Impact Investing, News
April 15, 2015
Zooshare Biogas Cooperative
The Catherine Donnelly Foundation Board recently invested in a $100,000, seven-year Community Bond issued by Zooshare Biogas Cooperative.
The funds being raised will assist in the development of a 500kW electricity generation facility at the Toronto Zoo. This is a $6 million project to construct North America’s first zoo-based biogas plant including a primary digester, two storage tanks and a generator connected to the local distribution grid and sold to the Ontario Power Authority. Fuel for the plant is 14,000 tonnes of inedible food waste from a major grocery retailer and 3,000 tonnes of animal manure from the zoo.
Considered complementary to the Foundation’s environmental focus, this attractive waste recycling, sustainable energy project is in keeping with the Foundation’s commitment to seek out companies investing in renewable energy, other low-carbon fuel sources, energy efficiency and other environmental initiatives that otherwise satisfy the Foundation’s investment quality standards.
For more information contact Desmond Wilson, Director of Finance