future of the
Conservation Council NBEnvironmentFrederictonNB2009$20,000 Provided funds in support of the New Brunswick Community Forest Alliance project of the Conservation Council of NB which brings together aboriginal & non-aboriginal communities from four regions of New Brunswick to draft a NB Community Forest Charter that protects the Acadian forest, allows community access and respects aboriginal treaties and spiritual
Green CommunitiesEnvironmentPeterborough ON2009$30,000 Provided funds in support of the Canadian Energy Poverty Network-Development Phase project of Green Communities. This is a new initiative to create a network to help fight energy poverty by creating a community of practice to disseminate information and participate in creating a sustainable
Pembina FoundationEnvironmentDrayton Valley AB2009$30,000 Provided funds in support of the Redfish School of Change project of the Pembina Foundation. The project provides leadership training for university students in environment and social justice while gaining university credit. It is a partnership between Pembina, Green Learning and the University of Victoria and emphasizes personal development and creating a more ecologically sustainable and socially just
Tides Canada CYCCEnvironmentVancouver BC2009$20,000 Provided funds in support of the Our Green Dream: Youth and Green Jobs in Canada project, a community-based, solutions-oriented project designed to enable Canadian youth to engage with the urgent economic, environmental and social challenges posed by climate
ACORN Institute CanadaHousingTorontoON2009$35,000 Provided a grant in support of the Inclusive Communities Project - an initiative aimed at addressing the shortage of affordable housing in Ontario by advocating for inclusive zoning measures to encourage housing developers to include/build units at market or below-market
Community FirstHousingSaskatoonSK2009$35,000 Provided a grant for staffing for the facilitation of the Affordable Housing Program of Quint Development Corporation in partnership with Community First. This project is a prior grant
Mennonite Central ComHousingKitchenerON2009$40,000 Provided a grant in support of the Circle of Friends project of the Mennonite Central Committee of Ontario. This project is aimed at breaking the cycle of homelessness through peer support and healthy relationships with community volunteers. CDF funds will support a research project aimed at tracking the cost-effectiveness of investing in peer support
Parkdale Activity-Rec CentreHousingTorontoON2009$30,000 Provided a grant in support of Taking it to the Streets: A Conversation At your Door project of the Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre. This Project is an innovative approach to “nimbyism” through direct door-to door conversations between local community residents and “ambassadors” who will ultimately live in the affordable housing development.http://.parc.onc.a
Antidote: Multiracial Girls & Women's NetworkAdult EducationVictoriaBC2009$65,000 Provided a grant in support of the Multiracial Family Project that is intended to increase awareness, skills & knowledge and community development interests of multi-racial individuals through workshops, a conference, theatre, website/on-line resources and a
MABELLEeartsAdult EducationTorontoON2009$20,000 Provided a grant in support of the We Make the Road By Walking Urban Revitalization project that works with poor and newcomer adults living at Mabelle (a Toronto Community Housing Corporation) in Etobicoke. CDF funds will support a range of adult skill building and tenant engagement workshops as well as arts-based workshops to develop active citizenship and critical consciousness skills.
Scarborough Women's CentreAdult EducationScarboroughON2009$8,000 Provided a grant in support of the Expanding the Reach: Empowering Women with Disabilities project that will provide educational workshops, build leadership skills and help develop independence for women with disabilities (mobility, deafness, depression & visual impairment)
Art of Living FoundationEnvironmentSaint-Mathieu-du-ParcQC2009$20,000 Provided funds in support of Deepening Roots - a program that promotes sustainable agricultural practices that provide high-yield, low-impact produce locally. CDF funds support
a summer intern program to develop leadership & interest in sustainable agriculture.
Foodshare TorontoEnvironmentTorontoON2009$30,000 Provided funds in support of the Good Food Markets: Bridging the Gap Between Low Income Communities and Local Farmers project focusing on providing access to healthy food to low income neighbourhoods and modeling environmental
Protected Areas Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (PAA)EnvironmentSt. John'sNL2009$20,000 Provided funds in support of the Conserving the Old-Growth Forests of the Rock project focusing on protecting unique old-growth balsam fir boreal forest, habitat protection for woodland caribous and a recovery habitat for the Newfoundland
Quebec Farmers AssociationEnvironmentLongueuilQC2009$10,000 Provided funds in support of the New Canadian Farmers Incubator Farm project focusing on providing opportunities for new farmers (new Canadians, young people, second career farmers) to receive training & mentorship, access to land, equipment and
Santropol RoulantEnvironmentMontrealQC2009$20,000 Provided funds in support of the Edible Campus Garden and Fresh Produce Baskets Program focusing on expanding the downtown McGill Campus garden to supply Santropol Roulant's meals-on-wheels program and supply fresh foods baskets to low-income families in Little Burgundy. This project will also engage in a process to address systemic barriers that make sustainable communities
Cornerstone Housing for WomenHousingOttawaON2009$38,354 Provided a grant for the Life Beyond Trauma project that builds upon existing services, to get at root causes of the symptoms present in the lives of homeless women, with the intended outcome of empowering & equipping them to secure permanent
Labrador Friendship CentreHousingHappy Valley-Goose BayNL2009$10,000 Provided a grant in support of a Housing Development Worker to help address the homelessness issue in Goose Bay by providing wrap around services and education for sustaining long-term
Smithers Community Services AssociationHousingSmithersBC2009$35,000 Provided a grant for a Housing Liaison Worker to provide transitional housing support for clients to enable them to find appropriate living space & liaise with appropriate service
YWCA DurhamHousingOshawaON2009$20,000 Provided a grant in support of a job & life skills facilitator & cook for Adelaide House, a 2nd Stage Transitional Housing project that provides accommodation, peer mentoring, counselling services, job skills development and job readiness
Common Ground CooperativeAdult EducationTorontoON2008$24,000 Provided a grant in support of the Communication Skills Enhancement Project which focuses on engaging adults with intellectual disabilities in a democratic process that could potentially lead to policy creation and advocacy for the intellectually
Frontier College FoundationAdult EducationTorontoON2008$10,000 Provided a grant in support of the Independent Studies Program, a community-based adult literacy program which provides educational support for people with multiple disabilities and social
Greater Edmonton AllianceAdult EducationEdmontonAB2008$26,000 Provided a grant in support of the Sustainable Works in Greater Edmonton project which will build leadership capacity, expand community organizing and train citizen leaders to become major problem-solvers in the face of global
Theatre for Living Society (Headlines Theatre)Adult EducationVancouverBC2008$50,000 Provided a grant in support of the Homelessness Project - "after homelessness", an interactive Forum Theatre production performed by people struggling with mental illness and/or addictions who are experiencing inadequate
Environmental DefenceEnvironmentTorontoON2008$30,000 Provided funds in support of the implementation of an Environmental Program in the Oneida Nation - a collaborative pilot project with the aim of creating a (First Nations) community-driven program to build community capacity which would lead to the protection of First Nations land, improved health and environmental sustainability.
Falls Brook CentreEnvironmentKnowlesvilleNB2008$30,000 Provided funds in support of the Food Miles: Shortening the distance from local farms to institutions project which works with the New Brunswick School District and the Carleton County Farmers' markets to create real connections between local farmers and local schools by calculating the economic, environmental and social costs associated with the transportation of foods over long
Hollyhock Leadership Institute (Sage Foundation)EnvironmentVancouverBC2008$10,000 Provided funds in support of the Social Change Institut - Building a movement for rapid and wise change project which will bring together environmental leaders to share learning, best practices and to tackle both the practical and the emotional/spiritual aspect of advocacy and social
Safe Drinking Water FoundationEnvironmentSaskatoonSK2008$20,000 Provided funds in support of the Community Framework for Safe Drinking Water project that would make resources available to rural (& First Nations) communities for analyzing source water and treated water on an ongoing basis for higher quality water with the smallest possible environmental footprint.
Community First Development Fund of SaskatoonHousingSaskatoonSK2008$26,000 Provided a grant for staffing costs for the facilitation and development of the Affordable Housing Project; a partnership between Community First Development Fund & Quint Development Corporation.htpp://
Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc.HousingKingstonON2008$19,523 Provided a grant in support of a Support Housing Program -Phase II for a new 24 one-bedroom transitional housing unit for formerly homeless youth and
Margaret Frazer HouseHousingTorontoON2008$40,000 Provided a grant for a Transitional Support Worker to provide
support to former women mental health survivors in a transitional housing environment where women can live cooperatively before finding independent longer term stable housing.
Tides Canada Foundation/The Tyee HousingVancouverBC2008$13,500 Provided a grant in support of a research project and monthly On-line news magazine focusing on finding solutions and ideas regarding affordable housing conducive to Canada's cultural, economic, and political
CIRS/Leadership CentreAdult EducationRed DeerAB2008$50,000 Provided a grant in support of the Leadership Networks Program - Community Adult Leadership Development Program of the Leadership Centre in partnership with the CIRS. The program is a unique, innovative, community-based program that empowers individuals to take on leadership roles to make a difference in the not-for-profit, business, government and community
Houston Link to LearningAdult EducationHoustonBC2008$70,000 Provided a grant in support of Learning Together: Rural Roots, a peer learning project between citizens and literacy practitioners in northwest BC. The project addresses profound social ills in remote, rural and aboriginal
University of VictoriaAdult EducationVictoriaBC2008$25,000 Provided a grant in support of University 101 program a free non-credit, introductory university course for participants who face barriers such as unstable housing, poverty and mental health issues in accessing post-secondary
David Suzuki FoundationEnvironmentVancouverBC2008$25,000 Provided funds in support of the BC Species Protection Act project . The DSF and a coalition of environmental groups is committed to securing a robust and comprehensive B.C. Species Protection Act that will protect species-at-risk and prevent species from becoming
Ecotrust CanadaEnvironmentVancouverBC2008$25,000 Provided funds in support of the Publication and Free Distribution of Moose II, a Landmark Aboriginal Mapping Textbook to be jointly published by Ecotrust Canada and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs. Moose II will give voice to Aboriginal experiences and spiritual connections to the Earth, will lead to large and concrete conservation gains in Canada's Boreal and Temperate forests, will incorporate cultural and ecological values in land use & development and will promote community
Faith & the Common GoodEnvironmentTorontoON2008$15,000 Provided funds in support of the Greening Sacred Spaces - Educational Resources project of Faith & the Common Good. "The Continuum of Engagement" resource will enable faith communities to identify a starting point and set objectives for "greening" their faith community, and "The Healthy Operations" resource will assist faith communities in changing their office and cleaning practices to be low impact &
Judith Marcuse Projects SocietyEnvironmentVancouverBC2008$45,000 Provided funds in support of EARTH=home 2009, a large-scale touring show that incorporates music, theatre, dance and multi-media technology. Based on three years of arts workshops with young people from diverse communities, EARTH=home explores their thoughts and feelings about the state of our planet and where we are taking it. EARTH=home
engages the broader community through post-show talk backs, presentations, Workshops, community events, web-based resources and media activities.
Santropol RoulantEnvironmentMontrealQC2008$20,000 Provided funds in support of Santropol Roulant's Building a Sustainable Food System Program with a focus on strengthening the food cycle and working towards a sustainable urban food system. This includes delivering meals on wheels via bicycle & foot, a Rooftop Garden Project, large-scale worm composting, and the Santrovelo Community Bike
SKETCH & Greenest CityEnvironmentTorontoON2008$20,000 Provided funds in support of From the Ground Up project that engages and empowers marginalized youth and adults in Parkdale as leaders in growing local food, strengthening community ties and developing skills and knowledge needed for a greener
Victoria Immigrant & Refugee Center SocietyEnvironmentVictoriaBC2008$10,000 Provided funds in support of the Multicultural Environmental Education Project for Newcomers. This project will created dialogue within Victoria's multicultural community about climate change and through partnerships with local environmental groups and the creation of multicultural climate change communications materials will increase environmental awareness and inspire
Bridge House (Kingston) IncorporatedHousingKingstonON2008$20,000 Provided a grant for the STAY (Supportive Transitional Accommodations for Youth) program that provides transitional housing for young women (16-24) and their children in crisis.
Canadian Mental Health Association (Hastings & Prince Edward Branch)HousingBellevilleON2008$20,000 Provided a grant in support of a Life Skills Worker who will work with tenants in CMHA's Homelessness Initiative to help develop skills that will increase their ability for successful independent
Eva's InitiativesHousingTorontoON2008$30,000 Provided a grant for the National Initiative Program. This program supports agencies building transitional housing, shares best practices, recognizes the innovative work of Canadian organizations, and through the creation of a National Learning Community on Youth Homelessness works in a collaborative forum with leading youth serving
FCJ Refugee CentreHousingTorontoON2008$15,000 Provided a grant in support of the Training and Capacity Building Through an Integrated Model of Service Delivery program. The goal is to prevent homelessness among the vulnerable sector of refugee claimants and other uprooted people at risk through training and capacity
Oolagen Community ServicesHousingTorontoON2008$30,000 Provided a grant in support of the Wraparound with Young Homeless Families program. This program assists young families to transition to permanent housing and collaborates and partners with other organizations to respond to the needs of this growing
Pacifica Housing Advisory AssociationHousingVictoriaBC2008$30,000 Provided a grant in support of Clover Place, a Housing First Model. This project will incorporate the philosophies of "housing first", "harm reduction" and "peer support" to create a comprehensive and inclusive approach in housing and support services for those individuals that are considered hardest to
CCEDNETAdult EducationOttawaON2007$80,000 Provided a grant in support of Adult Education of New Canadian Practitioners Working with Marginalized Immigrants & Refugees project. CCEDNET's mission is to support & promote community economic development to alleviate poverty, reduce unemployment & relieve suffering in economically challenged communities. CDF funds supported staff & project
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre Assoc.Adult EducationVancouverBC2007$40,000 Provided a grant in support of the Centre's Collaborative Learning, Capacity and Quality project that will help homeless & at risk of homelessness women develop structure and social networks using popular education, social development and community-based collaborative methods to enable them to transition into stable
NORTEPAdult EducationLa RongeSK2007$30,000 Provided a grant in support of the Aboriginal Knowledge Exchange Project (AKEP) of the Centre for Northern Research & Graduate Studies Education (a division of Nortep). This project will develop a collaborative community of aboriginal teacher education programs that will support and encourage the common exchange of knowledge specific to teacher education in an aboriginal
Seeds of Hope FoundationAdult EducationTorontoON2007$55,000 Provided a grant in support of the Yellow Door Learning Centre program at 6 St. Joseph House. This project integrates the arts (visual, media, music) with a supportive personal growth program to enable people in vulnerable circumstances (panhandlers, artists living on the edge, people dealing with addictions & mental health challenges) to re-establish connections to
Biosphere Institute of the Bow ValleyEnvironmentCanmoreAB2007$16,000 Provided funds in support of the second year of the Bow Valley Sustainability Hub project. Building upon a successful pilot year, the program will provide new programs - education & outreach to targeted sectors of community; awareness & engagement for local faith communities; sustainability displays in public venues; sustainability classroom programs and hands-on, how-to sustainability
C.A.N.O.E.EnvironmentTorontoON2007$20,000 Provided funds in support of the Youth Canoe Trip Leaders project. CDF funds will be used to help Develop and implement an environmental stewardship program in the Temagami wilderness for youth facing multiple barriers (economic, social, behavioural, learning)
Camp CosmosEnvironmentMontrealQC2007$10,000 Provided funds in support of the Environmental Education Resources project of Camp Cosmos. This project builds upon the success of the environmental education that camp participants experienced by providing a "take home" kit with materials that can be shared with family &
Canadian Network for Environmental Education & CommunicationEnvironmentWinnipegMB2007$20,000 Provided funds in support of the Building Capacity in Canadian Environmental Learning Initiative project. EECOM works strategically and collaboratively to advance environmental learning to ensure Canadians are environmentally literate, engage in environmental
stewardship and contribute to a healthy future.
Pembina FoundationEnvironmentDrayton ValleyAB2007$25,000 Provided funds in support of a renewable energy education project - Getting the Balance Right in B.C. The overall goal is to educate community leaders, policy makers & government officials in the price signals needed to encourage the uptake of renewable
Sustainability NetworkEnvironmentTorontoON2007$15,000 Provided funds in support of the Boreal Learning Network Project which brings together Canadian environmental non-profits focused on Boreal forest conservation to increase skills, strengthen campaigns, share best practices & increase their capacity to collaborate with First Nations
Theatre for Living Society (Headlines Theatre)EnvironmentVancouverBC2007$5,000 Provided funds in support of 2 Degrees of Fear and Desire - an intimate evening of theatre (without a play) about global
West Coast Environmental Law Research FoundationEnvironmentVancouverBC2007$14,000 Provided funds in support of the Design with Nature: Green Infrastructure As the Foundation of Sustainable Communities project. This project employs a "bottom-up" approach to sustainable community development by connecting decision-makers & communities with tools & resources that support smart growth & green
Windhorse Education FoundationEnvironmentNew GermanyNS2007$20,000 Provided funds in support of the Personalized Implementations of Alternative Energy Education program to provide alternative energy education to rural Nova Scotians through demonstration of on-site technologies and real-time monitoring for cost-effectiveness.
WWF-CanadaEnvironmentTorontoON2007$25,000 Provided funds in support of the Conservation First: The Northwest Territories Protected Areas Strategy project. WWF-Canada is collaborating with other conservation groups & First Nations communities to urge decision-makers to consider the adverse impacts of industrial development in the north.
Home Suite HopeHousingOakvilleON2007$18,500 Provided a second grant in support of the Intensified Facilitation Model for Families: Life-Skills Coach and Advocacy program. This particular program geared to supporting women & children builds upon earlier success with a men's
Humewood House AssociationHousingTorontoON2007$20,000 Provided a grant in support of the 1900 Sheppard Housing Project which provides 27 transitional housing units for young mothers at risk of homelessness. CDF funds support a portion of staff & program
Skyworks Charitable FoundationHousingTorontoON2007$36,700 Provided a grant for Home Safe - a documentary/community development project for and with homeless children & their families. Skyworks provides education and advocacy and community engagement through the documentary film medium. CDF funds support the community dissemination & staff costs associated with the
Canadian Hearing SocietyAdult EducationTorontoON2007$20,000 Provided a grant in support of the Literacy and Basic Skills Program offered to the hearing impaired in the GTA and Northern
Eritrean Canadian Community Centre of Metro TorontoAdult EducationTorontoON2007$25,000 Funding provided for the Literacy project in support of the adult literacy tutoring program for 32 adults and literacy training for four literacy
Hamilton Literacy CouncilAdult EducationHamiltonON2007$15,000 Provided a grant in support of the Wonderful World of Work Project– an employment based literacy program that focuses on life skills to equip participants to enter the workforce and retain
Laubach Literacy of CanadaAdult EducationOttawaON2007$18,000 Provides adult literacy training in a one-on-one approach. Funding provided for Phase II of the National Training Officer &Literacy Trainer Handbook
Regina & District Association for Community LivingAdult EducationReginaSK2007$40,000 Provided a grant in support of Campus for All - an integrated post-secondary education and literacy program for adults with intellectual disabilities.
FarmStartEnvironmentGuelphON2007$15,000 Provided funds in support of New Farmers, New Canadians Initiative pilot research, training and incubator farm to help new Canadians learn how to grow culturally appropriate products in ecological
Ignatius Jesuit Centre of Guelph (Collaborative for Ecology)EnvironmentGuelphON2007$50,000 Provided funds in support of Seeding the Future and Stations of the Cosmos which includes environmental education and organic agricultural
Labour Environmental AllianceEnvironmentVancouverBC2007$15,000 Provided funds in support of Toward a Toxin-Free Aboriginal Community: Mapping Cancer/Seton Band project which will help band members identify carcinogens and other
toxins which lead to cancer.
The Natural Step EnvironmentOttawaON2007$35,000 Funding provided for the Atlantic Canada Sustainability Initiative (ACSI) project - a year-long capacity-building program that will lead to tangible actions
toward sustainability by all participating organizations.
Recreation for Life Foundation EnvironmentEdmontonAB2007$20,000 Funding provided for the Greening of Alberta project with a specific focus on environmental education for
Sustainability Office - University of TorontoEnvironmentTorontoON2007$6,500 Funding provided for the Bikechain cycling education and resource centre, and bicycle lending project - a student initiative to encourage the use of an affordable, environmentally friendly sustainable method of transportation.
Interval HouseHousingTorontoON2007$49,000 Provided a grant in support of The Housing Program which assists women in accessing safe, affordable housing by liaising with prominent apartment owners and operators re affordable housing units, along with housing workshops; housing related counselling and a furniture
Sojourn HouseHousingTorontoON2007$34,000 Provided a second grant in support of the Trauma Counselling Project for refugees living in Sojourn's shelter & transitional housing
Victoria Women's Transition House SocietyHousingVictoriaBC2007$40,000 Provided a grant for Harrison Place - Housing Initiative for Abused Women project is an affordable transitional housing program for women aged 45-65 who have left abusive relationships and wish to reach their goal of living independently and abuse-free in the
Youth Without ShelterHousingEtobicokeON2007$10,000 Stay In School Program is a transitional housing program for youth that provides a stable living environment with an opportunity to finish
First Baptist ChurchAdult EducationOttawaON2006$25,000 Discovery University: Promoting Change Project provides opportunity for homeless individuals to access a university education.
Ft. St. John Enrichment Centre FoundationAdult EducationFt. St. JohnBC2006$20,000 Employment Project provides literacy and numeracy skills to special needs adults. Funds were provided in support of an Employment
Lunenburg Co. Assistive Technology CentreAdult EducationLunenburgNS2006$30,000 Providing Literacy & Computer Skills Development to Disabled project provides services and supports to clients with disabilities looking to enhance their literacy skills through technology.
P.A.L.S. Project Adult Literacy SocietyAdult EducationEdmontonAB2006$45,000 English as a Second Language Program provides programs that enable literacy and ESL students to network and develop skills.
Camp CosmosEnvironmentMontrealQC2006$10,000 Funding provided for the creation of an ecologically run and program centered camp for children from refugee, immigrant and low-income families - Camp Cosmos Environmental Education
Canadian Parks and Wilderness SocietyEnvironmentOttawaON2006$30,000 Provided funds in support of the Dumoine River Watershed Conservation Campaign. The goal is to establish a new protected area in southwestern Quebec and have lands not included subject to forest harvesting
Ecotrust CanadaEnvironmentVancouverBC2006$34,000 Provided funds in support of the Tsleil-Waututh Marine Stewardship Program. This program will measure the impact of human activity and pollution on the Burrard Inlet, Indian Arm and Vancouver's outer
Seniors Association of Greater EdmontonEnvironmentEdmontonAB2006$29,000 Funding provided for a Multicultural Senior Urban Farming Project that employs the SPIN (Small Plot Intensive Farming)
The Jane Goodall InstituteEnvironmentTorontoON2006$30,000 Funding provided for the Roots & Shoots “Leadership for Change” program which will help youth develop skills needed to lead local environmental and humanitarian
Aunt Leah's Independent Life Skills SocietyHousingVancouverBC2006$10,000 Provides a supportive housing program for young women to withdraw from drug addiction while birthing their babies. Funds were provided for the Thresholds Residential
Canadian Mental Health Assoc. (Hastings & Prince Edward Branch)HousingBellevilleON2006$25,000 Provides safe, supportive living arrangements for single adults, couples and youth through their Homelessness Initiative. Funds were provided for a part-time Cooperative Living Case
Community First Development FundHousingSaskatoonSK2006$25,000 Affordable Housing Program focuses on working with housing co-operatives to provide support for low-income families to become homeowners. Support comes in the form of mentorship, workshops, guidance and meeting facilitation. Funds were provided for staffing
Edmonton Mennonite Centre for NewcomersHousingEdmontonAB2006$15,000 Trinity Manor provides transitional housing along with a range of support services to refugees who have been assessed as having significant challenges to successful integration into Canadian. life. Funds were provided in support of a tenant
FCJ Refugee CentreHousingTorontoON2006$30,000 Provides temporary, affordable shelter, orientation and support to refugee women and their children. Funds were provided for The Settlement and Integration Program geared to transitioning women from shelters into self-sustaining living situations and for the Training and Capacity Building Through an Integrated Model program - an initiative aimed at empowering refugee claimants and other uprooted persons at risk of
Greater Edmonton AllianceHousingEdmontonAB2006$30,000 Provides community organizing and advocacy for low-income Tenants via their TASC Project (Tenant Action for Sustainable Communities). Their primary aim is to increase the stock of
affordable housing in Greater Edmonton. Funds were provided in support of staff.
North House ShelterHousingUxbridgeON2006$10,800 Provides transitional housing and a support program ("WrapAround") for the homeless. Funds were provided in support of their rent subsidies
Romero HouseHousingToronto ON2006$20,000 Provides resettlement of refugees in an atmosphere of friendship, in a community of equals and in a spirit of neighbourliness. Funds were provides for the Internship Program that enables young people from Canada and abroad to live and work with the refugees in the
Laubach Literacy of CanadaAdult EducationOttawaON2006$50,000 National Training Officer/Literacy Handbook Project provides adult literacy training in a one-on-one approach. Funding provided for a National Training Officer.
Norquest CollegeAdult EducationEdmontonAB2006$30,000 Refugee Settlement Program provides refugees with basic literacy skills & Canadian cultural competency to set the foundation for successful
Biosphere Institute of the Bow ValleyEnvironmentCanmore AB2006$20,000 Provided funds in support of Sustainability Hub of the Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley program that builds on the success of the Natural Step to a Sustainable Canmore. The goal is to create and support a culture of sustainability through education and outreach to schools &
Centre for Earth & Spirit SocietyEnvironmentSookeBC2006$15,000 Energy & Water Conserving Upgrades at the Centre for Earth and Spirit project provides practical & ecological solutions and social outreach to women, children, youth & inmates to address the degradation of the environment. Funds provided for upgrades to the facility to make it more energy
Falls Brook CentreEnvironmentKnowlesvilleNB2006$40,000 New Brunswick Organic Farm Apprenticeship Program is an innovative organic farming apprenticeship program that engages individuals, organic farmers & colleges in a collaborative effort to farm more environmentally
KAIROSEnvironmentTorontoON2006$20,000 Funding provided for the “Streams of Living Justice: Ecumencial Action to Protect Water as a Sacred Gift” campaign opposing the privatization of water services & the consumer trend to bottled
Toronto Kiwanis Boys & Girls ClubEnvironmentTorontoON2006$5,000 Funding for Green Thumbs/Growing Kids Program provided a community/school gardening and nature program that advances inter-religious/cultural cooperation & environmental awareness for children attending an inner-city
Home Suite HopeHousingOakvilleON2006$20,000 Increased Life-Coach Facilitation provides affordable housing & support for homeless via a social service facilitator to ensure residents move towards independence & self-sufficiency. Funding provided to increase the hours of the social service
St. Clare Multifaith Housing SocietyHousingTorontoON2006$40,000 Tenant Support Co-ordinator for 138 Pears provides a collaborative approach to housing development and support. Funds provided for a full-time tenant support worker to undertake additional programming such as supporting the community meal
ChrysalisAdult EducationEdmontonAB2005$32,500 ABC's of Job Readiness for Persons with Disabilities project provides literacy & jobs development skills for intellectually disabled
L'Arche Foundation of Greater VancouverAdult EducationBurnabyBC2005$5,000 Funding towards new computers & computer training for intellectually Disabled
Peel Literacy GuildAdult EducationMississaugaON2005$5,000 Provided funding for Literacy Materials Support Funding project to replace educational materials for this adult literacy
Ecologos InstituteEnvironmentMississaugaON2005$45,000 Spiritual transformation with an environmental focus. Project includes the "Universarium Travelling Fair" slated for presentation at Ontario Place in
Labour Environmental AllianceEnvironmentVancouverBC2005$15,000 Chemical Trespass: Protecting Environmental Health Through the Elimination of Toxins project is aimed at protecting environmental health through the elimination of toxins found in common household and workplaces products, while engaging workers, students and the general public in environmental education and advocacy.
Marmot Recovery FoundationEnvironmentNanaimoBC2005$10,000 Funding provided for a research project & field work in non-lethal predator
Daybreak Non-Profit ShelterHousingOttawaON2005$15,000 Housing Coordinator program provides supportive housing programs for single marginalized
Homelessness Action GroupHousingTorontoON2005$2,000 Provided funding for Policy Change Program to undertake public education & political advocacy group around the issues of
Sojourn HouseHousingTorontoON2005$53,000 Trauma Counselling Project provided trauma counseling for those living in the shelter to deal with post traumatic stress that is keeping them from fully integrating into Canadian
Edmonton Mennonite Centre for NewcomersAdult EducationEdmontonAB2005$14,000 Bridging the Gap Program provides an educational program for refugee
First Baptist ChurchAdult EducationOttawaON2005$25,000 Discovery University project provides literacy training opportunity for 32 homeless individuals to access a university education.
P.A.L.S. (Project Adult Literacy Society)Adult EducationEdmontonAB2005$9,000 Students for Students Project provides programs that enable literacy and ESL students to network and develop skills.
Federation of Ontario NaturalistsEnvironmentTorontoON2005$10,000 The Nature Network Legacy project is an initiative to engage more Multicultural communities in conservation work through
KAIROSEnvironmentTorontoON2005$31,200 "God's Water - Our Life" is a project to stop Canada's
support for water privatization by mobilizing the Church constituency, in solidarity with groups & social movements in developing countries working on water issues.
Saskatchewan Environmental SocietyEnvironmentSaskatoonSK2005$12,000 Saskatoon Pesticide Reduction provides an educational program to the public regarding the use of pesticides through the promotion of "Pesticide Awareness Week"
The Natural Step of CanadaEnvironmentOttawaON2005$45,000 Outreach and E-learning project's mission is to act as a catalyst to bring about systemic change, by making fundamental principles of sustainability easier to understand & implement through an on-line e course, case studies and outreach to the
Toronto Kiwanis Boys & Girls ClubEnvironmentToronto ON2005$5,000 Advancing inter-religious/cultural cooperation and environmental awareness through community/school gardening and nature programs (Green Thumbs/Growing Kids) for children attending Winchester Junior & Senior Public School and Riverdale Farm through Toronto Parks &
Aunt Leah's Independent Life Skills SocietyHousingVancouverBC2005$10,000 Provides a 6 to 9 month supportive housing program - "Thresholds" for young
Edmonton Mennonite Centre for NewcomersHousingEdmontonAB2005$15,000 First transitional refugee housing facility in Canada. Provides supportive programs at "Trinity Manor".
Metro Non-Profit HousingHousingDartmouthNS2005$10,000 Housing Support Centre - Program assists single adults who have been homeless or at risk of being homeless to create and maintain their homes.
Romero HouseHousingToronto ON2005$40,000 Internship Program provides transitional housing and assistance for refugees in
Stella Burry Community ServicesHousingSt. John'sNL2005$5,000 Community Support Program provides supported living arrangements to ex-offenders who are returning to the
Youth Without ShelterHousingEtobicokeON2005$10,000 Operates a residential "stay-in-school" program for homeless

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